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Bad Support

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Venom, 17 Feb 2019.

  1. Venom

    Venom Member

    17 Jan 2019
    Yesterday i post forum i want buy premium box so donate money.so everyone came and take serious action and block and inform everyone.. 2 day back someone scrab every item without my permisson .. I post this issue ..no body helped even nobody moved so inform mvp or dev.. This is called selfish.i can spend money i can buy my own.. If someone send money also it won't come to me .. Wrong ID. I'm also human .. I make that ID 1 year more 12 legen items. Now I'm nothing. Even Rovio specialist Dnt care. Now you think this issue my problem. Maybe future you know what happened. Here Rovio people showd how human will behave. I said truth no one belived now i said lie... Everyone came..Bye again i will never come.. You dnt know people how is my feeling if you lost your precious things only you know bye
  2. Guncaptain809

    Guncaptain809 Well-Known Member

    12 Nov 2018
    Are you saying you wanted people to donate money for you?
  3. Venom

    Venom Member

    17 Jan 2019
    No i dnt want. I want to know why no one help. Because security is not my problem its rovio mistake so they silent.. When i against them everyone came and lock that post correct
  4. Venom

    Venom Member

    17 Jan 2019
    Its about rovio security so its rovio mistake so everyone silent sbout my post.. Yesterday i post against them donate money post .. So they blocked my post wouthout know that ID wrong or good. I wsnt my ID secure i can make my ID again 15k geat score.. So make my ID secure or guide me
  5. Guncaptain809

    Guncaptain809 Well-Known Member

    12 Nov 2018
    I looked at your threads, and you clearly asked for donations through PayPal. But that’s besides the point, you’re blaming Rovio for your google play account/Apple ID getting hacked?
    This Is Me and Aether_Zero like this.
  6. Venom

    Venom Member

    17 Jan 2019
    Ok you think that ID is original. See i know real life also people think to help then how possible virtual world.. Are you getting my poiny
  7. Guncaptain809

    Guncaptain809 Well-Known Member

    12 Nov 2018
    No, because I’m having a hard time understanding your English. No offense though.
    This Is Me and Nikkie! like this.
  8. Venom

    Venom Member

    17 Jan 2019
    Ok fine.. If i ask donation also what's wrong.. Rovio didn't help ..Tell whats wrong
  9. Guncaptain809

    Guncaptain809 Well-Known Member

    12 Nov 2018
    From what I’ve read it’s not allowed on this forum, so that’s probably why, as for you losing your stuff... no idea, but your case isn’t very strong since you have all of your parts from your stuff getting scrapped, and then you ask for donations, and it just all seems very fishy from an outsiders perspective.
  10. Venom

    Venom Member

    17 Jan 2019
    Oh you think like that you see from my side.. Then only you will see my sadness.. That day i cried whole night
  11. Guncaptain809

    Guncaptain809 Well-Known Member

    12 Nov 2018
    Your account not being secure is your fault and your fault alone. There’s multiple ways to make your password near impossible to guess, and there’s usually extra steps that you have to take to identify that it’s you who is signing in. Either you got hacked through google play or something, or you’re lying.
  12. Venom

    Venom Member

    17 Jan 2019
    Ok so your point everyone to study software related then only we have to create gmail or fb .. Just imagine your ID afnxxk3428r i put same whos mistake.. So dnt tell is my problem
  13. Guncaptain809

    Guncaptain809 Well-Known Member

    12 Nov 2018
    ID for what exactly? Be more specific
  14. Venom

    Venom Member

    17 Jan 2019
    No this ID means.. Google and fb .. Im tird to explain to everyone .. Lets move bye
  15. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    in my opinion you should create new account on gmail and crete new id on Battle bay . it will be secure and benefit is with new account you can have same level competition and you can have 3900 perls by achievements in 2 months . i am playing this game for 4-5 months i think i get 4-5k perls by achievements and watching ads in total . but in the beginning i wasted a lot because i didn't knew where should i spend . but now i am at 2400 . so i think this is the best way for you because on old account your most of the achievements are done and you can't even get legendary by achievement .

    you should create new account it will be the best way to get everything on level in 5 months .
    This Is Me and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  16. Guncaptain809

    Guncaptain809 Well-Known Member

    12 Nov 2018
    He's in nightmare league(?) so the better option would be to just sit on the rewards for a while to get his stuff back.
    Are you talking about a password? Because I don't think people can have the same ID's.
  17. Venom

    Venom Member

    17 Jan 2019
    See.. I dnt know what to do.. Just forget this issue..
  18. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    I am not sure how much reward he will get with low level weapons now he have to use . because his dmg gonna be low .

    i have discussed it with other players in chilzone chat so yes there is a benefit of using this account but new account can also have its own benefit . he don't even have to delete this account just make a mini account . New account will give him lots of perls by achievement because on old account he have already finished achievement . new account can give him legendary by achievement . old account he already have finished legendary achievement so he can't get those copies again . in new account battles will be fair because he will go against same level players with same level items . on old account he will get same level players but because he have to use under performing items so it will be unfair .

    he can keep old account but he should create a mini account .

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