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Add new Captain levels, pretty please, & more!

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Djradnad, 14 Mar 2019.

  1. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    I think it would be great to have new captain levels, not just as a goal to play towards for veteran players, but also to earn more of that sweet sweet gold (although you would think sugar to be sweet hehe)
    personally I think it would be great to have a bit of a boost to the care packages because sometimes I dont even want to play enough for the battle multipliers (which are actually quite nice now)
    Also, I believe that I players have overflowing gold, and are craving more parts than pieces/cells, they will find themselves spending pearls to refresh the shop.
    So, just in general, having more levels would be quite nice!

    Ive thrown together a nice doc showing my take on how new levels could look.. in reality perhaps your data could tweak them of course (that is if there is any interest to add levels at all)

    Check out the attached document, and I am going to also reply on this thread with my ideas on event perks :)

    Attached Files:

    Piku, Nicolas, Nikkie! and 1 other person like this.
  2. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    Now my idea for event perks:

    I think that the regular perks somewhat have taken a backseat to the event perks, and even before then I have been scrapping some I get from raffle, and I have completely ignored the perks available in the shipments even long before that...

    My Idea is to be able to Fuse Perks!
    1. you could fuse 2 different Regular perks into an event perk (so for instance an epic cannon dmg and an epic range perk can become a "reach" cannon dmg).
    2. you could fuse 2 of the same Event perks into a higher rarity.

    I think this would pair nicely with increased gold for higher captain levels, as some players would crave certain event perks enough to buy perks from the shop.


    now there are a couple of negative aspects to event perks currently, and this is mostly with the Legendary perks.
    I have no perfect solution to these issues, but I would like to mention some options, but also heed warning of the downsides to the options.
    They have been too easily gained, but now event coins expire.
    I think they should only be attained by combining epic event perks, but its been about a year since their release, so the only way to combat the issue would be to take everyones perks down a rarity where the epics are what you will have attained at 900 ( which is still great since they are worth 2 epic regular perks) but the largest downside here is that some players that equipped epic or rare event perks which were completely superior to the epic regular perks would be very upset that they are no longer superior ( also this isnt so bad since most people already went through something similar when they changed their turbo speed perks for hp perks, but I wont really get too much into that topic of OP turbos in this)
    The way I suggested events to be is that 800 coins get you an epic, you can hold only 800 coins, but they dont expire. you can only buy 40 of the 20coin boxes per event, but after that you can buy them with pearls.

    well, ive said all i wanted to say. this has been my long rant thread of this month hehe
    Nikkie! and Su-57 like this.
  3. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Too much to read as usual. I agree in general with increasing max cpt lvl to lvl80.
    See you when I'm done with the rest.
    Djradnad likes this.
  4. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    Hmm, it may actually be better to do lvl 80 like you say, because I think the xp for lvl 100 would take too many games (but I don’t know the exact numbers you get from training) I’ll attach a lvl 75 version to this post with easier lvl requirements

    EDIT: I probably could’ve made the care package amount at 20% on this version hehe

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: 14 Mar 2019
    Nicolas likes this.

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