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Competition Design the next game event!

Discussion in 'The World of Battle Bay' started by The Grim Repair, 28 Feb 2019.

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  1. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    Actually, yours and @Piku idea is pretty exotic and very feasible. I like it pretty much. What I would change in that is that all HP items reduce to 1hp after death but the effect is still the same. Flare still gives fire effect but only 1hp per tick. Carro still has slow affect. All yellow items are the same to support the livings. The dead should have virtually no hp involved in the living except helping your teammates and annoying the unfriends.

    I have my own idea that I am still refining. Like your idea, mine requires minimum implementation and only tinkering with what already exists.
    Piku, TheAntiSnipe and Djradnad like this.
  2. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    Thanks for liking the idea :)
    The healing and dmg would only be at about 10per tick, gotta give the invincible guys at least some reason to be there.. as for yellows, you would be able to stun or block the enemy with strong tesla shields, we decided on all items.. the only secondary stats that would be strong are; fire bonus dmg, flare heal reduction, defense aura takes 50%. But we think that those will just add some excitement.

    I can’t wait to see your submission, I’ve had tons of ideas, but had to decide on just my favorite :)

    Oh, and while I’m making a post here, I may as well talk about the other submissions I like so far;
    Antisnipe’s kill bonus
    Whiskey neat’s damaging green items
    Josh w’s healing capture area

    Past that we have some good ideas that I think would be hard to implement
    Sonic wavers napalm BR (napalm lag)
    And the ideas with weapon pickups would require them to disable loadouts before you pickup items, and while making that possible would open the door to many other good ideas, I get the feeling they won’t do it.
    Also those FFA and multiteam ideas sound fun.
    Last edited: 3 Mar 2019
    Piku, JoshW and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  3. No Time 2 Battle

    No Time 2 Battle Active Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Name: No Time 2 Battle
    Game ID: #DFJHFXT
    Game Name: Fleet Frenzy, 3 Strikes and You're Out!
    Game Mode: Team Death Match
    Fleeting? Yes, only fleeted pairs can play
    Team size: 6 on a team
    Respawn: 3 seconds to respawn 1st time, 6 seconds 2nd time, 3rd time you are out of the battle and in spectator mode, invulnerability and boost at respawn 4 seconds
    Kill Limit: 13 kills to end the battle
    Time Limit: 5 minutes
    Capture Area? No
    Global Effects:
    - 3% REDUCED cooldown for precision weapons (cannons, repair bolt, stun bolt, frost blaster)
    - +10% REPAIR for repair bolt, bandages, and tape
    - 3% INCREASED cooldown for some blanket items (napalm, frost launcher, plasma)
    - -25% Damage for mines
    - +5 seconds added to shield cooldown
    Allow Progress on...
    - Daily Quests, yes
    - Guild Quests, yes
    - Achievements, yes
    - Infamy, NO
    Maps: No small maps (First Flood, Brawl Park, Cold Riddance
    Resource Rewards:
    - Gold, Yes, Multiplier X2
    - Sugar, Yes, Multiplier X1.5
  4. Nikkie!

    Nikkie! Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2018
    Baaa, I’m a pig (I am out there!)
    Check my information out! “About you”
    Capture the seal (it’d be nice if you could get a seal behind your boat instead of a flag :p
    I got this idea because I put “flag” through ALL languages translate knows:) In Shona I ended with seal :D)

    Fleeting is allowed
    Teams: 4v4
    Respawn time: 5 seconds
    Respawn extra time per death: -
    Respawn Speedboost time: I have no idea what is realistic (10 seconds?)
    Respawn Invulnerability time: 5 seconds
    Capture limit: 2 times
    Time limit: 5 minutes
    Capture area? Yes, of course
    Reset capture on damage? You’ll lose the seal when you die:)
    Max capturers: 1 person can Capture the Seal

    Global Effects
    +30% HP to all blue things
    -50% damage to mines
    +100% hp for: Tesla shield and repair items

    Allow progress on
    Daily Quests: Yes
    Guild Quests: Yes
    Achievements: Yes
    Infamy: No

    No Subzero

    Resource rewards
    Gold: Yes
    Multiplier: 3
    Sugar: Yes
    Multiplier: 3

    I’m nikkie123 53F0A29E-A9A1-4AE4-8422-97B070C9C5E5.jpeg
    HAPPY SITHSHA likes this.
  5. Ho Aerp

    Ho Aerp New Member

    21 Aug 2018
    In general, a mine-free HCTDM.
    30 % reduced cooldown for all overboost and nitro!
    Last edited: 4 Mar 2019
  6. Nikkie!

