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Infamy tanking penalty

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by envylife, 17 Dec 2018.

  1. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I'm going to throw this on here from Discord for discussion

    I'm dismayed to find that
    1. Zeus starts by telling me I don't know how tanking penalty works. I'm literally straddling that line as we speak, so I know exactly what the boundaries are and the penalties incurred, and so do my guildmates in the same situation. We avoid ranked for this reason.
    2. He neither acknowledges the problem, offers solutions, or consolation for penalizing players who don't deserve it... as a resul tof the mess he has created with perpetual Events conflicting with Ranked matches.

    Honestly it's a bit insulting to be responded to in this way, pretending the Infamy issue doesn't exist. He also has the misconception that players are in Events because the rewards are greater. I'd assert that Star boxes reward more than Green perks...anyone disagree? (Ship pieces are just tiny increments in a year-long quest to get a usable boat.)

    For more info on Infamy situation, please see this well written thread on the current state of Infamy https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/the-issue-with-infamy.23771/

    RACK STAR Member

    17 Oct 2018
  3. GrizzlyMoose

    GrizzlyMoose Active Member

    19 Dec 2017

    So, enlighten me. How do you think it works? I've been told that if your infamy drops by 800?

    I am curious because I recently jumped in infamy by +1200( 2 seasons ago ) and went from Master 1 to Ace 2.

    It was short lived however and I dropped back to somewhere around -900 during the next season. Now I find that no matter how well I perform in Battle I am not obtaining stars.

    Obviously I have been flagged and penalized for the drop. I can guarantee you I didn't intentionally tank. It was like everyone on my team was still in the TDM mode and kept making suicidal runs.

    I do agree that Star chests are more valuable. I play events now and choose perks. I will probably never get the new ships to a playable lvl so they are just a place to store duplicates. At least with the perks you can sell them for gold.
    Su-57 and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    800 is not the hard limit as it likely varies based on your peak Infamy.

    If you are a NML player at 5500 Infamy and get reset to 4000 you will incur no penalty... which makes sense.. they didn't drop on purpose. NML players could start risking tanking penalties at 3200 Infamy, but it's more lenient than that. My recent peak was 3400, and I took an initial hit after NML Reset (anyone over 3000 sees lots of NML players in their matches), and with infrequent ranked playing in-between Events I eventually fell as low as the 2100's.... a 1300 point drop.

    I think penalties for me started at 2500-ish (-900), and Gold/Sugar rewards start getting scaled back the lower I went, along with Stars... By the time I was under 2400 I was getting 4-8k Gold rewards per match and no stars. Being used to 35-50k rewards per battle you can imagine how much incentive is left to play ranked. I'm still in the 2300's, still getting no rewards, haven't tried in days. 2300 is an awkward Infamy, about half the players are untrustworthy, so it feels tougher to get wins than it was in the 3000's when you could rely on most teammates to play with a brain, but part of that is also being used to the Event respawn mentality.

    This is consistent with others' experiences. NML players are all camping around the 4000 mark, so everyone is pushed down, and minimal ranked play is happening. Rumor has it the tanking penalty will let up over time, but I don't know what timeframe that is... this is my second season out of Ace I, and 5th week under 3k. Event matches still have me playing with NML players with plenty +2000 Infamy and +1500 Gear Score players, so it's actually less fair than what's going on in Ranked, and thus my Event rewards are actually lower than what I'm used to in Ranked matches. That conflicting dichotomy of matchmaking is just a headscratcher.
    Ultrah, TheAntiSnipe and GrizzlyMoose like this.
  5. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    As a follow-up, I was coerced into ranked matches today and found out my tanking penalty has been removed, at 2230 Infamy, approx 1200 lower than my recent high. This is approximately my 5th week under 3k so I would guess once you go through two full seasons it will reset the max it uses in the tanking penalty. So there you go... that's everything you need to know about the secret tanking penalty formulas in a nutshell.

    But I'll just reiterate again, this punishment hit the wrong players, and was ultimately a side effect of a systemic issue brought on by the Devs, not individuals trying to game the system. I've gone to great lengths discussing the problems with the NML Reset long before getting caught up in this mess... and this proves I was right all along... too bad the devs don't understand their own game.
    RACK STAR and Mad_Bulls_007 like this.
  6. Friscomachine

    Friscomachine New Member

    30 Sep 2018
    is this the reason i see legendary weapons in challenger III league?
  7. GrizzlyMoose

    GrizzlyMoose Active Member

    19 Dec 2017
    I would think not. Some people have gotten legendary weapons from achievements.

    If your loadout is using the multiples of the same weapon obviously you will receive the legendary weapon like it faster.

    This is especially true since the continuous events started and you see mine and fb spamming.

    It does take time, but 10m damage is really not a lot if you only use 1 weapon.
    RACK STAR likes this.
  8. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    I like to play events , because Infamy system is not good it should be based on player performance not based on team .. lots of time during event i have seen people playing normal battles as event . they just run into unfriendly and get sinked . once my infamy was dropped from almost 400 to 150 then i dig it again to reach 700+ but now its 600+ . I don't like to play Infamy just because i feel so uncomfortable about loosing infamy due to bad match making or team player who suicide .
  9. GrizzlyMoose

    GrizzlyMoose Active Member

    19 Dec 2017
    So, it seems that 900 IS the magic number.

    I have finally increased my infamy to within 900 of my all time high and am now earning stars.

    Battle rewards (sugar and gold) are still quite low.
    envylife likes this.
  10. Shamus-6-6-6

    Shamus-6-6-6 New Member

    18 Apr 2017
    This is garbage, I have dropped 1600 infamy in a week due to horrible matchmaking and now they take away my battle stars as punishment. Never tanked a game ever and am really considering cancelling my vip subscription because of it, big eff you Rovio. Not cool.
    TinCanSon and Su-57 like this.
  11. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Moral of the story... don't play ranked.
  12. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    I have stopped playing Ranked . after event i played on casual and say how players rush to die . i am at 1322 infamy another losing strike like last time , i will just lose master league badge . now lots of ace league players also have warrior badge so its just don't feel good anymore .

    but it was good few updates ago . i used to play ranked more often .
  13. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    In the past I have been a proponent of forcing players into ranked, but now I think that's a really bad idea... there aren't enough players, and Rovio isn't interested in fair matchmaking.

    Casual is the only reason I play between Events, so if that is yanked for some reason, that'll be the first shoe to drop.
  14. DerrickRose

    DerrickRose Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    So...Do you think current infamy system works how you expected as you think they work?

    Potential exploitation? I kinda satisfied you developers recognized it's so crappy work as you admitted
    Last edited: 18 Mar 2019
    envylife likes this.
  15. Anonim23

    Anonim23 Member

    12 Jan 2019
    I know it's a very dumb question, but can somebody please tell me what "infamy tanking" means?
  16. -729835959

    -729835959 Active Member

    11 Jul 2017
    where I stand.
    Lost too many infamy,and system only gives you 50% rewards after battles.
  17. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Oh it goes much lower than -50%.... can get to near zero.
  18. -729835959

    -729835959 Active Member

    11 Jul 2017
    where I stand.
  19. mustbeunique

    mustbeunique New Member

    26 Jan 2019
    Yep went from 2900 to 2200 (for no good reason on my end)-- don't want to hit that 800 threshold. So just stop playing regular games (Only casual and events) for me

    Edit: I tried one - horrible our team had a 0 and 200 infamy player -- needless to say we lost
    Last edited: 20 Mar 2019

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