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Competition Design the next game event!

Discussion in 'The World of Battle Bay' started by The Grim Repair, 28 Feb 2019.

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  1. Faris_ksa

    Faris_ksa New Member

    14 Jul 2017
    Game Modes

    ◦ Basic game mode (choose 1)

    ▪ Team Deathmatch

    ◦ Allow fleeting? (no)

    ◦ Team size (3)

    ◦ Respawn

    ▪ Respawn time

    ▪ Respawn extra time per death

    ▪ Respawn Speedboost time

    ▪ Respawn Invulnerability time

    ◦ Time limit

    ◦ Capture area? (no)

    ◦ Global Effects

    ▪ Interlock weapons are fast

    ▪ 5 second global cooldown

    • Increase the defense force of all ships 100%
    • Make the atmosphere rainy and thunder sounds
    • The possibility of using the voice chat inside the game
    • Ship speed increased 50%

    ▪ +2000 HP to Interceptors

    ▪ +500% range to mines

    ▪ get creative!

    ◦ Allow progress on

    ▪ Daily Quests (yes)

    ▪ Guild Quests (yes)

    ▪ Achievements (yes)

    ▪ Infamy (no)

    ◦ Maps all

    ◦ Resource rewards

    ▪ Gold (yes)

    ▪ Multiplier (1)

    ▪ Sugar (yes)

    ▪ Multiplier (1 )
    BäMbOOmBänG and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  2. Achintya Maurya

    Achintya Maurya New Member

    28 Feb 2019
    In game name-"...Oxygen..."
    Basic game mode
    •Hardcore Team Deathmatch (new ship from remaining on death.)
    •Allow fleeting? (yes)
    •Team size (5)
    •Respawn time (5 seconds)
    •Kill limit (no)
    •Time limit (5 minutes)
    •Capture area? (no)

    Global Effects
    =+30% damage from first ship on all weapons.
    =+2000 hp on choosing second ship as interceptor or Reaper.
    =area damage of missile launcher is increased by 10%.

    Allow progress on
    • Daily Quests (yes)
    • Guild Quests (yes)
    • Achievements (yes)
    • Infamy (no)
    • Destruct 9
    Resource rewards
    • Gold (yes)
    • Multiplier(×2 on winning streak without break)
    • Sugar(yes)
    • Multiplier(×1)
    Chronious and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  3. Rubber Shooter007

    Rubber Shooter007 New Member

    28 Dec 2018
    Bay name:NoobHunter01

    Game Mode
    • Basic game mode
      • Team Elimination
    • Allow fleeting? yes
    • Team size 5
    • Kill limit 10
    • Time limit 3 minutes
    • Capture area? (no)
    • Global Effects
    • 30%MORE DAMAGE for cannons and missiles
    • NO MINES
    • Allow progress on
      • Daily Quests (yes)
      • Guild Quests (yes)
      • Achievements (yes)
      • Infamy (yes)
    • Maps
      • NO
        • SUBZERO
        • Destruct 9
        • DAMAGE DEPOT
        • THE FOUNDRY
    • Resource rewards
      • Gold (yes)
        • Multiplier (1.5)
      • Sugar (yes)
        • Multiplier (2)
    Last edited: 28 Feb 2019
    Nikkie! and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  4. Error

    Error Member

    9 Nov 2017
    Player Name : .Error.
    Player tag : #YBFKXLWX
    Solo deathmatch
    Allow fleeting? (no)
    Team size (1)
    10 players
    Top kills +200% rewards
    Second +150% rewards
    3rd +100% rewards
    THE others get +50% rewards
    Respawn time 0 sec
    Respawn Invulnerability time 2 sec
    Kill limit : no limit
    Time limit 5 min
    Capture area? (no)

    Global Effects
    Max power damage to all weapons
    10 second global cooldown (default is 2.5 seconds)
    +1000 HP to the New ships

    Allow progress on
    Daily Quests (yes)
    Guild Quests (yes)
    Achievements (yes)
    Infamy (no)
    All big maps
    Resource rewards
    Gold (yes)
    Multiplier (1 is default)
    Sugar (yes)
    Multiplier (1 is default)
    nosesabe likes this.
  5. BhanuCoolstar