    Nikkie! Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2018
    Baaa, I’m a pig (I am out there!)
    Check my information out! “About you”
    Yes, basically it is lol
    HAPPY SITHSHA likes this.
  7. Medullo

    Medullo New Member

    4 Mar 2019
    Military USN
    • Game Name: Speedy Shootout or Speedy Tuesday/Thursday
    • Basic game mode
      • Team Deathmatch
    • Allow fleeting? (yes)
    • Team size (3 or 5)
    • Respawn (ignore for Team Elimination)
      • Respawn time - 5 sec
      • Respawn extra time per death - 10 sec
      • Respawn Speedboost time - 20 sec or 10 seconds
      • Respawn Invulnerability time - 5 sec
    • Kill limit - 10
    • Time limit - 5 mins
    • Capture area? (yes)
      • If yes:
        • Reset capture on damage? (no)
        • Max capturers (3)
    • Global Effects
      • Examples
        • 0 or .25 second global cooldown (Fun Part)
        • 50% faster item cooldown
        • 30% increased healing effect
        • (If you do 10 second respawn speed then add 30%-50% increased speed to shooter and defender.
    • Allow progress on
      • Daily Quests (yes)
      • Guild Quests (yes)
      • Achievements (yes)
      • Infamy (no)
    • Maps
      • All maps that are playable on casuals
    • Resource rewards
      • Gold (yes)
        • Multiplier (1)
      • Sugar (yes)
        • Multiplier (1)
    The 0 global CD will make it an insane shootout game. The 20 second speed increase will help boats like defender get back into the game faster. From my experience in many other games I’ve played, this is a fan favorite and people look forward for this type of event.

    Also wouldn’t hurt to incorporate 2v2 ranked (can fleet) people like to compete as a team.

    IGN: Medullo
    Last edited: 4 Mar 2019
    Djradnad and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  8. Capitaine Roca

    Capitaine Roca New Member

    28 Feb 2019
    Hi Bora, teams of two seems more easy for an "educational game".
    I'd like to understand and practice combos, to learn about each kind of support a ship can bring to an other ship.

    5v5 is a mess most of the time. 2v2 is a way to focus on one kind of ally at once :)
    Subbie the Blaster likes this.
  9. Subbie the Blaster

    Subbie the Blaster Well-Known Member

    28 Mar 2018
    Fixing all day all idiots
    deep in the sea
    Umm who will make the 3d model of the seal? Or the seal cage?
  10. JhonnyNS

    JhonnyNS Active Member

    18 Oct 2017
    Player Name: JhonnyNS
    Player tag: #JNPKWGPX
    • Basic game mode
      • Team Elimination
    • Allow fleeting? (No)
    • Team size : (1)
    • Kill limit : (3)
    • Time limit : (3 minutes)
    • Capture area? (No)
    • Global Effects
      • Both players start with random boat/weapons. But, both players receive the same boat/weapons.
      • Fixer and Reaper are not allowed.
      • After each kill, both players respawn and receive a new random set of boat/weapons.
      • The battle ends with 3 minutes or when a player make 3 kills. In case the time is up and both have the same number of kills, the victory will be of the player who has done more damage.
    • Allow progress on
      • Daily Quests (yes)
      • Guild Quests (no)
      • Achievements (yes)
      • Infamy (no)
    • Maps
      • Small maps
    • Resource rewards
      • Gold (yes)
        • Multiplier (2x winner, 1x loser)
      • Sugar (yes)
        • Multiplier (2x winner, 1x loser)
  11. Ho Aerp

    Ho Aerp New Member

    21 Aug 2018
    This sucks, in case a speeder vs shooter/ defender , speeder can hide and seek.
  12. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    His idea is that it will always be same ships
    Speeder vs speeder
    Shooter vs shooter
    JhonnyNS likes this.
  13. Tytus paul

    Tytus paul New Member

    29 May 2018
    IGN: --=emperor Lu=--
    I'd:/. TPRLJGPY


    -How about we change everything like ''the team with more damage wins"
    - there should be no destroying of ships like no ship can be destroyed they can only take damage numbers
    -At the end of match team with more damage will win
    - And the time limit will be of 3min!
    - And fleeting is not allowed
    - No boost or no shield will be provided....(because ship can't be destroyed)
    - And maximum teammates should be 3or 4 because the more you add the more it lags
    - And there should be no capture zone
    - All the effects for quests must be same
    - And for maps for 3 teammates use small maps and if 4 use these maps use big maps
    -Mines must be nerfed with -65%damage
    -And -30% cool down time for MISSILE LAUNCHER
    - Rewards must be same as infamy with 2x multiplayer because in 3v3 matches we don't get much gold!!!

