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Bandage Bug

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by The Grim Repair, 14 Jan 2019.

  1. DrLuigiPhd

    DrLuigiPhd Active Member

    23 May 2017
    So me using all of my available blue items which includes my tier V epic bandage and new epic big bandage on my defender could get me penalized? I can only kit out 2 ships being defender and shooter are my mains.
  2. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    And here I am still not knowing what this bug is. From reading, I assumed that the bandage(s) on the first ship doesn’t go away? Well my first ship always had double shields because TDM was a brawl. My second ship had a shield too because it was a fixer. My third ship enforcer had 2 bandages because those are the only blue remaining in my inventory.

    Now I know why defender had 5 bandages in a brawl. Anyway, I had a former guild mate who is a defender main with 4 tier 5 bandages. Hope he doesn’t get penalize for this.
  3. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Shame on you developers.

    You reloaded an event that you knew to be broken. It looks like the bug is intentional because you did not address it. Moving forward, players should be allowed to abuse the bandaid exploit because YOU still haven't fixed it and YOU didn't punish previous exploiters.

    Players intentionally broke the rules in the last event and you are giving them a free pass. Instead you say punishment will happen moving forward. The onus is on you to fix the bug before re-releasing it. Your response to this is asinine.

    Why don't you look at the overlap of players that abused this exploit in conjunction with the players who abused the guild token exploit when guild quests were first introduced? Really punish those people who knew better.

    For the record, I have not and do not plan to use this exploit.
    Last edited: 14 Jan 2019
  4. DWDR ^ weksels

    DWDR ^ weksels New Member

    4 Jul 2018
    I wanna know how u wanna fight with all of thouse bandagers.... If I played 5 battles in event... and all 5 battles i was the only one without multiple bandages....

    Is it not better to ban bandage in this event... till u fix that problem...
    RACK STAR likes this.
  5. m1au

    m1au New Member

    5 Nov 2017
    What a joke.
    They may punish abusing an exploit which is still working.
    And all the players who used it the whole event before are not harmed?
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  6. DWDR ^ weksels

    DWDR ^ weksels New Member

    4 Jul 2018
    Better explain what is this.... how can player ho maked team win awarded only with 17 infamy... but player ho maked lowest dmg and die.... get 23 infamy

    Attached Files:

  7. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I believe there should be both reprimands for those using this exploit and compensation for those who didn't. I had enough Epic+ bandages to fill a Defender which I could have used but I didn't think it was the right thing to do. My final HCTDM match where I threw my hands up is where 8 of my 9 match participants were using this exploit. Lots of lost coins and battle rewards for being a good citizen.

    Friday when this was known Rovio should have either
    1. fixed the issue
    2. killed the event
    3. sanctioned the use of the exploit.
    I'll be watching what Rovio does very closely because doing nothing tells me I have a green light to exploit whatever I find in the future without repercussions.
  8. LotharusMaximus

    LotharusMaximus Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    Could someone explain to me this bug a little further? Do you have to have a bandage on the initial ship for the bug to carry over, or does it carry if you use a bandage at all? I have a bandage on my second ship but not my first. I have only been sunk enough to reach my third ship a few times. Does that mean the bug would only carry to my third ship?
  9. Inflatable Sub

    Inflatable Sub New Member

    24 Feb 2018
    Would you be so kind to send one ingame annoncement, if you may. It's been several days already. Today is Monday, let's get to work.

    I'm paying for it.
  10. Waveblower

    Waveblower Active Member

    6 Jun 2017
    @The Grim Repair So lemme get this straight. You know that a bandage exploit exists, and yet you’re here telling us to not use the exploit when there’s another hardcore event going on at the moment of me writing this? And on top of that, you’re threatening to suspend the exploiters, and not handle your internal issues about the staff who decided to green-light the 2nd hardcore event BEFORE fixing the bug?
    And that’s not all. I’m still getting exploiters in my matches, and I myself am trying to play clean (I’ll admit I used this exploit in the 1st hardcore event, but I played very little for it to matter because the event was bad anyway). And guess what - I lost a lot of matches, getting no more than 5 coins, whereas the winners get between 6 and 10. So how do you expect me to reach 800 coins within less than 2 days if I keep missing out on coins due to exploiters. Therefore, why should we not use this exploit, because apparently players are benefitting in coins from it? Suspending the players will hardly bring any justice for the legit players who missed out on coins.
    And one last thing. You really think that many people visit this forum compared to how many see the in-game newsfeed? So it makes no sense for the warning to be in the forums, but not in the in-game newsfeed.
  11. Skirra08

