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My ideas

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Pystolpyte, 13 Jan 2019.

  1. Pystolpyte

    Pystolpyte New Member

    13 Jan 2019
    just my ideas to make game better.

    Single player events. Like races. Drive around water dodging obstacles while shooting targets. Get points for hitting targets, avoiding obstacles and overall time. Win rewards, trade tokens.

    Shooting range. Able to pick weapons and items and what level. See how perform maxed out and if like them. See where on maps you like to sit and how far weapons reach with diffrent perks.

    Blue or red item. Radar. 1 slot radar shows unfriendlines to you no matter where on map. Also shows friendly and unfriendly mines. 2 slot shows unfriendlys to whole team and also shows unfriendly mines to whole team. Hit radar to show unfriendlys. Upgrade to increase range and duration of eneminies shown.

    Mine destroyer. Blue item. Destroys All unfriendly mines in radius area with taking no damage. Upgrade to increase range.

    Harpoon. Drag enemies toward you or mines or teammates.

    Melee weapon. Raming spear. Explosive raming spear.

    Weapon trade to guild mates. Win weekly guild as team, get trade token. Can trade an epic for another epic to guild mate. Finish 2nd for week. Can trade rares. Finish all 18 individual quests random chance at trade token. Both people need trade tokens. Or buy tokens. All trades go back to level 1 upon trade no matter what level before. Can keep upto 10 trade tokens. No legendary trades.

    Team location call outs. Label area on maps as A,B,C,D, capture. That way can tell teammates in chat to say I’ll go to “A” area on map. Speeder capture, defender go “B” area. etc.
  2. R4Z0R

    R4Z0R Well-Known Member

    11 Nov 2017
    why do u wanna know?
    I like the trading idea :p

    but harpoon I think has been discussed before and people say it could be used as a troll?
    Pystolpyte likes this.
  3. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    Blue? Red? Those are passive boosters and weapons... something like this would be yellow or teal.
    As a permanent thing? Way too overpowered to be a passive blue item. Maybe as a two-point teal item with a cooldown.
    I like it! Maybe as a two-point red/yellow, where it hits an enemy, does a bit of damage, and then pulls them in so you have a few seconds to lay into them with a carronade or excannon before it disengages.
    Neat idea! Like a mini-nitro crossed with an excannon... you boost at someone and it blows up and damages them on contact!
    Yes, please! Guildmate trading is one of the most requested features right now.
    Another goodie! Some advanced strategic possibilities here.

    All very nice ideas, dude!
    Pystolpyte likes this.
  4. Pystolpyte

    Pystolpyte New Member

    13 Jan 2019
    Yeah. Limit range or strength or time it’s stuck on enemy. Like how Tesla bolt was nerfed so cant really keep two and keep zapping boats.
    R4Z0R and Redneck Messiah like this.
  5. Pystolpyte

    Pystolpyte New Member

    13 Jan 2019
    Mine destroyer I thought would be 2 slot blue. Like a 20sec cool down.
  6. Pystolpyte

    Pystolpyte New Member

    13 Jan 2019
    For radar I said red or blue just so all boats could carry. Even though should probably be a yellow.
    Redneck Messiah likes this.
  7. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    blues don't have cooldowns, because you don't activate them.
    Pystolpyte likes this.
  8. Pystolpyte

    Pystolpyte New Member

    13 Jan 2019
    Yeah. But developers could make them.

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