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Speeder playstyle question

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Anonim23, 12 Jan 2019.

  1. Anonim23

    Anonim23 Member

    12 Jan 2019
    Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section. I know this might sound like a dumb question but I recently bought speeder and I dont't know how to play this boat. Can someone please explain to me how should I play this boat? From what I can tell so far this boat is really good at taking down stranded ships (ships that are away from the rest of the team), but what should I do if the enemy team doesn't break formation and attack in group? Wthat should be my strattegy when using this boat? Any help would be appreciated.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Ah, the speeder.

    Well, I'll start off by saying that the speeder IS the hardest boat in the game to play well. It has a high skill floor and a VERY high skill cap.

    I have played speeder for about 60-70% of my time in Battle Bay. So I have three things for you: A small set of tips to get you started, a video showing what a top-tier speeder is capable of, and some resource links.

    The basic tips:
    • Speeders have a few general roles, and these roles decide what you'll play as. These roles are:
    1. Ranger- The subclass that prefers to stay at a relatively long range. This subclass may or may not use a sniper-type build and usually pokes the enemy and annoys them, keeping them on their toes. They sometimes call the play with oceans of high burst damage.
    2. Assassin- The subclass that uses hit-and-run tactics, getting into fights, killing a high value target, and running away before the enemy can retaliate.
    3. Duellist- The subclass that engages in hyper-fast 1v1s. Though this particular role is played much better by interceptors these days, the duellist speeder is one dangerous subclass. It is characterized by mid-close range weapons and high defence builds.
    4. Rogue- This subclass is a mix of the above three and sets itself apart by following a free flowing, smooth fighting style that switches through the techniques of multiple subclasses.
    • Now, depending on these roles, you can fill almost any slot in your team. However, you must have a good idea of the role you are going to play on the battlefield. Tell me later about this and we can go into some of the finer details.
    However, there are a few general tips. Let's do those:
    • Understand that you are a hunter. In your BB career, except for two ships(speeder and enforcer) you always play the role of prey, and this creates psychological barriers to what your speeder is capable of in combat. Get this clear. In a speeder, you are at the top of the food chain. At the same time, however,
    • Remember that your health is low. Speeders have one of the lowest HP counts in Battle Bay. And we often get into messy fights. Don't start a fight you cannot finish decisively.
    • Know your prey. You need to know what target you're going for, and the exact routine you need to follow to take them down. Cooldowns, loadouts, possible vectors of movement. Know your target as well as you know your own ship.
    • Know your team. Know what your teammates can do. Enforcer on your team? They can guard your fixer so you don't have to worry about your team and flankers. Fixer on your team? You need to guard them from enemy assassins. If you don't play with the team in your own way, you WILL lose. Your gear is limited. Which reminds me,
    • Use your gear well. Your gear as a speeder must be precisely what you need in a combat situation. You cannot waste slots. You get two weapons, make sure they're powerful enough to pull their weight. Make every shot count. Speeder WILL beat your aim into shape until you no longer hesitate when taking a shot, and no longer waste your shots. Good luck.
    Next, I wanted to show you what a good speeder can do. So allow me to self-advertize:

    Finally, resource links:
    1. Jumppanen: One of the legends in the BB speeder community, he made 6000 infamy with nothing but high tier rare items on his build.

    2. KenZer: Another God-tier player who also plays enforcer.

    3. My "Let's Talk Heavy Strategy" thread: Contains some really good explanation of a speeder's thought process in the clutch. You can find that explanation on the second big post on that thread.

    4. Miscellaneous reference: My motherthread for all my guides. Go through them, some are very detailed indeed. Also, stay tuned for my "Hunter's Manual" series on this thread.
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I never went into the details of this, but I'll say it now: You will have to find a way to diverge the enemy team: Kiting and baiting are two major tactics. Kiting is where you taunt and make a high HP target run after you. Baiting is where you make a target or an entire group of targets shoot at you while you dodge. In both techniques, the basic concept is the art of making enemies lose their temper and patience as they go after you. Some will lose their temper faster, dividing the team.
  4. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    Speeders are really powerful in right hands . when i enter in a Battle always keep eye on speeders . sometimes target them first because speeder alone can win a battle .
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  5. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    its always depends on if leave the speeder for last or sink it soon when get chance .

