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Patch Notes 4.2 Casually Ranked

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by The Grim Repair, 9 Jan 2019.

  1. liveinGod

    liveinGod New Member

    18 Oct 2018
    HTDM is not ranked.... That's nice ♡
  2. Reorge

    Reorge Well-Known Member

    13 Feb 2018
    Wait till the new season starts
  3. XQT

    XQT Member

    28 Jun 2018
    HCTDM is the worst event! Please don't implement on ranked mode.
  4. Mimmel

    Mimmel Member

    15 Aug 2017
    I think it’s ok in event, but I never want to have HCTDM in ranked! :)
  5. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    Everything about the event seems buggy and stupid. Not gonna waste my time on this. Casuals is 100 times better. If they introduce this s***** event to ranked, then I'm done with this game. Well done Rovio, u really know how to piss of Players. :mad:
  6. Skirra08

    Skirra08 Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2018
    HCTDM to me isn't bad just different. The key thing is you get as many deaths as you have ships which seems right to me. This is a definite improvement on regular TDM where people can race off to their deaths 4-5 times per battle. Also I like that you can pick between all of your ships at the start.

    It's also nice that you can only pick ships from your inventory that have weapons on them so you can limit your options. The only change I would suggest is that everyone's available ships be shown on the loading screen so you have a sense of what you're up against and teamed up witth.
    -729835959 likes this.
  7. d0dih

    d0dih Member

    10 Oct 2018
    Awesome update!!
    Winter Chicken likes this.
  8. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    Hope you are kidding us.. or maybe you are one of those 13k gearscore at 2k infamy. This new mode is just no-sense and every battle time is almost the entire amounts of time we got (in event), can't imagine ranked htdm in nightmare league. Probably 1/10 battles will end with the 10 kills. And surely it's not fun. If they introduce this s**tty mode in ranked, i'll cancel vip and play only casual.. Probably after some days/weeks i'll just uninstall like other 28384728374 people.
    P.s. I'm reading thousands of comments not agreeing htdm in ranked. So if they don't give a f**k and implement it, it's just the confirmation they don't listen anybody apart themself.
    Nikkie! and Aether_Zero like this.
  9. Hellcat_17

    Hellcat_17 Active Member

    17 Nov 2018
    I have it suggested on discord to leave HCTDM as an event you can go vote now
    Nikkie! and Redneck Messiah like this.
  10. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    Could you write link? please
    Shano likes this.
  11. Shano

    Shano New Member

    8 Jul 2017
    Yeah, definitely just money hungry - of course they don’t want to make progressssion of the game faster - that just decreases the lifespan of their cash cow. And it’s absolutely insane how expensive it is relative to what you actually get. Borderline unethical - and I’m sure they manipulate drops as well to get you to buy a few chests now and then to get those last few legendary pieces you need.
  12. Shano

    Shano New Member

    8 Jul 2017
    Probably scales based on match performance and not just jumping or dropping by ~24 after a win/loss
  13. Fish

    Fish Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    For guild quests, only the damage you do with your last boat counts with HCTDM?
    Mad_Bulls_007 likes this.
  14. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    Guys, this is how to find out this post:
    Open battle bay / menu / community / press on discord. You'll join the general chat room. Press menu (on discord) and join #ask-the-devs chat room. Just scroll up few messages and you'll find this one:
    Vote below on: don't make hctdm ranked, it's not a style that should have infamy on the line. It's a change of pace and fun, but should be an event only as suggested by @Hellcat

    Then just press the pentakill icon to agree or the other to disagree (hope u'll do the right thing lol)
    Nikkie!, Hellcat_17 and Mad_Bulls_007 like this.
  15. V__

    V__ Well-Known Member

    23 Jan 2018
    The mode is just bad after all, teamed with a guy brought only 1 boat and did 2k damage, die. Another guy brought 4 BOATS, die 4 times in a row and did 3k damage with a bit of healing. Even with the better items, maxed etc... This mode won't be better and should not be the new ranked, guys will be suiciding left and right with their so under leveled, under powered boats.
  16. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    Then vote here:
    menu / community / press on discord. You'll join the general chat room. Press menu (on discord) and join #ask-the-devs chat room. Just scroll up few messages and you'll find this one: Vote below on: don't make hctdm ranked, it's not a style that should have infamy on the line. It's a change of pace and fun, but should be anevent only as suggested by @Hellcat
    Hellcat_17 likes this.
  17. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    So, played a few games .. and, it's hella fun!!

    Of course, it's probably more fun for me since I have enough items to outfit 4 ships somewhat normally (not that I go through more than two).

    .... But y'all are straight off the rocker if you think that's a good idea for ranked matches.

    Rather, I'd suggest you start auctioning off leaderboard spots .. the highest bidder gets 1st place, 2nd to the 2nd highest, and so on.

    Or ... maybe you could create a ballpark or sniper perk that instantly kills everything it hits and lease it to players for $2,000 per week .. then make a shield perk that makes you and your mines invisible (with a slight Predator shimmer) and lease that for $3000 per week.

    Or ... crazy idea here ... delete epic powercells from the game. Then make an $1 special offer that includes everything you need to max out an epic item (limit 4), so the vast number of players that got stuck behind that powercell paywall are able to clear some of their inventory backlog and have a reason to start buying pearls and VIP subs again .. so that maybe - just maybe - you'd be less reliant on your largest investors to keep the lights on.

    But that's just crazy ..
  18. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I gave it a try. It’s okay for a ‘crazy’ event, but I definitely wouldn’t want to see this trash in ranked.

    I don’t even see a meaningful reason to ‘rank’ this kind of nonsense — what is being measured here? It’s just random spammy chaos, with common turbos, and zero strategy or balance.

    In fact, the whole game has become pretty pointless and stupid at this stage. Why am I even wasting my time here...
  19. Zxyqu

    Zxyqu Member

    20 Nov 2017
    Ecks Dee
  20. Napolike1926

    Napolike1926 Active Member

    23 Mar 2018
    Open battle bay / menu / community / press on discord. You'll join the general chat room. Press menu (on discord) and join #ask-the-devs chat room. Just scroll up few messages and you'll find this one: Vote below on: don't make hctdm ranked, it's not a style that should have infamy on the line. It's a change of pace and fun, but should be anevent only as suggested by @Hellcat
    Sidd gamer, Su-57 and Hellcat_17 like this.

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