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New update discussion

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Venom, 4 Feb 2019.

  1. Venom

    Venom Member

    17 Jan 2019
    Hey guys...tell something about new update..it will help to change old bugs and problems.. Kindly help us to make better bay
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  2. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018

    one of the main issue i am having after some recent updates . steering control reset to default position to the center during battle . so boat stop moving sometimes . you become a easy target for all mortars . i even shared a screen recording on discord . don't know if they gonna do something .

    new even of multiple boat is not good idea . maybe sound good if you are old player and have two boats ready with all blue yellow items but most of players don't have multiple shields and turbos to make two boats ready . what i have noticed is if you sink two boats and the respawn to weak boats then you can just have a chain reaction . you sink them and they will respawn to another weak boat and you can keep doing it to win . i saw a 1k infamy player respawn with 3k hp defender . its like two shots of exp or railgun . there is no option to cancel respawn if i don't wana respawn there is nothing to stop the chain reaction . there is no option to respawn as same boat as i have mainly a shooter at good level other boats are not ready so it would be good if they let us have select main boat to respawn with if i want .don't force us to respawn as weak boat .

    and during event battles so much lag player feel even from other country if i fleet with someone they feel same lag sometimes so its not due to my internet.

    Match Making is so bad . sometimes i have battles against 2k infamy players some even have Ace badge and i am 1k infamy . i had to upgrade my boat and items . because there is no other way to face them .. and if match making is based on gear score then they should increase gear score based on training . a t1 weapon with full training do more dmg less cool down more range then a t1 with level 5-10 training . so gear score is not a good idea to have match making .

    Mines are Op , Big Torpedo is Op and Guardian with two defense wall is very OP even with uncommon defence wall is very solid . Reaper is also Op . you can dmg it 90% and it can run with two nitros and heal with two tapes in 10-15 seconds and battle will keep going . something need to be done about these things .

    and Command option should be improved . right now if you wana say Target this boat . you have to tap on command , hold on attack . it will show list then go to name and tap . its a long process During battle . we already have all friend and unfriendly name and boat icons on top . let us tap on icon to say attack this boat or help this boat .
    . one more command is needed to say Stay away . when team about to run into mine trap .
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  3. Venom

    Venom Member

    17 Jan 2019
    Same bro.. Some time stearing timing missing...drag area problem
    Sidd gamer and Su-57 like this.
  4. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    Just scrap the HTDM idea. It's just a blatant cash grab by the Devs, hoping we'll buy crates and epic containers to get items to fill other ships.
  5. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    true , thats why coins can't roll over to next event and duration of event is also short . one have to play all day to get 800 coins .
  6. Silverchris

    Silverchris Active Member

    7 Oct 2017
    Agree totally, many players have stated there dislike for the new event so what do the devs do, put the event on all the time and the events most of us love are completely ignored as they don’t make money. This short term profit rush will drive gamers away enough for game to fail so what should be a game that lasts for years and make a lot long term will only make money short term

    Wonder what the share holders or owners of company will think about this cause I bet they don’t truely understand how this game is been managed.
    Ultrah, This Is Me, Reorge and 3 others like this.
  7. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I don't play the Hardcore events anymore either. It's a waste of my time.
    1. I don't grind hard enough to make any progress on my interceptor/reaper parts. The last 14 crates I've opened had been 100 interceptor parts. So it would take me a month just to upgrade my interceptor one more level.
    2. I will NEVER get another Legendary Perk(since coins don't roll over anymore).
    3. The thought of grinding 60 coins to end up with a garbage Uncommon perk I will not be repeating. Even the thought of grinding 600 coins and to have them wasted on RNG for 10 uncommon perks is a game quitting experience that I don't want to inflict upon myself because I love the game too much to quit.
    4. The ridiculous reasoning(which even Zeus could not defend in the Q&A) for the Weapon Damage/Healing not counting for your 1st ship. This makes the Hardcore mode worthless for guild quests.
    TheAntiSnipe, XQT, Su-57 and 4 others like this.
  8. Guncaptain809

    Guncaptain809 Well-Known Member

    12 Nov 2018
    What did he say about it in the Q&A?
  9. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Only that they viewed counting all ships in HCTDM is OP because you can apply toward multiple win quests as well as use > 5 weapons across multiple ships. It was brought up that you can still only select 2-3 Guild Quests no matter how many boats or weapons you bring to battle... and all other events/matches let you apply 100% of the damage toward the quests. Also it was mentioned it's unfair if you use one ship for 90% of the match and don't get credit for it.

