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League resets, infamy and fairness

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Radar O Reilly, 28 Feb 2019.

  1. Radar O Reilly

    Radar O Reilly Active Member

    28 May 2017
    This is what I think makes the most sense given the gear score match making system to fix infamy.

    First on league resets... Give everyone in a league a standard amount of infamy for the league. Those in nightmare are used to being reset to 4K every season. Why not do this across the board for all leagues? Just an idea to think about.

    Award or subtract infamy based on the delta between a player and the average infamy of the opposing team. That way with my pitiful 500 infamy I get a nice boost if I beat a team whit an average infamy of lets say 2500. This is quite a common situation for me. Winning in this scenario should help boost my infamy nicely. You can tweak and adjust based on what I did in the match. If I floated (did no dmg) then don't reward me. That would be stupid. if I did an amazing amount of damage or contributed in some huge way, boost is up a bit. Basically, help me get to the level of infamy that my gear score matches me against.

    Right now I am roughly play at .500. I win and lose equally. I play against much higher infamy boats. Therefore, my infamy should be closer to the boats against which I'm matched.

    Other people say just win more. I honestly don't get that? If I'm at .500 average against much much higher infamy then what the foxtrot. I have to go on an absolute winning streak without a losing streak to get there. That isn't going to happen and its not fair to me.

    If I'm at .500 playing an average infamy of 2500 I don't see why I should not be bubbling up to 2500 myself. Also, If I am a 2500 boat and I lose to a team with an average of 2000 infamy, that should hurt a little more than losing to a team of 2500 infamy. When I lose to the lesser team then I should lose more infamy. That only seems fair. When I beat a much better infamy team I should get more infamy. That only seems fair.

    I don't know if this holds water. Rovio has the results of hundreds if not millions of match-ups and would need a big-data analytics system to plow through and analyze. I kind of wish I worked at Rovio and got to play with all the data and figure this out.

    PS. get rid of the seal clubbing penalty. There is no more seal clubbing. Gear score now prevents that from happening. I should get my stars, I should get more rewards. This really sucks! After the next league reset I think I will be back in good shape but this is painful for now.
  2. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    We have debated resetting infamy in all leagues in the context of resetting to the league below, which forces players into ranked matches. I think it holds weight, but let's face it, NOTHING is going to work without tight infamy range matchmaking in ranked. That is the only real solution to fair battles.

    A not so ideal solution would be to +/- Infamy based on lop-sided battles. Let me give an extreme example: 5 NML players vs 5 1k players... it doesn't matter how much you do or don't adjust Infamy at the end because reality is the battle is unfair and the 1k players will likely never win... so nothing has been actually solved. You might think it makes more sense with a 2k team vs a 1k team, but again, it's an unfair battle by 2X Infamy. Maybe you split the 10 players and balance the sides, resulting in 7k Infamy vs 8K Infamy... does that make a fair ranked match? While it's better than the extreme, we're still talking players with 2x Infamy as compared to other players all mixed into the same match. How do you adjust Infamy in that case? are the 2k players carrying the entire team? Are the 1k players out-performing the 2k players? Who do you adjust and by what? Battle Bay is a team game... it doesn't work very well with extreme differences in Gear Scores in the same match.

    And let's face it if you are 500 Infamy there is zero reason you should be in higher level battles, you should be in 500 Infamy battles which would allow you to get back up to where you should be which eliminates the special adjustment. Infamy matchmaking is simple.... complicating matchmaking, as Rovio has done, results in exponential further complications.

    And yes, the seal clubbing penalty should go.

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