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Fleeting should not be allowed in future rank games.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Fin-, 27 Dec 2018.

  1. Fin-

    Fin- Active Member

    2 Sep 2017
    Frankly, i used to play with undervalued fleet partner(less than 4000 infamy with full t5 epic items and who has ever climbed 5500+) to climb to 6000 infamy.
    And other people do it.
    I am so fed up this dirty fleet. And i think it should be prohibited in future rank games.

    In the rank game, fleeting is too efficient. And this makes the queue time too long. So it makes players tired.

    And only people with good partners have an advantage in the competition.

    Hopefully, make the rank game fair by limiting only solo.

    (I already have strong partners and some undervalued partner. I told it just for better BB.)
    REAL" and Help I Cant Swim like this.

    KINGIVANOV Well-Known Member

    28 Nov 2017
    Over here.
    TheAntiSnipe and Redneck Messiah like this.
  3. Fin-

    Fin- Active Member

    2 Sep 2017
    If u want fleet, just do casual mode.
  4. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot

    Basically, you're saying that people shouldn't be allowed to play with their friends/guildmates because it's too OP. In my experience with fleeting, being in a fleet doesn't affect your win/loss ratio at all. You win some, you lose some. The complaint about long queues just seems quite arbitrary... queuing takes a while with or without fleeted players in the mix. And you're forgetting that a huge amount of players fleet with their guildmates to finish quests faster... are you saying that people shouldn't be allowed to finish guild quests because it's unfair to whatever random people get matched against them? (BTW... it isn't)

    If fleets were bigger, I'd see where you're coming from. 3-5 god tier players together every match would be unfair. However, with the limit being two people, it is quite balanced.
    Last edited: 27 Dec 2018
    Su-57, Nikkie! and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  5. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    You mean events? Well, let me remind you:
    • People fleet to do guild quests, not all of which are easy (or even possible *cough* star hoarder *cough*) to do in events, due to lack of battle stars and the fact that event play differs slightly from ranked weapon/ship wise... certain quest weapons or ships may not be viable for events because of how other people like to play. Hence, ranked fleeting, which brings us to my next point...
    • Ranked fleeting hasn't been shown to significantly affect wins/losses, because in general, the two fleetmates are at the same skill level as the players they're matched with, due to 800 infamy buffer limit and how league/gear score factor in.
    • Overall, ranked fleeting has always been a part of the game, and always been well balanced. I see no reason to remove it now.
    Nikkie! and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  6. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    Well my friend, you won't like this then. Lmao :D
    It looks like you have to have minimum 2 ship fleets for ranked in the coming update. Enjoy ;)
    Riddlerpaji likes this.
  7. Fin-

    Fin- Active Member

    2 Sep 2017
    Lol this noobs..
    No. I mean
    And you don't know why high rankers play fleet. I have an 80+% winning rate at the event with fleet.
    Of course this fleet has an equal power value in the rank game. Although the win rate will be lower.
    That doesn't mean the fleet. U can choose some ships and you'll be able to change it when the respawn.
    CVN78 Gerald Ford and Ovidmikel like this.
  8. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    We didn't know yet. Let's wait and see. But, don't keep high expectations. Lol
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  9. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    I’d love to have fleets of 3 people lol.
    Im still waiting for real guild wars! 5vs5 in battle!
  10. Fin-

    Fin- Active Member

    2 Sep 2017
    Yesterday ー I did 72wins and 20losses with a fleet(win rate 78%)
    This game is not a skill-based game. Just a fleet game.
    Hey dev, are you looking this?
    I really want to prove my skills without fleet. But look, fleet is really not fair. Too good. I know this more than anyone else.
    I don't care the event, casual mode. But at least, the 'rank' game should be....ahhh never mind. Fxxx this kid's game.
    Help I Cant Swim and Ovidmikel like this.
  11. MatthewNGBA

    MatthewNGBA Member

    4 Apr 2018
    This may be the WORST suggestion i have ever seen... players who do well in fleeting is because both players are good, not because it somehow helps them in other ways. U said skills dont matter but the fact is.... if ur going up in infamy... thats because ur either using better weapons than u were, or ur skills r better than the others. Fleeting eliminates a possibility of a crap player on ur team, u fleet with someone good so u can both be smart and win more. There r plenty of fleeters i see down at my infamy who dont go up in infamy cause they are junk players, so yes, it is about skill.

    But in the end... this idea is idiotic because people want to play with their friends, if u take that out u take out one of the things that make the game fun.
    Ash KOT likes this.
  12. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Fin- is absolutely right when saying that fleeting is the best way to raise infamy beyond what you can do solo. The top players always fleet when they want to gain infamy. Fleeting absolutely gives you an advantage over solo players.

    Is this fair for ranked when you are rewarded for solo? I don't know. Everybody has the option of finding a fleet-mate.

    I like being able to fleet in ranked. Maybe that is because I've got some really good fleet-mates capable of taking me to higher infamy than I can solo.
  13. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    It doesn't hurt that fleet mates can get on a call and coordinate battles in real time.
  14. MatthewNGBA

    MatthewNGBA Member

    4 Apr 2018
    And whats wrong with that... r u implying that thats somehow unfair, I wish i had a friend i could coordinate with like that
  15. Undead fixer

    Undead fixer Active Member

    5 Nov 2018
    Remove fleet wtf hell no.
  16. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    No problem, just pointing out that fleeting does help in other very tangible ways.
  17. REAL"

    REAL" Member

    18 Sep 2017
    I agree that solo players are disadvantaged in ranked game (especially in high infamy).
    Manybe dev should provide solo rank mode in game
    People can then choose to play normal rank or solo rank
  18. REAL"

    REAL" Member

    18 Sep 2017
    Matchmaking in rank mode also has problems

    When two 5k players fleet, sometimes they have three 4k teammates
    But the other teams are all 4k players
    Athough the system will eventually compensate the lower infamy team with +29/-21infamy after match, it is still unfair because the total infamy gap between two teams are too large.
    In this way, fleeting can get advantages of the matchmaking system and be more easy to win.

    Fix the matchmaking pls, two 5k players should group with 35xx ~37xx players to against five 4k players

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