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Match making is broke!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Radar O Reilly, 20 Feb 2019.

  1. VincentP

    VincentP Member

    15 Nov 2017
    Broken Infamy - s09e23
    Ash KOT likes this.
  2. Ser Tomaz

    Ser Tomaz Active Member

    24 Dec 2017
    With 3 game modes now, its a lot harder for MM to balance than before since the lack of players atm. Plus the new star system are killing rank mode even more. Rovio should limit times to play in casual imo.
  3. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    That's just putting duct tape on the problem. The problem, as you point out, is lack of players... so Rovio needs to adapt the game to reality first, and then work on getting more players.
    Aether_Zero and This Is Me like this.
  4. _devill

    _devill Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Pune, Maharashtra
    First being a VIP gives you an advantage only up to a certain point. It doesn't mean you win all the time. At some point your gear score will mean nothing against the skill of players with same gear score.

    Second. It was matchmaking complaints that forced the devs to change it in first place cos back at global launch you were matched on pure infamy regardless of gear score.

    *why you are having this problem?*
    Some whales decided they would have fun beating up noobs (low skill players probably) and stuck around 1000 infamy with 10000 gear score against players with uncommon t3 and rare t2 items. Those noobs worked hard to get past the p2w barrier. Those who got past it know this as a fact. Those who didn't quit before they even got to know what Nightmare league is. It's kind of the same experience you are having now. Skill against weapons. With stronger weapons you had a chance but with same weapons skill will be the extra factor that you must acquire.

    For the infamy problem all you have to do is be a better player if you really want to climb up the infamy ladder. And if you think guild quests are a priority over infamy better not care about infamy at all.
  5. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    That assumes matchmaking is based on a reasonably tight Infamy range (+/- 10%). Being that the currently spread between participants is frequently 1000, even 2000 Infamy and more, in mid-Infamy matches no less, ranked matchmaking is closer to RNG than skill based. RNG matchmaking results 50/50 odds, a flip of the coin.
  6. Radar O Reilly

    Radar O Reilly Active Member

    28 May 2017
    Why is there still a seal clubbing penalty ?
  7. Silverchris

    Silverchris Active Member

    7 Oct 2017
    Cancelled my vip for same reason of match making and also the floating target, couldn’t target anything for nearly a minute in event today cause the target just did its own thing not what I wanted it too but do the devs care, nope they prob blame us for it.
  8. Radar O Reilly

    Radar O Reilly Active Member

    28 May 2017
    I am sure the Devs care about this. They want a happy community of paying players.
    To their credit they attempted to fix the infamy rewards and penalties but it didn't work very well.
    Now that there is no way to seal club (play against players with much lower infamy, boats and load out) they need to revoke the seal clubbing feature and start giving out stars and proper rewards for good games (lots of damage and support for the victory).
    envylife likes this.
  9. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    your battle rewards penalty goes away after a couple seasons.

    Effectively what they are doing with the tanking penalty is a convoluted way of accomplishing what I've suggested for a long time: adjust infamy based on simple moving average rather than per match, for example over the last 200 matches. Doing that would mean infamy changes slowly over time, making it impossible to tank quickly for easier matches, and if you do tank it'll be a while to get back up, penalizing the entire effort.
  10. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I am not sure if the same thing happened to me last night.
    I had my grenade selected. I turned my boat and turret to face directly at the unfriend and my Grenade crosshairs/target just floated and wouldn't select the unfriend. Very strange, I then switched to another weapon and then BACK to grenade and then the target/crosshairs locked on the enemy in front of me. This has never happened in a game before. Is this the same thing that happened to you?
  11. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Close range auto-aim floating has been part of the game as long as I can remember, and 99% sure it's intentional, so if this feels new then you haven't been paying attention.

    Here's my thread about it from 11 months ago: https://forum.battlebay.net/threads...sable-zoom-and-tweak-auto-aim-behavior.18407/

    PS: Zoom is actually a bigger pet peeve of mine... and Zeus played it off in the last Q&A section as if there wasn't an issue at all.
    guykakin likes this.
  12. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I know what you're saying about the close range floating, but this was completely different. I was at a distance that the enemy was probably at around 15 or 16 (just inside grenade range), no other ships close to the line of sight and I have my ship and turret focused right on him. It was not an intense battle situation, my cross hairs were right on his ship, and I would wave my turret back and forth waiting for the grenade to lock, but it would not do it until I switched to another weapon and then back to grenade.
    I've experienced plenty of locking issues when my crosshairs have about 2 or 3 enemy ships close together, but this guy was sitting all alone.
  13. xBonk

    xBonk Active Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I just got stars and I'm 1400 infamy under my high. So they changed something.
  14. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Ok... then yes that is fairly recent, and I have seen the mid range locking issue several times. It's comically frustrating.

