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[Patch Notes] v. 2.4 "We're gonna need a bigger boat"

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Zeus, 22 Jun 2017.

  1. ~CanadianGoddess~

    ~CanadianGoddess~ Member

    25 Jun 2017
    Ontario, Canada
    Really hope the update turns out as good as it sounds... But still, the changes seem to be pretty darn good!
    TheAntiSnipe and Mr squiqqle like this.
  2. OniZoro

    OniZoro Member

    19 May 2017

    This x1000.

    Matchingmaking is ok imo but the rest is 100% true. Idiotic update mostly catering to the whales and okay-ish balance changes. "Introducing mk7s!" kiss my ass fam
  3. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Your game is going to shit. Even the veterans are all throwing matches now, just to piss off all the legendary owning players. Like x.x.x who is bragging in VIP about doing it... Here the screen shot of him bragging about it. He has 14k matches and is lvl 50, yet uses all common items in a match... It's bullshit.

    SCOOTY PUFF Jr likes this.
  4. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Currently with perks you can do perma overboost.
    That is OP. Needs a nerf

    And that comes from an OB epic perk using speeder.
  5. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    Check it out on Facebook..... he can be warned by doing that.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  6. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I dont condone this behaviour, but for me it speaks (again) to making the infamy level you are playing at meaningful and the league rewards worth it.

    Until rovio addresses this, people will keep doing it.

    I mean, i worked my ass off since global to get to ace 2 and my reward for doing so? (Outside of top 10) 1 epic piece and 30 epic parts.

    Of which i can get the same thing from the shop for less than 600k gold.

    2 weeks effort should reward far more than a couple of hours farming.
  7. killerkeshav

    killerkeshav New Member

    25 Jun 2017
    Plz make an update for team fleets

    make an update of team fleets
    Last edited by a moderator: 26 Jun 2017
  8. r4z

    r4z Member

    7 May 2017
    sorry dude but you at 800 infamy with mk3 - are not in the medium - low legue, you are in the "I just started playing the game I shoot at shit that moves " league.
    You probably have a few rares , and out of those only one got nerfed - and of course you are against it.

    The scale I'm talking of is investments in the millions of gold and 100's of hours in boats and items.I'm talkign investments in epic/legendary items, I'm talking mk5-6.
    You don't just "get smarter" when your main kit gets nerfed to shit, you can't "smartly" pull more kit out of your arse, you have invested everything in the specific kit - because the drops are shaite and options limited, because if you don't level-up items their uselfuness is very low, beuase leveling up those items its taking a lot of resources - you can't afford to have backup kit laying arround - you scarp it.

    Thats why the f2p or small spenders can't recover after something like this, and thats why this gives the big spenders an even bigger advantage.
    GhostYasuo, OniZoro and Kitterini like this.

    RAJOAN REDOY Active Member

    12 May 2017

    Yap bro same here
    Last edited by a moderator: 26 Jun 2017
    pdcpdc likes this.
  10. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    • Overboost: -2 second duration, +2 second cooldown
    FINALLY. Took you guys a year to realize that OB is OP. Having superspeed 100% of the time is just crazy. This will atleast give non yellow ships a small window where everyones speed is on par with theirs. And this is coming from a yellow ship who uses OB.
    • Tesla Shield: Player is stunned for 4 seconds if shield is broken by damage
    Can the stun be broken by receiving damage like a stun from tesla bolt? If not then being stunned for 4 seconds with no way of cancelling the effect is a little too much IMO. I like the changes though. I guess Ill have to wait and try it out first.

    Why arent there any changes to burn damage? specifically the flare gun. Burn ignores defense, and amplifies cannon damage. Thats all good and whatever but it freaking STACKS. If stuns and frost cant stack then why should it be any different for the burn effect?
    pdcpdc and PepeButtCrack like this.
  11. Winkleberry5

    Winkleberry5 Active Member

    11 May 2017
    Fixer can have just as much fire power as a speeder, if people knew how to play with weapons instead of only know how to heal you wouldn't be complaining
    pdcpdc and TheRedSpeeder like this.
  12. Drockaustin

