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Is the RNG really Random?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Rhummy, 31 Dec 2018.

  1. Rhummy

    Rhummy Member

    22 Feb 2018
    Hello my Battle Bay friends,

    Do you all think the RNG is really random in this game. Honestly I just don't feel like it is. I have been pkzyimg for neearly 3 years znd have almozt 20,000 battles plzyed. I am still waktimg to get to t4 epic sniper......and have been waiting about 2 years to complete an epic t5 long mortar. Not to mention that I also do not have a t5 blast cannon....When I combine epic red parts i feel lke I always get napalm mortar or flaregun!
    On top of that it seems like forever since I have recieved a Legendary Part. Since new updates I have an extremely hard time increasimg infamy now, so don't really think i will finish top 3 in ace 2 div...and there is no way to get them other than through the raffle I am feelimg a discouraged. Is there any way I can feel better about this game? Is there a way to buy legenadary parts?

    Thanks for any replies my fellow battle bay grinders.

  2. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    and now they want us to have minimum two ships ready for infamy battles . i think they should change the system because we are not getting items as we need and powercells are not in our hands . i mean i have some rare items which i can lvl up but i don't have enough powercells . they should give us option to choose which item we want when evolve ten pieces , they can keep boxes random . and they should either remove powercells or make only standard power cell option for all items as we have tones of tone common powercells .they can also sell them in shop for gold which can also help . but these changes are needed if they want us to have two ships ready for battles .
    Sewah likes this.
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Yes it's random. Waited 7 months for t5E blast dupes, suddenly landed them one day, one from a 400 pearl crate, one from common draw. You can never be sure!
    Su-57 likes this.
  4. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    i am waiting for standard cannon copy for t5 , i have one but second one is missing .
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Same thing for my epic FG
  6. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    I decided to scrap all my long range missile (lrm)
    1 legend level 3
    1 rare level 48
    1 epic level 13
    3 to 4 low level lrm

    After scapping all lrm (and few others rare item)
    I got at least 3 rare item pieces to evolve, try and guess what rare item i got?

    I got 2 rare LRM

    What the %@#$&>{+!$@@-()_*:!:"":;

    RnG is ridiculous and #_+_$@$_-+-$##&-+

    Redneck Messiah, Ultrah and Nikkie! like this.
  7. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    It might be random but with an algorithm, because I used to get a lot of epic EC at the beginning, @TheAntiSnipe remember?, But now I don't get any epic EC, I used to get mortars, till now I have combined 3 legendary reds, 2 standard mortar and 1 missile, now all I remember last 2 rare red, if not 3, items I combined were big torp.

    So those items are chosen randomly and you get them more often for period of time, or they might be not randomly choseno_O.
    Last edited: 31 Dec 2018
    Sewah and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  8. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    EVEN if you spend cash, the rng is still there.

    I know, i do spent and buy stuff.

    End up scapping most of it (roughly 70%) because of RNG and limitations of inventory slot.
  9. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I do believe it is random, but many of us suspect it is weighted based on your individual circumstances in small samples.

    One theory is that it favors items you don't use. I've received countless Frost and Mortars that I keep scrapping and keep getting again.

    Another theory is that it favors items that you scrap. My last Epic Item was a Ballpark Mortar. I had just scrapped one or two of them just prior to combining it. There's a recent thread on this.

    A Third theory is that it's tougher to get items you use. My first ever T4E was 10 months ago...a Fire Bomb. I stuck it on my ship because it was my strongest item for months, using it every day, but have yet to receive a single FB since. Same with Missile, Bandage.

    It's really easy to see patterns in small RNG samples, but over time with a proper sampling rate it should eventually even out. The thing is there are something like 38 items, and on any given ship you care about 7 of them. That already implies you are likely to not care about 80% of everything you get... but getting item drops at all is HARD!! We are talking years of F2P or thousands for P2W to overcome RNG to finally get to a proper sample size to achieve odds of getting what you are looking for.

