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TS in the middle: A lesson we can all take from Xryn

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by TheAntiSnipe, 14 Oct 2018.

  1. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    So I saw this video the other day, and felt like it was the finest piece of enfo gameplay I've ever seen. (Edit: It's now on my channel because YT was a derp with the original :D)

    Like any player who plays this type of enforcer, I was inspired. I wanted to be like @Gnu (aka Xryn). This was insane!

    Well, I started analyzing the battle closely. I noticed a few things. First off, he plays exactly like I do. Same kind of accuracy, same moveset. And here I found the major revealation.

    Xryn chains moves very differently from the rest of us. See, we react. He thinks before he moves. You see those delays in the critical moments where an average speedforcer would've choked. He didn't.

    So I dug deeper. I saw the way he arranges his guns, his gear. Another breakthrough.

    Almost every speedforcer I see on YT or on chat has this layout in this order:




    Now, many of us may do this just involuntarily, but the real reason why we do it is because TS, the bread and butter of any enfo, should not get pressed accidentally. There's only a 1/3 probability that such a misstep will happen if we use these loadouts. Setup 1 is optimal to me because one is more likely to make a mistake while nitro'ing than while OB'ing.

    And this is where @Gnu differs.


    He places his TS DEAD CENTER. There's a 66% probability of a misstep for crying out loud! How does he do 1v5s with this?

    With this in mind, I tried his build. I took those exact pieces of gear, with that exact arrangement. And I played 25-30 matches. Guess what? I lost 2. Just 2.

    Why does his setup work that well? The answer to that is simple. He can deal with speeders with his two guns. He can deal burst to tanks and fixers with all three. He can shoot over waves with his nade. And he can inflict healblock. Neat!

    Why does his ARRANGEMENT work so well?
    That answer is a little tougher. I played his setup, and realized that I had been wasting my gear. I had been nitro'ing where a simple OB would've sufficed. I'd be shielding up where nitro would've saved me. I'd been missing shots while thinking of evasion, and I'd been messing up evades where I was thinking of shooting.

    See, Xryn's arrangement forces you think of ONE thing and one thing only, at a time. The risk for messing up is too high to waste time thinking of other things. Which is why his build works so well! I started paying much more attention to the yellows I had taken for granted. I rediscovered vagaries about each yellow that I had noted but had never put into practice. The tiny burst from an OB trigger can protect you from a snipe from afar. The nitro can be used to get you into position and shoot before an opponent's shield-stun wears off. TS can be used for a lot of stuff. Mine proximity measurement, flash-shielding, all of that.

    I started implementing these little things into battles I played, because I stopped thinking of my yellows as combos and started thinking of them as individual items. Prefiring a TS before nitroing out. Using the OB as a completely individual element rather than chaining it with nitro. Interrupting a firing cycle to smoothly nitro out of the way of a bullet I couldn't afford to take.

    And I ended up being a better enfo than I was!

    To conclude. I think every speedforcer needs to give his arrangement of equips a try. It is INSANE.

    HAPPY SITHSHA Well-Known Member

    24 Feb 2018
    A Place that u could never imagine :P
    Well,nice post bro.:):)

    BTW,his name is XRYN,not XYRN;);)
    Last edited: 15 Oct 2018
    Nikkie!, Nicolas and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    HAPPY SITHSHA and Nikkie! like this.
  4. Earel

    Earel Active Member

    24 Jun 2017
    not bad ) ts + nitro(2s cd ))
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  5. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    I would like to expand on this battle specifically and also go into very detail on my setup.

    Firstly, the battle itself. In a situation that places a players mindset in a huddle, you have no breathing room to freely initiate something without avoiding the consequences. When i was playing, i knew my enemy's objectives and i knew mine and there is barely any time to think of risks and stand around. It's basically do or die and not even thinking before doing something is a very valid option in the fight. You always have to be open to risks and danger as well as being prepared for the worst. That is how you come out alive of a bloodbath like that. Skills and experience developed through time passing can influence individual instinct and potential to be succeeded.

    From live experience, i let my fingers and instincts run on it's own advanced way. Obviously i still had kept the main objective in my head throughout that fight and never let it slip off my mind. There were lots of pressure during that game my arms were shriveled up and i could feel nothing. I was just looking at a screen and let the fingers, eyes and skill do the work.

    Now for the setup, the reason for that this setup is very effective for me is that each item compliments for an item/ship's strengths and weaknesses. For instance, i run my grenade + flare + blast so my grenade assists with my blast cannon for extremely powerful and unpredictable damage whenever it is landed but since the grenade has a strict liability of hitting directly on a boat for quick fire damage burst, there is a flaw to it. My grenade maybe carry powerful burst and linger despite this the grenade requires higher skill cap to perfect. I can say this straight but i am not a master with the grenade and i am still practicing to this dare. Carrying flare however, compliments my blast cannon and grenade as if i end up missing my grenade, i have another incendiary source for my blast cannon to use.

