The True Speedforcer: One Month Later
So, it's been about a month since I made my initial posts on this thing. I celebrated a birthday, got fatter, made a few memes, got fatter, whined about matchmaking, got fatter, and got better at speedforcing. I tried my hand at traditional speedforcer, but ultimately decided I preferred the binitro subclass. (nothing against traditional speedforcers though... only by uniting can the tribes of Speedforcer defeat the scourge that is the Double Bubble Champions
). I did experiment with running flare/blast/carro or flare/dual blast, but flare/blast/nade stuck with me. The only thing that's changed is some refining of the class's tactics.
I stated earlier that True Speedforcers are hit'n'run burst attackers, preferring to avoid trouble. This still holds true, but I can now offer the interested a more useful, in-depth guide. Time to channel my inner @TheAntiSnipe and get this over with.
First, you must get into the proper True Speedforcer mindset. You do not, and I mean DO NOT, play a True Speedforcer like it's an enforcer. You play it like it's a speeder. An overweight speeder with an extra gun, but a speeder nonetheless. This is something I found out pretty early on. I've had far more success applying my speeder main skillset to the True Speedforcer than trying to use it like you'd normally use an enforcer.
That said, what does one do with an enfo in speeder's clothing? You can hit'n'run. You can assassinate. You can distract. You can capture. You can protect. It's entirely up to you. You can use your superior mobility and relatively high health to harass enemies and go after weakened targets, or use your high attack power to hold down a point or cover a prime enemy target, like your team's Fixer or Guardian. True Speedforcers cannot carry the offense on their backs; they instead specialize in pissing people off and acting as a highly mobile bodyguard for a slower, more important ship. I've often found that by skirting the enemy's perimeter with nitros and my OB and firing flares and grenades their way, I can get them to focus almost exclusively on me, leaving them easy prey to my shooters' torps, mortars, or mines, which often go unnoticed as those idiots try to hit a binitro build with an excannon. Nothing makes people madder then a little yellow boat poking them. Use this to your advantage, but be prepared to get out of there at a moment's notice. As a solo enfo, you are incredibly easy to outgun.
After a month of testing by the player who originally documented it, the meta holds up in TDM, ranked, and casual. You can get where you need to be, make a hasty escape, cover a teammate, or just annoy the enemy team to death. This class makes some of the best use of the enforcer's signature versatility and mobility, and it does all that with the same six items and two passive boosters. Play it however you want... this setup is easy to learn for those new to the enforcer, and deadly in the hands of a yellow-boat professional.
See you on the Bay,