    recently find it more fun with hit and run speeders .
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  6. Anonim23

    Anonim23 Member

    12 Jan 2019
    Thank you for the tips. That was some INSANE gameplay. I'm a low tier player so I dont have THAT MUCH skill. I mainly play shooter and equiped it with with close range weapons like explosive cannon and gattling gun so I don't think I can be a ranger. I was thinking of equiping my speeder with big torpedo+grenade+ frost blaster (freeze them and follow with a torpedo or a grenade) or explosive cannon+flare gun (I have talents and perks for damage to burning ships). What build would you recommend for the speeder? I only have uncommon and a few rare items so no legendary and epics (with a few exceptions).
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  7. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    Please don’t use a Gatling gun on a speeder.

    If the enemies stay together, you can go behind them as a distraction.making them keep turning around is a huge advantage for your team.

    I don’t think those videos help you because the play styles are so different than what you’re capable of at low end. That’s the reason why there are not much Youtubers in this game. However, the roles of speeder are the same.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  8. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    Excellent guide! Yellow boats everywhere should take note :)
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  9. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Flare/ blast is the best way to go if you want reliable damage and are good at dodging.
    (Great for rangers and assassin's alike)

    Frost/Torp/grenade is good for clusters of targets but less reliable unless you have amazing accuracy with them.
    (Good for kiting, not so good for assassination)
  10. Redneck Messiah

    Redneck Messiah Well-Known Member

    28 Oct 2018
    Damage Depot
    From what you've said, I believe you'd fall into either the assassin or duelist classes outlined by @TheAntiSnipe up there somewhere. As an assassin speeder meself, I can suggest some loadouts for you to try:

    Assassins, the Bay's hit'n'run specialists, value a balance of speed and damage. I run Flare Gun/Blast Cannon in my red slots with Nitro/Nitro/Overboost in my yellows so I can deal out a steady stream of damage and get myself out of sticky situations (which assassins often find themselves in lol). This is a fairly good assassin build, but you could use an Explosive Cannon instead of a Blast if you wanted to. You could also run a Tesla Bolt in place of one of the Nitros to give your offense a boost. Good blue items to run are Shield/Turbo/Bandage. This gives you health, speed, and the ability to heal after ducking out of one of those bad situations I talked about.

    Duelist loadouts are pretty much the same as assassins red-wise. A good yellow combination is Nitro/Tesla Shield/Overboost, which provides the combination of speed and strength that is the duelist's trademark. For blue items, a duelist should run Shield/Shield/Turbo, to be both fast enough and tanky enough to survive 1v1s.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  11. R4Z0R

    R4Z0R Well-Known Member

    11 Nov 2017
    why do u wanna know?
    what about BlackTail? :(

    (and fake BlackTail :p)
    HAPPY SITHSHA and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    As people before me said, Gatling Gun on any speeder build is a bad idea, it wastes a slot that could be occupied by a high burst gun. Torpedoes, again, are used in quite a few builds, but in my opinions, torpedoes, no matter how good you get, fall short on taking down fellow speeders. While that may not feel like a limitation right now, it will be one once you get high enough that speeders and enforcers become the most high-value targets except for fixers. I was a torp user myself, and I have a legendary grenade too. But the only times I use either is when I'm playing non-Ranked game modes.

    Explosive+flare is one of the best assassin combos. It does fall a little short on the duellist side, but most can make it work. @Redneck Messiah put it excellently, but I'd like to add that if you're going for an incendiary build(one that relies on burn), blast+flare, blast+explosive and blast+blast rule the roost. This is because blast cannons are super reliable and rival explosive cannons in terms of single target damage. They are also absolutely devastating when assassinating. Watch this:
    That was a 3933 crit. It took off more than 50% of the fixer's HP in one fell blow. I killed that fixer in 30 seconds. The joke here is that, if I was in a double blast speeder, I could've done it in 15 :D
    Oh, and flare? Beautiful weapon if you're going to be a hardcore assassin. Healblocks 30% of all heals when active. If you're good enough to not need a tesla shield, use tesla bolt+OB+nitro and you'll get a 100% healblock from the bolt. Use that one on the fixer though, there's a talent on the bolt tree that removes stuns, so using it on someone other than the fixer is not a good idea.
    Redneck Messiah likes this.

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