    Skirra08 Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2018
    I reported in the bugs section, I hadn't seen it elsewhere in the forums or in discord, because it was breaking the balance within the game. After I reported it I stopped playing HCTDM because it just wasn't fun anymore. Also trying to get enough stuff to build out multiple ships is not any fun. The item drops haven't increased enough, the ships are too expensive, and even though there is more gold and sugar the pearls didn't so training and buying chests is still slow.

    MORPHEUS New Member

    1 Jun 2018
    Mechanical Engineer
    I will exploit Battle bay if you don't fix bug immediately.
    And.. explain the infamy calculating system. Every player wanna know that.
    This whole systems sucks. you should know that.
  13. Sunny Jose-Deopersaud

    Sunny Jose-Deopersaud Member

    4 Sep 2018
    Heaven forbid they properly vet the new code they introduce. Clearly all the microtransactions are not going into development. Or even the gameplay design because the mode was horrible to begin with
  14. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Nevermind that it's impossible to put together a fair event match when EventMatchmaker(tm) hasn't a clue what boats players are bringing to battle. For Ranked matches it doesn't matter, as Infamy should be the only input, but they threw out this in public Events without any QA.
  15. Jee

    Jee New Member

    11 Oct 2017
    Reporting the abusers has been made hard as replay in iOS at least crashes when the current viewed player ship respawns. :(
    Should we anyway report the ships using like 4 bandages??
  16. Inflatable Sub

    Inflatable Sub New Member

    24 Feb 2018
    January 12: "Hello, there is a serious bug that most top guilds are abusing. It's ruinining the gameplay really. Maybe you should make an ingame annoncement while trying to fix it?"

    January 15:"...... Allo ?.......... Allo ?!................ Allo anyone ?"

    Ps: as well, recent research shows that cheaters don't give a crap about a ban, and wouldn't turn down some juicy legendary perks for a few days off.

    Last edited: 15 Jan 2019
  17. R4Z0R

    R4Z0R Well-Known Member

    11 Nov 2017
    why do u wanna know?
    you've forgotten something. that doesn't apply to me.

    Those who exploit will keep getting crushed by me.

  18. Markus Oksanen

    Markus Oksanen New Member

    21 Oct 2018
    So stupid to start the 2nd event with the same bug as in the first one! Bandagebug and the questbug (only doing quest Contribution from last ship).

    So so you really test tour updates before release? Two major bugs and still you going on with the event. And the new infamy system notnworking either.....
  19. .Z1gfr1D.

    .Z1gfr1D. New Member

    11 Dec 2017
    [QUOTE = "The Grim Repair, post: 196310, member: 13052"] Привет всем,

    есть текущая ошибка с повязкой, которая активна только в текущих событиях на этой неделе с выбором корабля и нашим режимом Hardcore TeamDeathmatch.
    В основном происходит то, что эта повязка переносится на другой корабль, когда вы умираете или выбираете корабль, у которого есть повязка - что не предназначено.

    Мы знаем, что это произошло на выходных, и в настоящее время мы работаем над исправлением этой ошибки!

    Между тем, не используйте эту ошибку. Это должно быть само собой разумеется;)

    Выноска: мы можем отстранить людей, которые продолжают использовать эту ошибку. [/ QUOTE]
    good event and exciting contests ...

    Attached Files:

    Mad_Bulls_007 likes this.
  20. Ser Tomaz

    Ser Tomaz Active Member

    24 Dec 2017
    Only last used ship in HCTDM can contribute to guild quest. Is this also a bug?

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