    In other words, the rationale behind that move largely fell flat.
    Su-57, RACK STAR and Guncaptain809 like this.
  10. Guncaptain809

    Guncaptain809 Well-Known Member

    12 Nov 2018
    So did Zeus say anything about this little issue or did he glaze over it?
  11. This Is Me

    This Is Me Active Member

    16 Sep 2018
    My question is Why are we not getting CTF event !ately? I remember the last time we got was Repair Bolt CTF. But since then it was nothing but TDM.
    My hunch is that after @TheWarNet, did a live stream titled "Hold The Flag, Indeed!", in the stream he had the flag for almost a minute and a half and got 10 coins,where as Waveblower got 7.
    This showed that the rewarding system is flawed, and players can easily exploit the system and farm coins.
    And since then, maybe our Dev team have not come up with another algorithm or logic to reward players correctly, we have not got CTF events. Maybe they will also not face any critisicm by the community for flawed rewarding system. Hence the issue was neglected and eventually killed.
    Oh wait! The story is not over yet. We got "Hardcore" Team Deathmatch, which is basically another cheap ripoff of our old TDM events, which is a greedy and selfish way of exploiting the players.
    Please don't introduces more new things in the game, if you do then create something new, not ripoffs of current things, for instance the standard torp and the big bandage.
    Introduce new events in the game, not like X weapon HCTDM today and Y weapon HCTDM a couple of days after.
    Good day.
    TheAntiSnipe, XQT, Su-57 and 5 others like this.
  12. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    In the right hands yellow boats are OP in a 1v1... but I'd gladly try to show them up in my Shooter :). Considering the majority of players are Shooter/Speeder/Enforcer 1v1 should definitely be in the event rotation.

    One of the best aspects of 1v1, 2v2 matches for me is, well, they are more fair than 5v5... in them I don't have as many teammates with 2k higher Gear Score than me taking up all top damage and thus coins. In other words, the Dev team isn't opposed to giving coins in a lop-sided manner, because it's essentially how all events work. HCTDM is the most blatant nod to whales we've seen to date... good luck F2P players trying to come to battles with multiple fully loaded boats.
  13. Guncaptain809

    Guncaptain809 Well-Known Member

    12 Nov 2018
    Just do what I do and play as a conservative style enforcer.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  14. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    I don't like multiple boat event at all . old one boat style event is much better and fun .
    Guncaptain809 and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  15. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    in 1v1 its more about you cannons less about skills . so player with higher training level will win even with same gear score . in 3v3 or 5v5 and big map strategy and team work still make difference . you can out perform higher gear score player if team is working well . and in 1v1 yellow boats and reapers have advantage as they can hide behind something and hide on radar and eye view and come back hit run away heal . big advantage to them . specially reaper as it can heal much faster then speeder and have 2 tapes .
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  16. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I wouldn’t mind the new stuff, if they introduced something we could actually play with, but what have we had? ...

    Interceptor — Can’t play because it’s impossible to upgrade.

    Reaper — Can’t play because it’s impossible to upgrade.

    Guardian — Can’t play because it requires a full set of Teal items, that no one has.

    HCTDM — Cant play because it requires a 2nd/3rd set of Blue items, that no one has.

    New Legendary Perks — Can’t play because they’re now impossible to acquire.

    Gatling Gun — Can’t play because it sucks.

    Even Big Bandage is kind of niche, since it doesn’t fit many builds that wouldn’t be better off with double Bandage. Most ships can only ‘reasonably’ equip it by switching Big Shield for Small Shield, which reduces the amount that Big Bandage can heal up to. And with all the OP Mines doing 5k in one hit, reducing your resistance to burst is not a very attractive prospect.
    Last edited: 7 Feb 2019
    This Is Me, TheAntiSnipe and Nikkie! like this.
  17. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    all those resent updates are driven by one motive $$$$$

    nothing about game play .

    Big bandage is not bad my friend is using on speeder with small and big bandage he is now getting 200+ hp per 5 second . if he run away with 100hp which happened sometimes he can come back with decent health .

    but multiple boat events and all other things are motivated by only $$$ i don't know if there is any other game expensive like this . like give less for more . like 40 rare power cells for 2000 perls offer in the market . coins never move to next event and you have only 2 days to grind 800 coins which need all day to grind .
  18. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    It’s probably usable, but as I said, it seems pretty niche. I don’t happen to have a very good Small Shield, but even with a t5 Epic, I think I’d barely be able to call my health ‘decent’ with Big and Small Bandage equipped, even before damage.

    Starting to get into ‘one-hit’ territory here, and that’s with Turbo sacrificed...
    Nikkie! and TheAntiSnipe like this.

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