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Event coins

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by BrokenBoat, 6 Apr 2019.

  1. BrokenBoat

    BrokenBoat Member

    5 Jan 2019
    What’s up with the coin distribution?

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  2. Cavy

    Cavy Well-Known Member

    26 Feb 2018
    Unfortunately in ctf mode scoring a capture and simply time spent holding the flag earn far more coins then damage
  3. -729835959

    -729835959 Active Member

    11 Jul 2017
    where I stand.
    Yes, but you can get 9 coins only by damaging sometimes.
    I had a battle in one of the CTF events, friendly speeders captured 2 flags in this game, and I was returning the flags and damaging, the battle ended in less than 2 minutes.
    2 speeders got 10 coins each, and I got 9.
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    CTF coins have always been broken.
    1. Why should anyone on the losing team get more coins than support players on the winning team?
    2. It's impossible to win without flag protectors. Why don't they get rewarded the same as flag carriers?
    3. It's near impossible to carry the flag across the map and through enemies without escorts... why don't escorts get rewarded the same as flag carriers?
    benguin8, Cavy and Nikkie! like this.
  5. Micro

    Micro Active Member

    27 Feb 2019
    Thats Occupied
    Located in the atom
    i dont know i just help the flag carrier thats all.
  6. Cavy

    Cavy Well-Known Member

    26 Feb 2018
    Often there is someone on your team who’s too quick and gets to the flag first every time, not giving anyone else the opportunity to carry the flag, but they’re complete morons who prevent you from having a chance to win or even give the game away with stupid actions lol yet despite being the leading reason for your loss they’ll still get 8 or more coins lol
    Nikkie! likes this.
  7. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    The old Nitro/OB coin bonus.
  8. -729835959

    -729835959 Active Member

    11 Jul 2017
    where I stand.
    I think:
    1. The flag carrier in the losing team is just doing great, don't need to change these players' coin reward.
    2. Player do a lot of supports should reward more coins, but not always as same as the flag carrier.
    Carrying the flag will also stops the enemies to capture the flag, I think this is another protection. Capture the flag will let enemies spend time returning the flag, but teammates also have time to return our flag.
    But seems like other flag protectors' rewards are too low.(maybe they think that the enemies still took the flag from those protector...)
    Yes, but the flag carriers are usually the enemies' first target. Destroy the flag carrier could return the flag, or just let enemies spend a few seconds taking the flag.

    I think the coin reward system only needs 1 change : more coin rewards to those players who escorted the flag carrier and those players who returned the flag (flag protector).
    Last edited: 7 Apr 2019
    Theer Osiree and Nikkie! like this.
  9. -729835959

    -729835959 Active Member

    11 Jul 2017
    where I stand.
    Here's the similar one.

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  10. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Nope... the fact that the team lost is proof that the flag carrier didn't do well enough. If the flag carrier is the one that deserves all the credit for the win (usually 9-10 coins), when they lose they should take the brunt of the blame and get less coins than all players on the winning team. Having it both ways is evidence that something is amiss in CTF rewards.

    Look at Ranked/Casual. How often is it that losing players get more stars than winning players? It happens only when a losing player contributes substantially more than others in the match. In CTF, most matches have losing flag carriers getting more coins than winning players.

    The goal of the game is to WIN, not to piddle around with the flag off on the other side of the map. If the system is that easy to game, then it's a broken reward system.

    I propose the following changes needed for CTF:
    • Teamwork should be promoted with a "drop flag action" for all ships. An efficient flag delivery frequently involves a handoff of the flag from teammate to teammate. The fact that you don't have a "drop flag" action for all boats takes away from that potential.
    • Match rewards should be similar to ranked's Infamy adjustment... everyone on the winning team gets about the same number of coins and everyone on the losing team should also get about the same number of coins. Those coins can be adjusted slightly by contribution level, which can involve damage, protecting the flag, returning the flag, escorting the flag, passing off the flag to a teammate, etc. All the things that lead to a WIN are what should go into the rewards calculation. Flag carrying time shouldn't be the measure of reward because it doesn't promote teamwork, it promotes selfish keeping of the flag to the possible detriment of the outcome of the match. And, again, it's easy to game the CTF rewards system.
    In other words, because CTF is a team event, rewards should reflect it
    Theer Osiree likes this.
  11. -729835959

    -729835959 Active Member

    11 Jul 2017
    where I stand.
    Well events can get many coins when losing.
    And capture the flag is much harder to score 1 point, so if the flag carrier nearly scored 1 point or the player scored 1 point but failed to scored 2 points, I think they are doing a good job.
    The coin reward system is not same as the star reward system.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  12. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    This is how you justify this lop-sided reward system? "it's ok to be different than the more fair reward system?"

    I'd agree with the current reward system if the matches were 1v1. I'd love that... bring it on Rovio!
  13. -729835959

    -729835959 Active Member

    11 Jul 2017
    where I stand.
    fair to teams more or fair to players more, I don't think one of these is more fair than the other one.
  14. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    As I stated, it's NOT fair to any player not carrying the flag.
  15. -729835959

    -729835959 Active Member

    11 Jul 2017
    where I stand.
    Yes, it is, so I think that the system needs to give them more coins.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  16. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    The more productive discussion is this: what are the metrics to be used as input for coins?

    • Flag carrying time
    • Damage (a distant second)
    Need more of
    • Escorting (how to measure?)
    • Flag protection (making sure to account for return steals)
    It's why many of us go back to lobbying that rewards should be pretty close to equal for all teammates.
    Last edited: 8 Apr 2019
    -729835959 likes this.

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