    And thats everything hope I'm not too late!!
  14. JhonnyNS

    JhonnyNS Active Member

    18 Oct 2017
    Thanks... Your answer is correct.

    I thought this has been clear in the text.
    Djradnad likes this.
  15. Undead fixer

    Undead fixer Active Member

    5 Nov 2018
  16. Subbie the Blaster

    Subbie the Blaster Well-Known Member

    28 Mar 2018
    Fixing all day all idiots
    deep in the sea
  17. Subbie the Blaster

    Subbie the Blaster Well-Known Member

    28 Mar 2018
    Fixing all day all idiots
    deep in the sea
    Umm isn't it it a deathmatch / more likely duel then?
  18. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    Seems more like an HCTDM mod to me, with the ship/loadout swap upon respawning.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  19. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    Everyone is a tritape fixer with double standard cannons and max speed+ overboost cooldown -50% :p
    Nikkie! likes this.
  20. Keane Shatter

    Keane Shatter New Member

    5 Mar 2019
    Player Name: Keane_Shatter
    Game ID: #XSDWKXZC

    • Basic game mode
      • Team Deathmatch
    • Allow fleeting? = Yes (if there's 1 fleet on a team, then the other team have to have 1 fleet too)
    • Team size = 5 (So there are many people to target, More Fun!)
    • Respawn
      • Respawn time = 3 seconds
      • Respawn extra time per death = no, make the event fun to play, long respawn time will annoy most people
      • Respawn Speedboost time = 10 seconds
      • Respawn Invulnerability time = 3 seconds
    • Kill limit = 10 (So everyone has second changes to battle)
    • Time limit = 5 Minutes
    • Capture area? = No, let all player kill each other for fun
    • Global Effects = All weapons, all rarity do the same damage output no matter what level the weapons are (Perk doesn’t affect the stat, all weapon will have the damage output as shown in the Global Effects!), so people can try out a new weapon by buying a common weapon from the shop and try it out on the event . All ship have 1.7 speed (Shooter, Speeder, Enforcer, Fixer, Defender, Interceptor, Reaper, Guardian).
      • Standard Cannon 700 Damage, Crit at 1500!
      • Blast Cannon 1400 Damage, Crit at 2800!
      • Sniper Cannon 800 Damage, Crit at 2500!
      • Explosive Cannon 1700 Damage, Crit at 3400!
      • Gatling Gun 15x125 Damage (Projectile speed boost by 25%, each bullet delay 0.1 second)
      • Carronade 7x 190 Damage
      • Grenade Launcher 1300 Damage
      • Standard Mortar 1200 Damage
      • Long Range Mortar 1050 Damage
      • Ballpark Mortar 1100 Damage
      • Big Bertha 2000 Damage
      • Standard Torpedo 750 Damage
      • Big Torpedo 3000 Damage
      • Swift Torpedo 1600 Damage
      • Railgun 2200 Damage
      • Missile Launcher 5x600 Damage
      • Mine 3700 Damage
      • Flare Gun 90/second Damage
      • Napalm Launcher 300/second
      • Firebomb 100/second
      • Standard Shield 1600
      • Big Shield 2000
      • Bandage 150/second
      • Big bandage 170/second
      • Overboost 125%
      • Nitro 515%
      • Tesla Bolt 11 seconds
      • Tesla Shield 1750 (reason: so it doesn’t break once explosive cannon hit)
      • Frost blaster 65%
      • Frost Launcher 62%
      • Repair Box Launcher Heals 800, Crit at 1600
      • Repair Pulse 115/second
      • Duct Tape 140/second
      • Repair Bolt Heals 1200 Health
      • Repair Plasma 130/second
      • Defense Wall 2800
      • Defense Aura 35%
      • Bolster Armor 35%
      • Cleanse Pulse 12 seconds
    • Allow progress on
      • Daily Quests = Yes
      • Guild Quests = Yes
      • Achievements = Yes
      • Infamy = No
    • Maps
      • Big Map:
        • Crash N’ Burn
        • Damage Depot
        • Destruct 9
        • Dropdead George
        • Subzero
        • The Foundry
        • The FightHouse
    • Resource rewards
      • Gold = Yes
        • Gold Reward = Multiplier by 2 (More rewards More Fun!)
      • Sugar =Yes
        • Sugar Reward = Multiplier by 2 (More Reward More Fun!)
    Last edited: 5 Mar 2019
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