    Drockaustin New Member

    25 Jun 2017
    It mentions "changes to address seal clubbing" could we possibly get a more detailed response for what the entails? As a pretty new player in the bay but familar with freemium games i must say that the 1500 to 1000 infamy level is getting wrecked by whales, legendary, and loaded epics for the better part of the seasons. I could keep up but it would cost me money so i wont.
    On another note i am user of cannon and sniper mainly, having said that the ease of using mortars including the soon to be buffed is sad and scary. Already you cannot escape the volley of mortars that takes zero skill to use, shoots over map objects etc.... people on forums say just boost or nitro out. At my level you cant, especially with more than 1 coming. Was super fun game for first month but now that i have hit an area where everyone is packing 3-4 mortars and making it rain all the time it seems less like a skill game and more like a pay to win game. Thats the point where ppl like me leave and the app gets abandon like CoC, warefare, battle bots, etc i dont buy a lot but do a little every month. This update will change that. Until i get word of something effecting the massive mortar rain i am closing wallet.

    lastly, im not super worried its jist a game, but also like others there is a time to move the goal post. CoC did it to me and i remember thinking i can kep up playing low budget. Then they moved them again with a new Town hall, eqvalent to mk7, and i realized i would necer make it to top. That feeling in the game kills new players. An obvious move to feed of whale fat. Other than that i enjoy this game for what it is...different. thanks for that as shooter games did need a new style and water with mini boats was genius.

    oh and when can we expect all this?
    Last edited by a moderator: 26 Jun 2017
  13. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    My guess would be real soon. Like tomorrow or within the week If they already submitted the new build to apple.

    I hope that once the update is live, we get a more detailed explanation to the changes. @Zeus
    Last edited by a moderator: 26 Jun 2017
    Drockaustin likes this.
  14. Drockaustin

    Drockaustin New Member

    25 Jun 2017
    Im also curious about the summer sale event? is it already going on? guildmates say that the sale is based on what you have recently spent. They are getting offers like 14000 pearls plus 10 boxes while i am getting offer of 1400 pearls plus parts. If it is really based on what you have spent will someone confirm it. That is extremly unfair in my opinion if its true, to the level i may just delete app and make sure i leave review.
  15. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    While true, you arent seriously argueing that Fixer is as strong as Speeder at current endgame right?

    While I get that you havnt been there for long since you bought a freepass to nightmare, I assume we can agree that the top of the leaderboard contains more speeders than fixers (Heck significantly more spenders than any other class) due to a reason?
    pdcpdc likes this.
  16. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    I havent bought any pearls in a long long time since this game went live. So I wouldnt know if there are any changes/sales to the IAP shop. Now Its either spend an arm and leg to get a legendary or be pure F2P. There isnt any room for the casual player who wants to spend a couple bucks every now and then to get the epic you need. I used to be that guy. Not anymore though.
  17. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    An enforcer without overboost on is much slower than any other ship, except defender which has more than enough hp to compensate for it.
    Since the last update's nerf left most of us below the 3000 hp mark we're often dead in two hits, sometimes one.
    Now our shields are going to stun us, and any overboost less grand than a well perked up epic t4 will leave us too slow even to stay in close combat with a shooter.
    Sitting ducks with dead fixers, and the game just got even easier for the 8000hp speeders out there.

    I think you've got this one wrong.
    Babablacksheep, KypBA and Kitterini like this.
  18. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    I agree that it's going to be tough on us enforcers, but speeders will be affected as well. I am hoping that at some point the devs realize the inevitable disadvantage for enforcers and bring back the dancing capabilities the enforcer once had. Maybe not like before but a slight boost in initial forward and back speed.
    PepeButtCrack likes this.
  19. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    While a bit inconvenient for speeders, this one is absolutely crippling for enforcers.
    Kitterini and BEN like this.
  20. PepeButtCrack

    PepeButtCrack Member

    22 Jun 2017
    I really appreciate you guys published the changelog before the update. It's a kind and wise decision. Thanks.

    Can I suggest 4 perk slots for every rarity items?
    The difference between rare and epic items is huge and one more perk can help a lot.
    The available corner makes me crazy.
    Last edited by a moderator: 26 Jun 2017
    pdcpdc, Renier Fourie and BEN like this.

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