Hi guys.I am HAPPY SITHSHA and I am new to this forum.Now I have become a member.
I want to tell my suggestions to this game.Hope you guys like it.I want to hear your suggestions.
Two New Boats:
Cruise the Bay with the new
BATTLE CRUISER or challenge your rivals with the new
CHALLENGER.These two boats are unique.
BATTLE CRUISER will have a good speed and boat agility as good as speeder but not as speeder and comparatively some greater health than Speeder.
CHALLENGER will have turret agility as good as Enforcer and some extra health but slow speed of Defender.
From the introduction of the two boats,I am introducing violet items to this game.I will tell about that later.
BATTLE CRUISER will be in indigo colour with red and yellow shade and
CHALLENGER will be in violet colour with red and green shade.The slots of the two boats are as follows:
3 Red Slots with max 5 slot points,2 Blue Slots with max 4 slot points,1 Yellow with 1 or 2 slot points and finally 2 Violet slots with max 3 slot points.MAX SPEED:
2 Red Slots with max 4 slot points,3 Blue Slots with max 4 Slot Points,1 Green Slot with 1 or 2 slot points and finally 2 Violet Slots with 4 slot points.MAX SPEED:
Any suggestions for these ideas are welcome.
Any suggestions from Antisnipe,Caffeinated Chris,Ash Kot,The Grim Repair,Miika,Pinecone,Harpo,Help I can't swim or any other captains?

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