    BhanuCoolstar New Member

    24 Dec 2017
    Name: *S$S*
    id: #RYHSXTDS

    • Basic game mode
      • Hardcore Team Deathmatch
    • Allow fleeting : yes
    • Team size : 3
    • Respawn
      • Respawn time : 4 seconds
      • Respawn extra time per death : nil
      • Respawn Speedboost time : 4 seconds
      • Respawn Invulnerability time : 4 seconds
    • Kill limit : 7
    • Time limit : 4 minutes
    • Capture area : yes
      • If yes:
        • Reset capture on damage : no
        • Max capturers: 3
    • Global Effects
      • Examples
        • mines blast time to be reduced by 50%
        • -50% damage to mines (as it wont be a good strategy to win just by engaging mines as we are choosing mini maps)
        • Respawn reduces overall weapon damage of next ship by 20%
        • A player can choose maximum of 3 ships (implies max deaths of player in a match is 3, after which he can only spectate or leave). This can give chance to a team to fight even if a player is inactive by some network problem etc ( a regular problem in the game that someone will be inactive).
        • stars should be awarded according to performance.
    • Allow progress on
      • Daily Quests (yes)
      • Guild Quests (yes)
      • Achievements (yes)
      • Infamy (no)
    • Maps
      • include all mini maps cold riddance, brawl park, first flood
      • also include mid fight movies
    • Resource rewards
      • Gold : yes
        • Multiplier : 2
      • Sugar :yes
        • Multiplier: 1.5
  6. Skirra08

    Skirra08 Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2018
    Fleet Wars

    Who is the best duo in the bay? Let's find out in fleet Wars. A 2v2 event where only fleets can battle it out for bragging rights and extra gold.
    • Basic game mode (choose 1)
      • Team Deathmatch
    • Allow fleeting? Fleeting is required. Only fleeted teams allowed to enter. If you aren't in a fleet you can't play.
    • Team size: 2
    • Respawn (ignore for Team Elimination)
      • Respawn time: 1 second
      • Respawn extra time per death: 0
      • Respawn Speedboost time: 0
      • Respawn Invulnerability time: 0
    • Kill limit: 5
    • Time limit: 3 minutes
    • Capture area? No
    • Global Effects: None
    • Allow progress on
      • Daily Quests: Yes
      • Guild Quests: Yes
      • Achievements: Yes
      • Infamy: Yes
    • Maps
      • All small maps
    • Resource rewards
      • Gold: Yes
        • Multiplier: 3x
      • Sugar: Yes
        • Multiplier: 1x
    Lord Snowman likes this.
  7. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    IGN: benguin8
    Game Mode Name - Rule the Seas
    Summary: This is a CTF mode with a twist on capturing. No Flags are used! Try to capture more than your enemy. NO capture reset on damage and all capture % is retained even if you die. Do you attack or defend? Defending players can reduce the other team's capture % by capturing back their zone. Team with the highest capture % wins.

