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Is training talents worth it?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Anonim23, 26 Feb 2019.

  1. Anonim23

    Anonim23 Member

    12 Jan 2019
    Training talents gives XP which increses your captain level. But each time I level up I get matched agianst stronger opponents with double my HP and double my damage. It happened quite a lot that I get matched against speeders with more health than my shoter. Every time this happens I have to spend a lot of gold to level up my ship and tons of parts to level up my weapons at least a tier or 2. I only play casual mode so I don't care about ranked. I know that talents can improve weapons A LOT but is it really worth it?
    Sidd gamer and Aether_Zero like this.
  2. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    They are essential, eventually it will level out and you will be on an even playing field.
    The buff to your items from talent training is insane.
    Ho Aerp, Alpakaa, Sidd gamer and 10 others like this.
  3. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    Absolutely worth it. Each level adds a certain amount of extra power, range, crit chances etc. I've got a T5 Epic Blast cannon... It hits for 1600 average, but about 2500 if targets on fire. The talents are an essential component of the bay tbh. And try ranked, you may get more rewards. I know it ain't easy for new folks, and matchmaking can be a total cluster..... But keep pushing and you'll have some awesome battles in the future.
    Back when I was a MK4 Enfo main, I was pitched against MK6 & MK7 shooters with like triple my HP. They can be beaten, and it's so satisfying to see. Give me a shout on here if you want me to give you some tips and tricks in game, and I'll send my tag over
  4. Flynndawg

    Flynndawg Well-Known Member

    22 Jun 2017
    Definitely worth it.. for example as a fixer down on the fixer tree is an ability to remove stuns and frost with your repair bolt. (this is critical at times to get your teammates back in the fight and resume healing) (because if they are stunned.. likely the speeder or ship that stunned them has the ability to block healing with their stun which is down the captain tree for stuns)
    Sidd gamer and Redneck Messiah like this.
  5. Anonim23

    Anonim23 Member

    12 Jan 2019
    On my main account I trained a lot on the explosive cannon which is my favourite weapon. Before the training one shot from this weapons would take more than 10% of the enemy's HP. After the training I got matched against stronger ships with more HP. Now my explosive cannon won't even take 8% of their HP with one shot, although it's damage has increased substantially through training. I ended up dealing less damage (in terms of % from the HP than before because the enemies are stronger) than before. I recently started playing speeder on my second account and I don't want to make the same mistake. On my main account I struggle not to die with the same setup (even more upgraded) while on my second account I have no problem.

    Aether_Zero I would love to hear your tips and tricks. Can you please post them in this thread or make a new one?
    Sidd gamer and Aether_Zero like this.
  6. Flynndawg

    Flynndawg Well-Known Member

    22 Jun 2017
    So you got stronger and faced stronger enemies and you didn’t like that ?
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  7. Anonim23

    Anonim23 Member

    12 Jan 2019
    If I get stronger and they get 2x stronger than me it means that I get weaker. As I mentioned in my previevous post my damage in therms of % from enemy HP decreases with every captain level and also my HP si nothing compared to their damage against my ship. As a speeder I died with full health by running into a single mine. With every captain level I have to spend tons of parts to upgrade my weapons even more and also upgrade my ship level just to keep up. When I started the game I used the gatling gun a lot so I trained it. This made me level up, but now I replaced the gatling gun with another weapon so the training for it doesn't make me stronger because I don't use this weapon anymore, but I still get matched against stronger opponents because of that. This has happened with several other weapons which I don't use anymore. How is this fair?
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  8. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    I'll send you a message later buddy, and we'll sort some custom games out ;)
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Well... With great power comes great responsibility! xD
    I mean, that's the best way I can put it. As you progress in the game, in ANY PvP game, you'll gain OP powers. And your enemies will have the same OP powers, since you go up in level. The fact that the power gained by your enemies is disproportionate... Is unfortunate. But you can fight through it, with more skill or better movement.

    As a speeder, I can tell you that mines are bad, mines in event are worse... And speeder in the event is just a disastrous idea (unless it's CTF). Events are a chance to try new ships, do that there. Play the more hardy ships. Like a shooter for example. Or an enforcer.

