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Give better radar

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Su-57, 27 Jan 2019.

  1. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    its already difficult to sink a decent build speeder in right hands and also reaper . i have seen how a speeder in end part of the battle can sink 2-3 ships alone by hit and run and other can't even chase it .

    its also because in last part of the battle speeder have big advantage to disappear from radar . so nobody knows where from it gonna come . but because other boats are slow . speeder knew in which area other will be . so he mostly hit and run before other fire any cannon .

    i think we should have little better radar range or something .

    I have also seen in some custom battles how one of my friend who is in ace league have solid setup and me was in one team and in other side two ace league players with speeder and interceptor . they sinked me first and my friend was alone . those boats run away and disappeared from radar . he then saw capture warning but when he was getting closer no boat was showing on radar not even visible by eyes .
    he reached capture area . in the middle there is a big pipe kinda shape some those boats where behind it but still not visible on radar . he moved in other side and like when he was 1-2 meter away or what ever measurement is in the game . i should say he was like two boats away then those both both appeared like Ghost and they just fired everything and run away and disappeared .

    i think it should not be like this because some players are good but they don't even know where to lead the shot when speeder just appeared like this fire and run away and disappeared .
    Last edited: 27 Jan 2019
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Knowing the vagaries of the radar is one of the most important skills a speeder main should have(any ship should have it, in fact).

    If you rely on the radar too much, it's bad. If you don't rely on it at all, still bad.

    In your example, it'll always pay for the shooter to have some preemptive-fire weapons like mortars, torps or napalm to "flush out" enemies from concealed positions. A person using radar manipulation can be shaken off if you can put him off-guard.

    Buffing radar will reduce skill ceilings for all boats and remove another element of strategy to a lesser or greater degree.
    Ash KOT and Nikkie! like this.
  3. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    I know its also based on skills but in some battles as i have given example of a custom . and i am not completely talking about radar which shows on top left . i am talking about visibility of ships. i mean when he was at just two boats distance but still both interceptors and speeders were not visible to eyes.

    i don't know if a replay can show show same because in replays boats are always visible from the beginning.

    this give big advantage to reaper and speeder as reaper can heal faster and now days speeders are using big bandage . some even using 2 bandages and that make it almost impossible to sink them because they are not visible even if the are little far .

    my friend now heal 200+ hp per click . i don't how much it will heal at max level . that easily cancel standard cannon shot . or sometimes sniper cannon shots.
  4. Cavy

    Cavy Well-Known Member

    26 Feb 2018
    I don’t think what your talking about is intended tho! I know what you mean, I’ve experienced it on just about every map in multiple places and it completely sùx! Is especially bad when you know an enemy is in a particular place, and you’ve got a clear line of sight but they’re invisible and suddenly appear out of no where
    But like I said I don’t think it’s intentional
    Su-57 likes this.
  5. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    maybe its not intentional but i at least need to see if someone is in front of me on a okay distance not too far but in a visible eye area . but still boat is not visible .
  6. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    here is the example i tried to create . he is just behind that rock then he disappeared . then he just appeared . at least when someone is in this much distance it should not be disappeared . maybe ok if that red dot from radar get disappeared but at least bot should be visible to eyes if its just on the corner or in front of us . it should not be like a ghost .

    Attached Files:

    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  7. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    What I hate is when you are target locked on someone and the "disappear" from your vision breaking the lock just as they turn the corner and your shot goes wide.
    envylife and Su-57 like this.
  8. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    thats happened .

    and sometimes i experienced something like target system shifting . i was running into a defender to take a shot but my target system moved to fixer who was almost behind me and far away .
    JoshW likes this.
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    What you saw is the system kicking in. Vision is not determined by distance but by line of sight. Staying out of the line of sight just long enough will make you vanish from the radar. I think it's about 4-5 seconds(the time needed for a target to vanish). Note that A must be out of line of sight of enemies B as well as C for A to go ninja.

    Annoying? Hell yeah. Bug? Not so much. Protip: Switch off the smart locking and use autotarget to prevent going off-target after the person disappears.
    JoshW likes this.
  10. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I was just in a match where I was scouting the enemy. I could see the Fixer doing its thing, I could see launches from the boats. In other words I had 100% line of sight to at least 3 enemies and they remained invisible to me (and my team). I think there can be improvements in that area, and it has a lot to do with the existing invisibility bug that the devs haven't been able to squash.

    If the radar is improved to give everyone a little more visibility, I'm not convinced that's a detriment to the speeder. Some tactics would have to be changed of course, but in giving slow boats a little more visibility to the Speeders, giving that visibility to the Speeder makes them even more OP in that situation.

    That's one of my biggest pet peeves. I do not like how aggressively the target aim jumps from the previous target to nowhere, so that in a fraction of a second between when they disappear and you press the button instead of a 100% hit chance, your weapon spins 90 degrees and right in front of you to no target in particular. It's completely unrealistic... auto-aim should maintain its last position until a new/better target is found. If manually locked, that's even more reason for the aim to stay in place.
    Cavy, R4Z0R and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  11. Cavy

    Cavy Well-Known Member

    26 Feb 2018
    I think camera angles from using different weapons makes “invisible boats” seem like more of a thing then it is?
    I regularly have grenade selected as I prefer the higher view, but often see open empty water (even in fairly close quarters) when I know there’s a boat there.
    But something someone said above made me think that it’s because if the camera was mounted on my boat the view of the enemy would be restricted so it’s invisible to me even tho the higher camera angle from having grenade selected can see the water where the enemy boat should be
    So we need line of sight from our actual boats position and not from where our camera is positioned
    Su-57 likes this.
  12. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Camera angle is a fair point... when it happened today it was with Grenade, or BC. Would it be more visible with mortars? Why would Grenade show a higher view like a mortar but the offer the visibility of a canon? Seems inconsistent.
    Su-57 likes this.
  13. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018

    you have explained the problem very well by giving fixer example . sometimes i can see fixer using pulse for healing even can see them dropping box or mine but can't see the boat ..thats what need to be fix .. maybe don't even need more radar just visibility .when someone is in front of me healing or dropping mines i can see the act but i should be able to see actors i mean boats .

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