    • Basic game mode is Capture the Flag, using the two capture zones.
    • Allow fleeting? Yes (all modes should always allow fleeting!)
    • Team size 5v5
    • Respawn (no strong opinion on what these should be so this is just a guess)
      • Respawn time 5s
      • Respawn extra time per death +1s per death
      • Respawn Speedboost time 8s
      • Respawn Invulnerability time 4s
    • Kill limit - None
    • Time limit 3 minutes (debatable if 5 minutes might be better for this mode)
    • Capture area? Heck yes. Each time protects their zone and tries to capture the opponent.
      • NO reset of capture on damage OR death.
      • Players capture at normal game rate in the enemy zone.
      • Defending players can remove capture % at a rate of 0.5.
      • % can go higher than 100%
    • Global Effects - Nothing special is needed for this mode, but my suggestions are:
      • -50% damage to mines, just because...
      • +3000 HP to defenders and guardians - Soak up that damage! Defender love!
      • +30% stronger bandage and big bandage
      • +30% faster cooldown for all green items.
    • Allow progress on
      • Daily Quests Y
      • Guild Quests Y
      • Achievements Y
      • Infamy N
    • Maps
      • All maps
    • Resource rewards - So could this be a coin mode if this is an event?
    • Rewards (coins/stars/resources) are provided by % of capture or reduced capture. Should be weighed evenly so reduce capture effort should be x2. This way its not the attacker who gets the lion's share. ie. player who contributed the most, gets the most.
      • Gold Y
      • Sugar Y
      • I would like to see where you gain a reward multiplier of +0.5 for each consecutive match you play (regardless of winning or losing). I'd love for no cap but realistically the cap should be 3 or 4x
    • Other notes - mode needs a NEXT match mode. Don't throw me back to the main screen. Next button can be used for determining the reward multiplier.
    Thanks for reading!
  8. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Ahh, I have so many ideas!!
  9. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    I'm not going to submit any designs to give other members a chance to win.
    Piku, TheAntiSnipe and benguin8 like this.
  10. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    In-game names and tags
    Napolike1926 (#LCMFKQHL)
    *LOTA90* (#WBMMNMPQ)
    Game modes:
    - 4 Teams Elimination or 4 Team Deathmatch (8 total players)
    - Allow fleeting? yes
    - Team size 2
    - Respawn time 6 sec
    - Respawn extra time per death 2 sec
    - Respawn Speedboost time 7.5 sec
    - Respawn Invulnerability time 5 sec
    - Kill limit 6-10
    - Time limit 5min
    - Capture area? No, because we need more spawn points with 4 teams
    - Global Effects:
    +2.5k or +30-40% hp (all ships)
    +50% mines cooldown
    - Allow progress on
    Daily Quests yes
    Guild Quests yes
    Achievements yes
    Infamy no
    - Maps List: no small maps
    - Resource rewards
    Gold yes
    Multiplier 1-2
    Sugar yes
    Multiplier 1-2
    Last edited: 28 Feb 2019
  11. Dino-killer

    Dino-killer New Member

    31 Aug 2018

    battle name : FIXERS HOLD UP

    The idea is to bring a 2v2 battle where a fixer or reaper (SOS SHIP) MUST BE IN FLEET another ship...
    let feeling a real battle where we can find a powered healing SOS SHIP SUPPORTING him fleeter to win the fight.. .
    (fixer or reaper) healing and bandage are beff +200%

    Basic game mode ( 2v2 MUST including sos ship)
    • 1 KILLS Elimination
    • Allow fleeting
    • Kill limit : 1 kils end the fight
    • Reset capture on damage
    • +200% healing
    • +50% sos boxes
    • +100% bandage
    • Allow progress on
    • Daily Quests yes
    • Guild Quests yes
    • Achievements no
    • Infamy no
    • small maps only
    • gold and sugar, yes
    Last edited: 28 Feb 2019
    Chronious likes this.
  12. Chardaim

    Chardaim Member

    10 Jul 2018
    IGN : Chardaim
    Event: Classic Bay
    Take a trip down memory lane! Agility is set back to how it used to be in the old days! Classic maps only!
    Game mode : Team Elimination
    Allow Fleeting : Yes
    Team Size : 5
    Time Limit : 5:00
    Capture Area : Yes
    Reset capture on damage (Yes)
    Max Capturers (3)
    Global Effects: All of the original ships get + 1000 HP, Agility is reverted to back to how the ships used to perform at MK 6. For the Interceptor, give it Speeder Agility and Shooter Turret Rotation. For the Reaper, give it Enforcer Agility and Fixer Turret Rotation. For the Guardian, give it Enforcer Agility and Defender Turret Rotation.
    Allow Progress on: Daily Quests, Guild Quests, and Achievements.
    Maps: All maps that were available on global release.
    Since we always like to believe everything was better in the old days, all gold and sugar rewards are doubled.
    XQT likes this.
  13. Ringov927