    In Ranked, as a speeder. You have to understand that knowing where mines are and the possible bypass routes, as well as having good battle sense, is far more important than just having OP assassination tools. I once won a 1v2 against two Ace 1 shooters with just a t2 epic mine and a t5 epic blast cannon. It took me a full three minutes, but I managed. Firepower is good. Mapsense and gamesense carry you further.

    TL;DR Yeah, trainings are necessary. Keep them coming at a rate you can sustain (and ofc have someone training at all times if possible). But don't forget to polish your skills. They come in handy too.
    Sidd gamer and Nikkie! like this.
  10. Anonim23

    Anonim23 Member

    12 Jan 2019
    I just started playing speeder so I'm still learning. The mine death thing happened in a regular match not in event. I agree with all you said about picking ships for events. Also ometimes I find myself shooting at the enemy with my team and suddenly I am surrounded by a mine field. I dont't know if it's freindly or enemy. They should really add colors to mines for that reason. I still don't find it fair that because I trained a weapon that I don't use anymore, such as the gatling gun or standard mortar, I level up andI I have to face stronger opponents while I haven't got any stronger. They should really fix this and also they should really focus on gear score as primary match making metric instead of captain level or adjust the captain level depending which weapons you equiped your ship with.
    Sidd gamer and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  11. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    Its worth training your main setup items . but suggestion about try ranked you will get more reward is not worth enough you can end up losing 200-300 infamy some have even lose 1000-2000 infamy . ranked game experience is to bad even if they give 100k gold for losing battle its not gonna be worth . lol
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  12. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I feel like you are both asking a rhetorical question and pointing out a major issue in the system.

    1. Training is the most important thing you can do in this game

    2. Casual and Event matchmaking uses Captain Level as primary. IMO that's a major flaw, because Events and Casual were intended to be based on Gear Score, but Rovio is too lazy to adjust Gear Scores by specific item training. The result is a highly flawed matchmaking system, and it affects Captain 49+ more than any other because L50 only means you are half trained, so "low" L50 and "high" L50 are treated the same. The good news? It makes more sense than ranked matchmaking.
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  13. Anonim23

    Anonim23 Member

    12 Jan 2019
    I agree that training is VERY important, but in my opinion, with this flawed matchmaking the cons outweight the pros. The only exception are the items with special skills such as the carronade or sniper cannon and even then you have to be sure you're gonna use it on the long term or you will end up facing stronger opponents while you don't get any stronger.
  14. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Let's face it, if your items aren't trained up, they are largely ineffective.

    The way to game the system with captain level matchmaking is laser focus on training only the items you equip on your ship.
  15. mustbeunique

    mustbeunique New Member

    26 Jan 2019
    Is for item boost but not once you hit 50 -- you lose all that experience and it seems they will never raise past LVL 50
  16. Anonim23

    Anonim23 Member

    12 Jan 2019
    I recently leveled up on my second account and now I only face peolpe with rare and epic weapons while I have only uncommon. I even got killed by a single carronade hit by a shooter from almost full health. I shouldn't face opponents like this with my boat and equipment.
    My boat:
  17. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    You need to strike a balance. Training is important, but you shouldn’t prioritise it over upgrading weapons, and I would be careful about training up ‘non-essential’ stuff too early, as that might inflate your captain level, above where you’re comfortable.

    Focus on your blue items and your best weapon first, then branch outwards. Running two of the same weapon will allow you to get more out of a single training.
    Nicolas and Nikkie! like this.
  18. Anonim23

    Anonim23 Member

    12 Jan 2019
    I used to be a shooter main before I started playing speeder so a lot of my talents are for weapons that I don't use anymore. I wish I had known sooner aboutthe danger of inflating captain level. This happened to my main account where I can barely win a 2 out of 5 matches IF I have a good team. On this account I invested all my parts in the carronade and explosive cannon so I can't upgrade them anymore. Unfortunetly this goes the same for yellow and blue items where I can't upgrade baecause I don't have duplicates. I whish I could reset my talents but unfortunately I can't.
  19. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    The XP received after level 50 should be converted to something.
  20. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    This discussion saddens me as Captain Level should have nothing to do with matchmaking. All it represents is some expenditure of time/sugar/pearls, nothing to do with skill and only coincidental relationship with the items on a boat.

    Matchmaking based on Gear should be done on Item output that reflects training of that item. Matchmaking based on Infamy should be based on Infamy. Should be that simple.

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