    Another example is carrying a nitro instead of another tesla shield. I dropped my other tesla shield because of the fact that it minimised my maneuverability for ship rotation. To address this, nitro has allowed me to become more agile, as well as covering for easy trades, distance and to suit my playstyle. It also excels when you have strong sense of awareness, you can nitro anywhere in any map without looking at where terrain or obstruction is. Seen in the replay, experience overtime can develop such a valuable skill. I only started playing a speedy enforcer build to compliment and adapt to Rovio's ship tuning update recently. It is to make up for that very particular cause.

    The way that my items are arranged on my boat, is basically what i am mostly comfortable playing with. To me, specific according places where items must go isn't as important and shouldn't be really concerning. Whatever i or you feel you are playing with is most convenient i believe is the best choice a player can make. But i clearly memorise where my items are specfically situated, and they are right there when i know i need them. I only look down at my items to check reload times, other than that my focus is on the game.

    Quoting and expanding on this, i quickly evaluate whether using either of these three items would benefit me. This practical is very situational, as you'll need to understand the benefits and outcomes while in a fast paced position. Stay focused on the battle while considering this.

    Instead of this, it's actually more of..

    (Support) + (Burst) + (Combo)

    Flare Gun --> It is not an essential part of my kit, it is there as a support incase my grenade is not reliable.
    Blast Cannon --> I have two ways to get incendiary, on top of this my other teammates who carry incendiary anyway.
    Grenade --> Vital part of the combo chain, i can easily deal deal nearly 5k damage combined with Blast Cannon in under 3 seconds.

    I would add two more points that i believe is important.

    Target Sequencing and Item rotation

    Target sequencing is a very important part of every game, to basically seek out the most priority player on the enemy team to improve your chances of winning. You see why players wanna take out fixers very early? This is the very basic straight-to-the-point reasoning behind so. Although sometimes my targeting sequence is very specific, it can also vary and change whenever a person feels like it. But normally the reason why i target a player are as follows.

    1. You are an opportunity for a kill to put me forward in my objective.
    2. You are a high priority target and i must destroy you otherwise you can potentially carry the game.
    3. The player is lessening the odds of my chance of winning the battle.

    Very specifically in this game, i did kill the fixer but afterward you should have noticed that i killed a shooter first instead of the yellow boat. I am creating multiple opportunities for kills at once so that i can have a much convenient way to winning the game. Overall, target sequencing is varied and indefinite but in the end, whoever you target is a step closer to winning your games.

    Lastly, i am going to point out item selection. Most players in the game very much have pretty predictable and straight forward item rotations. But to manipulate my opponents into choosing the wrong moves, i can adjust my item rotation whenever it is required. This flaws the enemy into making easy mistakes and even cause a potential kill. Unlike double bubble enforcers who all they do is come out with shields and poke the enemy whenever they're activated, i tend to make sure that my opponents don't find any flaws with my ship's overall composition.

    I hope this helped.
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Thanks for weighing in! You fought like an absolute god in that battle, I really learned a lot! Also, thanks for all the clarification! I'm sure any speedforcers coming here on this thread will really get helped and inspired by how a top player like you thinks!
    Nikkie! and Gnu like this.
  7. I Am A Beginner

    I Am A Beginner New Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Hey,did that video above dissapeared?
    Last edited: 6 Jan 2019
  8. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    I never deleted the video off of youtube..

    After 30 minutes of scrolling down here is the replay i found the replay link.
    Nikkie! likes this.
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Will you re-upload?
    It might have been the music, I've had vids pulled down because of it too.
    Nikkie! likes this.
  10. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    It wasn't the music because it was copyright free. I checked the video it had said it was removed by the user (me) but i do not recall removing that video.

    I will upload it here on this channel by the end of today. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG8VYAPZ_t42ROSRB0JO_mQ
    Last edited: 7 Jan 2019
    Nikkie! and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  11. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Damn nicely played, I must say. One of the best replays I have ever seen :)
  12. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Thanks! ^^
    Nikkie! likes this.
  13. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    Going a bit offtopic here, has anyone seen the endurance video on Gnu battling (can't remember name). There was a stun on Gnu and was capable of dying 1 shot by the other player with an excannon. That player, however, decided to not shoot him until the stun wore off and Gnu escaped and kicked the 2nd player's a$$ with far less health. :)
  14. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    He thought i was going to die by flare gun but i lived on one tick by luck and went to take the match.
    Nikkie! and Agile Vanguard like this.
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Yo, I hope you'll forgive me for doing this, but I'm putting that replay up on my channel so that people can see it again.
    Gnu, Mr. Patel, mar5hmello and 7 others like this.

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