    Ringov927 New Member

    28 Feb 2019
    • Player name : Ringov927
      #ID : #VSKGXCSG

    • Basic game mode
      • Capture the flag
    • Allow fleeting yes
    • Team size 5
    • Respawn

      • Respawn time 3 seconds
        No respawn extra time per death
        Respawn Speedboost Time 6 seconds
        Respawn Invulnerability time 4 seconds
    • Kill limit 10 kills
    • Time limit 4 mins
    • Capture area no
    • Global Effects
      • Examples
        • +15% damage to specific weapon
        • +20% speed to all the ship
    • Allow progress on
      • Daily Quests yes
      • Guild Quests yes
      • Achievements yes
      • Infamy no
    • Maps
    • Big Maps
    • Resource rewards
      • Gold yes
        • Multiplier 2
      • Sugar yes
        • Multiplier 1
  14. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    My idea is straightforward, but more about emphasising a really strategic game with a fleet partner, which I think a lot of people would appreciate more than “crazy”.

    Game mode
    3v3 Team Elimination
    4 Minute Games
    Cap or Kill
    Fleeting: hell yes!

    No small maps
    No Chill Zone (because of capture rush)

    Other Effects
    +100% to Mine cooldown (to reduce spam)
    Regular cooldown for Tesla Shields and Walls
    -30% cooldown for all other items
    Gold rewards x1.5 (because yay!)

    Last edited: 28 Feb 2019
    Nicolas, Nikkie! and This Is Me like this.
  15. Chronious

    Chronious New Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Dr. Who?
    Event: Winter is coming!!! Battle Bay has frozen over and the throne, ahem, I mean the capture area is yours for the taking.

    • Team Death Match
    • Fleeting available: Yes
    • Team size: 5
    • Respawn time: 1 second
    • Respawn speed boost: 10 seconds
    • Respawn invulnerability: 10 seconds
    • Kill limit: 8
    • Time limit: 5 minutes
    • Capture area: Yes
    • Reset capture area on damage: no
    Max capture: 5

    Global effects:
    Only fire and repair bolt will break frost.

    Allow progress on:
    • Daily quest: Yes
    • Guild quest: Yes
    • Achievements : Yes
    • Infamy: No
    Maps: All small maps
    Resource rewards:
    • Sugar: Normal
    • Gold: 1.5
    Nikkie!, XQT and Nicolas like this.
  16. whisky neat

    whisky neat New Member

    28 Feb 2019
    In-Game Name: BNP Whisky Neat
    Player Tag: #FDHPDZKL

    • Basic game mode: Capture the Flag
    • Allow fleeting? YES
    • Team size: 5
    • Respawn - all regular based on CTF
    • Kill limit - None
    • Time limit - 5 min
    • Capture area? No
    • Global Effects
      • FIXING can also now do damage to unfriends while still repairing!
      • Repair Bolt - 30% bonus both to damage unfriend but also to repair friends
      • Repair Pulse - damages unfriends but also repairs friends
      • Repair Box - repairs friends but 200% damage to unfriends
      • Repair Plasma - repairs friends but 200% damage to unfriends
    • Allow progress on
      • Daily Quests - Yes
      • Guild Quests - Yes
      • Achievements - Yes
      • Infamy - No
    • Maps
      • Larger maps
    • Resource rewards - Yes with no multipliers
    Last edited: 28 Feb 2019
  17. Lord Snowman

    Lord Snowman New Member

    14 Mar 2018
    Team Deatmatch
    Fleeting: yes
    Team size: 3

    • Respawn time 5 sec and no extra time per death
    • Respawn speedboost 7 sec
    • Respawn invulnarability 5 sec
    Kill limit: 7
    Time limit: 4 min
    Normal capture
    Global effects:

    1. Additional 35% extra damage to both frozen and burning targets from weapons that deal such damage
    2. Fire and frost weapons have 25% less cooldown
    3. +500 HP for the 3 new ships (interceptor, reaper and guardian)
    • Daily quests: no
    • Guild quests: yes
    • Achievements: yes
    • Infamy: no
    Maps: only the small maps
    yes 2x multiple
    Suger: yes 1x multiple

