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Team balancing is getting beyond a joke!!

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Mollypig, 17 Feb 2019.

  1. Mollypig

    Mollypig Member

    11 Oct 2018
    I understand that with a smaller player pool that matchmaking needs to be wider but why are the 10 players so unbalanced??

    The 10 players picked for a battle are always unbalanced so rovio is deciding who wins.
    Too many ship types on one side (surely restricting it to a max of 2 similar ship types except shooter would work)
    Too many high infamy players on one side (infamy being the indication of how good you are)
    Matching by gear score only goes so far because inexperienced players with big weapons don’t compare to experienced players with same weapons. Therefore infamy needs to be a factor

    Why hasn’t this been addressed? Matchmaking i can accept but balancing teams is down to rovio and it’s making the game unplayable

    I would post some evidence but rovio have removed being able to view infamy post battle without clicking on each individual...

    Hoping for a response and explanation
    Last edited: 17 Feb 2019
    Chrystal, TheAntiSnipe and Su-57 like this.
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Parameters seem to have gone whack. I haven't seen dev comments on this, I don't know if anyone has?

    I do know it started with crazy 4-fixer games, but am not sure when it became truly insane. That's probably because I haven't touched Ranked since the second week of January though xD
    envylife, Mollypig and Sewah like this.

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