Hello everybody! It has been a while since the Bay saw major changings. The last one was the introduction of the third new ship Guardian, togheter with TEAL items. Ok, we had more items in the meanwhile, Standard Torp, Big Bandage and Repair Plasma, but nothing 'captivating', so to speak.
I would now propose something that can really make the day at the Bay, solving 2 issues at once AND enhancing ships customization. Intriguing?
1)-A big problem (never solved) rose years ago: it was a display issue that force 6-In-Battle-Items ships (from now on "6-IBIS" ships) to have very small buttons on smartphones, even at maximum width. Ships with just 5-IBIS (Shooter, Interceptor, Guardian and Speeder) or less (just Defender) are immune to this trouble, making them actually easier to manuever. Even if many solutions have been given, none of them was put to use...
2)-Another unbalancing between ships is...the Shooter. Yeah, not only it is broken with all the firepower it has, it has also 1 EXTRA POINT in slots (12 total). You do know it, right? Considering Slot Points are crucial in customization, giving an extra point to only 1 ship with nothing justifing it is just, personally, unacceptable.
3)-As said, I wanted to propose more customization to ships. And solve the 2 afore mentioned issues. How? Well, the introduction of the TEAL items came with a second extraordinary change: the Defender got a HYBRID slot. Yeah, one slot can be used for 2 different kind of items, but it was the only ship gifted with that.
Are you getting where i am pointing? 1 HYBRID SLOT FOR EVERYONE! With these simple adjustments, not only every ship can be reduced to 5-IBIS, they will have the same slot points (12) and become open to dozens new unexplored combinations. See the pictures, comment, and tell developers you wants them too!

(Interceptor and Reaper are OP in item slots, just add 1 point)
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