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Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by NotAHappyBattler, 6 Feb 2019.


Should battle bay fix the rivalry matchmaking formula to prevent top guilds flanking for easier wins

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Haven’t had a problem with this.. yet.

  1. NotAHappyBattler

    NotAHappyBattler New Member

    6 Feb 2019
    Super sick of the top guilds flanking their quests weekly so they can get matched with easy rivalries. This should NOT be allowed!
    Months now of absolutely ridiculous rivalries and no end in sight.
    This is ludacris!!!! Guilds who have frequently been over 120 quests should NOT be allowed to be ranked with guilds who can get MAX 70 quests.
    200+ ranked guilds with the number 1 guild in the bay?!?! AGAIN!!!!!
    Something really needs to be done about this!!
    This is just stupid
  2. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    *Guild quest tanking zone*
  3. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Ok, so yes, it could use some tweaking. But not all guilds are purposefully trying to exploit an easy win. Some guilds take a week off to give players a break. I had heard that the matchmaking is based on the average of the last few rivalries so I did not think you could abuse this. Maybe I have not tried or paid attention to it enough to look at it more closely. I don't see tanking as being lucrative. You would lose a rivalry which gets you few tokens, only to get an easy win? I don't understand the math. Maybe someone can explain it better.

    If this is an issue, the best way I could think would be a guild quest bonus depending on how many quests you complete (x quests times some tokens). This would encourage completing as many quests as you can/keeping your number high and consistent. We currently already have something like this in place with the completion of boards. This needs some fleshing out depending on the reason why guilds are doing this.
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    You probably don't realize how often it happens. My perception is that most high level guilds bounce back and forth every few weeks between guilds to reset their quest levels and get easy wins.

    The way the system is designed is that rivalries put together guilds that made a similar amount of quests the prior couple of weeks, so as you can imagine over time the average finishing place is 3.5 (7500 Tokens for 4th or 5th place) which is just two spins. If everyone in your guild jumps to another every few weeks, the new guild has no history, and now it gets matched up with lower level guilds for easy win for 42k token rivalry reward. After a few weeks their completion rate catches up to them and they jump to another new guild with no history, and again easy rivalries.

    The reward for being a conscientious guild is 30k tokens/month (4 x 7.5k). The reward for gaming the system is more like 73k tokens (1st, 2nd, 3rd place, and 1 week off). YMMV
    Nikkie! and HAPPY SITHSHA like this.
  5. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    My previous Guild doing this . they have created new guild for easy rivalry . they said the main guild is on rest for two three week because rivalry is based on previous two week performance and it will reset after two three weeks . so they switch guild here to there . i am not sure if its gonna work but my opinion is 42k tokens are not worth enough to doing all the madness some guilds are doing .

    I think guild rivalry reward should increase by every board they finish .
  6. JediKnight1968

    JediKnight1968 Active Member

    23 Jul 2018
    LOL. Its unbelievable that we (including me) still believe that they will fix something that has been known and reported by so many users for so long!!!
    They wont. Only after everyone leaves this game and it dies - pity because it was a bloody good game when it started - will they search about what went wrong.
    To summarize long term bugs not fixed or not recognizing them as "real" bugs:
    • Lagging (always the user problem disregarding fast lines with fiber connection etc etc)
    • Game hanging when you start a fight needing to end game and restart it only to find you're dead or the last one standing. (see above explanation)
    • Target hopping (see above explanation)
    • Target over/under targeted ship (see above explanation)
    • Target selection (who knows why its so idiotic)
    • Black rectangles inside the fight and now on the game menu (nothing they can do as they say, its the users device problem once again)
    • Game/Event/Rivalry matching and everything that has to do with matching (no solution for at least a year)
    • Suiciders/Bots (??????)
    I could go on and on but whose counting the bugs anymore?
    The don't or they wont listen to the users.
    So to conclude what a pity that such a wonderful game will die eventually by the loss of the ability to hear other peoples concerns.
    I'm only staying cause I haven't found something interesting yet. As soon as I do I bid you farewell.

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