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What are MVP people doing right now? Talk to Dev regarding match making issues. BB is sinking

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by DerrickRose, 15 Mar 2019.

  1. DerrickRose

    DerrickRose Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Dear MVP
    What is your job? Your job should be not just monitoring the forum and blocking idiots.
    Didn't you guys read those serious articles regarding the stupid matchmaking? Do something if you guys really care BB.
    Talk to Dev. Talk to whoever in charge. Tell them how serious this is and tell us some feedbacks Do anything because so many people are leaving now.
    Do something if you are real MVP.
    Do something, please... I spent too much money on this game.. lol
    Sidd gamer, Su-57 and Nikkie! like this.
  2. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    BB trying to get some more $$$ in end time by introducing new items and boats.
    HappyUnicorn789 and Sidd gamer like this.
  3. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Pretty weird post to be honest. Firstly, monitoring the forum and blocking idiots is exactly what the MVP system was created for, so the dev team can spend less time reading the forums and more time doing updates. Oh and they do send the best suggestions to the dev team too, so I don't understand what more would you expect them to do?

    Also keep in mind that they do not get compensated for their efforts at all so it's not exactly their responsibility to do anything. That's what the paid staff is for.
  4. Nikkie!

    Nikkie! Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2018
    Baaa, I’m a pig (I am out there!)
    Check my information out! “About you”
    If I could I’d give like 1000 likes for this :D
    HAPPY SITHSHA and Sidd gamer like this.
  5. DerrickRose

    DerrickRose Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Dang if that’s only reason MVP exist for..
    it’s understandable why most of them are not active in the forum
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  6. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    As an MVP our job is to help manage the community, primarily here on the forum.
    So we do stay online as much as possible, we do block the spam when we see it, and generally try to help where we can.
    When game issues are raised, we do pass on to Rovio (several times per day), but that my friend is where our MVP powers expire.
    You see, we are just players like you, we are not Rovio employees and we do not have the power to make any changes to the game.
    Some of us do also help out on Discord, myself included and try and do the best we can for the community, and may I add we do this FOR FREE.
    Rovio have acknowledged a lot of the points we have mentioned BUT we have no idea of the workload behind the scenes, and where there priorities lie etc.
    For what it is worth I have requested again this week that we are able to spend sugar in the store, not just gold, and Rovio have agreed to trial it (its live now) to see how it affects the economy.
    I totally appreciate you are frustrated, many players are but directing your anger at MVPs for not doing enough is not on.
  7. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I wanted to comment this particular part more. Don't you think that those in charge are not aware of what's happening on this game. I can assure you, even if this game is not Rovio's top title, it's still a multi-million investment for them and companies tend to take their millions seriously. Those managers who are responsible for this game probably know all the problems you know and little more. But the reality is that business world is not so simple. It's easy to say matchmaking sucks but I haven't seen you offering any alternative solutions?

    Once they decided to make this game p2w, there's no easy route back. Now it's easy to argument that it was a wrong move by Rovio to even start with, but who could've known that when this game launched in 2016/2017. That was the time when p2w games like Clash Royale were still booming. It's just natural that Rovio wanted a piece of that cake so they couldn't predict the soon-coming decrease of that payment model.

    As a player I believe it's extremely healthy for gaming industry that more games are shifting towards cosmetic sales only, but for BB it's way too late to turn back now.
    Nikkie! and Ash KOT like this.
  8. Flipscuba

    Flipscuba Well-Known Member

    22 Aug 2017
    Have you ever read the MVP chat? It is C A N C E R. Seriously, the only people who use MVP chat are literally the worst people in this game. Back when I still paid for MVP I would pray they would give an option to disable MVP chat, because every time I looked in there it was just stupid, angry people yelling at each other.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  9. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    That's VIP, not MVP. VIP is a subscription service with ingame benefits. MVPs are forum moderators (an abbreviation of Most Valuable Poster).
    Nikkie! and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  10. Flipscuba

    Flipscuba Well-Known Member

    22 Aug 2017
    OH HAHA! Whoops.
    Nikkie! and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  11. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    That's not entirely true. They could release a BB v2.0 with revamping of progression and selling of cosmetics. They could tweak the existing code base just enough to feel like a new game and then actually advertise it.... something that every game does except BB.
    ShinkuMoon and Nikkie! like this.
  12. Ser Tomaz

    Ser Tomaz Active Member

    24 Dec 2017
    the game needs rework on game modes and rank system, not MM
  13. mustbeunique

    mustbeunique New Member

    26 Jan 2019
    I see MVP have nothing to do with it really.. Don't think the devs care what they say either. This should be apparent by now

    Thats an excuse ohhh the model is p2w, sorry can't fix.. Of course they could they just don't seem to want to.

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