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Match making

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Micro, 22 Mar 2019.

  1. Micro

    Micro Active Member

    27 Feb 2019
    Thats Occupied
    Located in the atom
    Lot of us loses infamy every day or gaine bu some of players cant even regain infamy for example. Player A is a level 50 has 0 infamy and and all his team and his enemies are above 1800 - 1900 its hard to regain. eventhough he have a good weopon and setup he will get harder and harder to regain infamy and might not play the game anymore. I dont like that kind of match up
  2. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018

    you should not post about new items . because Rovio these days more interested in introducing new items . this post is what we need . there are lots of players who lost 1000+ infamy now they are in a trap because they still keep getting battles against 3-4k infamy players but because they are now at master league so they can't fleet with 3-4k infamy players . some are now under 1000 infamy . recently even AM lost infamy while having 14000 gear score . he said in chat he reached 3100 something from Nightmare then recovered some infamy now he is at 3600 . they should rebalance the game . improve match making . make a infamy system based on individual performance so players can gain infamy without depending on what 4 team mates in his/her team did . just like even if 3 of team mates die in last then minute but 2 players able to give a good battle even if they don't win they can still get 7-8 coins sometimes even 10 coins . so if they make a system which can give infamy based on individual performance then it will represent the real rank of a player .
  3. Micro

    Micro Active Member

    27 Feb 2019
    Thats Occupied
    Located in the atom
  4. Micro

    Micro Active Member

    27 Feb 2019
    Thats Occupied
    Located in the atom
    Ok Btw on my new item suggestions are just ideas i kniw tjat it will not implemented on the game duh.

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