    Doubtful anything has changed by the devs... what has likely changed is the time you've been at the lower Infamy. I bet you've now gone through 2 full seasons at the lower Infamy and now your probation period is over.
  15. xBonk

    xBonk Active Member

    17 Jun 2017
    That was for 1 match, they screwed up. Next battle I was top dmg we won and I got zero stars
  16. Sreg

    Sreg Active Member

    17 Nov 2017
    After we started to win constantly in battle often, the system of selection begins to interfere with us, selecting players with a low rating to our team, so that we would start to lose, do you notice this ???
    Compare these players in the picture.
  17. Radar O Reilly

    Radar O Reilly Active Member

    28 May 2017
    In one battle got 1 star and I think I would have gotten three under normal circumstances.
  18. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    It's great isn't it? a 2800 spread in Infamy in a ranked battle.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again... if this is what ranked is, let's remove it from the game, along with Infamy.
  19. Radar O Reilly

    Radar O Reilly Active Member

    28 May 2017
    I've disabled all the auto magic crap they do. I was very frustrated with Tapping fire only to see my turret swing of to aim at some other boat the game through was a better target.

    Doubletapp: I use
    Auto select: not used (its evil, don't touch it)
    predictive vertical aiming: I use it, not sure why. I am just used to it
    Center joy stick: Off: I tried it. I liked it until I discovered how friggin huge the tap area is and I couldn't swipe my screen left or right, I would turn my boat instead. Arg!!! Great idea. but I want to limit the size of the area for center on tap.
    rotate camera with ship: Use it, love it
    Camera Relative Steering: Off. I really wanted this at the beginning when I first started. I tried it and so wanted to like it. But no.
    Cruise Control: On. Love love love this one. I wish I could put the boat in a long slow curve too. But I will take forward and reverse in a straight line.
    Autopilot: no way. You kidding me. This must be training wheels for noobs or I just pissed off one handed players in a big way. if you wan win games with this you are my idol. I can't imagine playing serious matches with this.

    Customized layout (I play on an iPad, can't stand the teeny tiny iPhone screen)

    joystick 1.4
    aiming 1.4
    camera sensitivity 1.8
    the rest are 1.00

    Where the joystick, aiming and lock are positioned has taken the most time and effort to tune and adjust until I stop doing retarded things. The number of times I've hit the lock is embarrassing. I intend to select an item and I hit the damn lock arrow instead. its really bad when the turret does a 180 and you are now looking at your six and not directly ahead. Or, I think I am about to fire and I hit the damn lock and lose a shot opportunity and end up doing nothing but taking damage as I pass back and get my ass shot off. I finally fixed those issues.

    I think because of that and sticking with my tried and true load out and sticking with speeder I am starting to earn back all that infamy I lost. I was a mid 2000 boat. Had been as in the low to mid 3000s but never stayed there for long. I went down all the way to 300s, Much of that was intentional to see what happens down here at the bottom of the barrel. I've climbed back 500 to finally hit 800.

    I hope I've figured out the speeder. This boat takes patience, discipline, planned and careful aggression with lots of retreat to circle back and fight again. Or else this boat is a total embarrassment. But either way it is one fast and fun ride.
  20. Radar O Reilly

    Radar O Reilly Active Member

    28 May 2017
    I want them to fix infamcy, not remove it.
    I liked the idea of limiting matches to a league and if you beat the crap out of everyone and take their infamy from them you may get promoted to the next level, if you take enough infamy. I like having leagues, It does make sense the higher the gear score the more rewards you need and working up in leagues is one way (other than money) to get that booty you need to upgrade the load out.

    I still like the suggestion of reset infamy at all leagues, not just nightmare. I think it makes a lot of sense. Combine that withe idea above and I think this is a good system that reblances and resets every two weeks.

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