    In game ID: #WQSMMBVV
    In game name: Lord Snowman

    Hit like if you like this :)
    Last edited: 28 Feb 2019
    Nikkie! and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  18. CobraINS

    CobraINS New Member

    11 May 2017
    Game mode: CTF Domination
    Fleeting Yes
    Team size: 5 or 6 if possible
    Respawn: 15s (to prevent kamikaziing)
    0.1s extra time per death
    10s speedboost time
    5s invulnerability time
    No kill limit
    Time limit: 5min
    Cap design: there will be 3 flag zones spread out, each with a smaller radius. Each cap would be 1person=3%. A point counter would be counting for each team 1pt for every flag zone captured per second. When someone is capping, dmg and leaving does not affect the cap zone until an enemy starts capping. The first team with 100 points or the highest points at the end of 5 min wins.
    Global effects: all fire -5% dmg
    Mine idle time -50%
    Progress: all quests and achievements
    Maps: beat maps would be large maps like dropdead, chillzone, subzero, foundry, crashnburn, crude awakening, damage depot, the fight house
    Recourse rewards: 1.5x everything
    Last edited: 1 Mar 2019
    TheAntiSnipe and Djradnad like this.
  19. Arjun.ts

    Arjun.ts New Member

    25 Sep 2017
    Below is an idea for events..:D
    • Basic game mode (choose 1)
      • Defeat the boss: bring in a powerful high health boss into the event, nearly 10 people can play and try to defeat the boss
      • World event: Last ship standing in a bigger map, where at least 10 or 20 people min battle together, (no vs, all are enemies) last man standing wins, this happens as a tournament, winners level up, losers get up to three wild cards to re battle after being thrown down the ladder, the player to reach the top of the ladder wins, which is number 1, this can be broadcasted live for waiting players and more audiences, can even play ads in between to fund the company.
      • Clan wars: This can happen as an event or as battle between clans, if this is done as an event then it lasts for days, all clans can participate and do a vs with another clan, and can climb up until the last clan remains, if this is done as an in game war, then along with when doing quests, the clan also needs to battle the other clan to win, this can be 1v1,5v5,3v3 or whole clan vs clan.
    • Allow fleeting? (yes)
    • Team size (1-20,1-5,1-10, or more)
    • Respawn (ignore for Team Elimination)
      • Respawn time-any
      • Respawn extra time per death-any
      • Respawn Speedboost time-any
      • Respawn Invulnerability time-any
    • Kill limit-any
    • Time limit-any
    • Capture area? (yes/no)--either
    • If yes:
        • Reset capture on damage? (yes/no)
        • Max capturers (default 3)
    • Global Effects-any
      • Examples
        • +30% damage to specific weapon
        • -50% damage to specific weapon (nerf the one you don't like [​IMG]
        • 10 second global cooldown (default is 2.5 seconds)
        • +1000 HP to Interceptors
        • +500% range to mines [​IMG]
        • get creative!
    • Allow progress on-any
      • Daily Quests (yes/no)
      • Guild Quests (yes/no)
      • Achievements (yes/no)
      • Infamy (yes/no)
    • Maps
      • Any map LL do, but we would love to see new maps now and then, or newer map for events can be downloaded to play on a new event launch so as to keep game size to minimum, and can be automatically deleted when event ends.
    • Resource rewards-any
    • New reward type--the curses chest, which when opened(disguises as normal one,) steals some gold and pearls from you and throws itself on a random map, any player accidentally running over it during battle gets the stiles stuff, the chest camouflages itself on the map so it's hard to find.
    • Gold (yes/no)
        • Multiplier (1 is default)
      • Sugar (yes/no)
        • Multiplier (1 is default)

        • Disclaimer: These idea are created by me for the sole purpose of, to be used in battle bay, these ideas are free to use in battle bay and belongs to battle bay alone.
    Chronious likes this.
  20. Arjun.ts

    Arjun.ts New Member

    25 Sep 2017

    IN GAME NAME:Arjun.ts
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