    In other words, even with perfectly random RNG, the deck is stacked against you because item drops are fairly rare, and you need a LOT of them for RNG to achieve proper distribution. Welcome to the world of loot boxes.
    Forasteiro likes this.
  10. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    2 words:
    Negativity bias.
  11. Friscomachine

    Friscomachine New Member

    30 Sep 2018
    you know that randomness is only given for time against infinity, so playing 3 years is not that much. anything else results in...
  12. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    My bias is pretty strong. The last 3 Legendary perks (dating back to this summer) are Reach Gatling Gun (I have no leveled up GG), Cover Repair Bolt (never been a Fixer), and... you guessed it, Reach Gatling Gun. My first 3 Legendary combines? Standard Mortar, Fire Bomb (already and a T4E), and... yes, another Standard Mortar. 4th? Big Shied... when I already had a Max T5E and no ship can fit 2. Just one disappointment after another.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  13. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    But I bet you got some pretty lucky stuff at times. Think of your best item/perk. How long did it take you to get it, did you get it out of a combine, crate, raffle or something else? Most people's RNG is luckier than they think.

    On the other hand, unless you use all items in the game, there is a high chance of getting what you didn't want.
  14. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Not really... and you'll probably regret getting me started on that topic.

    There was one time when RNG suppressed Rare dups of my favorite two weapons, Sniper and SC... to the point where I had to stop using them. RNG then started showering me with Rare BC's, for which I could build 2 entire T5R's before I received even a 3rd copy of either Sniper or SC. I ran those two BC's for a year because, why would I get any Epic BC's? I finally bought several 3000 Pearl Canon deals, which was the only means for me to make any T5E weapon after 17 months in the game. That's a fair illustration of the fact that you have to roll with RNG because odds are heavily against you getting what you really want to use... it's the way BB was designed... and then supplement with better-odds options.

    We can go over my Legendary Perk assortment.. 7 of them to date. I don't use a single one on my 10+ item rotating standard item list. Only one perk I really wanted, but I've been waiting about 8 months to receive my last dup, so it stays on the bench. My last two were identical Gatling Gun perks and I've received 1 Epic GG copy to date... regardless one is going to the scrap heap. All useless so far.

    Legendary Items? I already went over my woes with Legendary combines. I suppose that Legendary FB is the only positive in the bunch considering my 9 months waiting for Epic dups, but in the mean time I had to spend all my Legendary parts on Canons due to lack fo Epic dups that finally resolved itself.

    We can talk about my experience with Epic Containers if you want... I run a Shooter... First Container, 1 Epic Green item. First 6 containers, 3G, 2Y, 3B, 1R. That 1 Red is the last Epic FB I've seen in 9 months. Those Blues were shields which I already built out. My next 3 containers finally gave me 2 RNG epic items, and each had a Red... so overall RNG is finally getting closer to stated odds, but still under, and still way under based on proportions of Red items that is actually want I wanted. So when prompted with $99 8x Epic Container deals, I just laugh... no f*&ing way I'm paying that much cash for RNG like I've experienced.

    I've received 1 Epic Bandage to date... would be nice to use it. 1 Epic OB to date... still using a Rare. 2 Epic Flares to date... really want to use that one as it's been hindering my Enforcer efforts. I don't even have an Epic Cell issue at this point because the dups of what I want are not coming, just like it did with Rares, but I ran into massive issues with Rare Power Cells, so I'm not going to run with RNG the same way without feeling the pain of it all.

    So overall, could be worse, but no real upside, except I did receive an Epic Railgun from a common crate yesterday... that was fun, but my Railgun dups have come so slow I have nothing built up, and the only weapon training left unfinished, next to GG, so it did nothing little for me.... but now it finally brings Railgun relevant for me. yay?
  15. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    After 2,5 years of playing I'm fairly sure there's no manipulation behind the RNG on this game. Like others have said the sample size for individual players over a short time is so small that you easily think there are patterns.

    But now after finding more than 450 epic items (including perks, based on achievements) I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the RNG when it comes to item combinations or obtaining items in general. I do believe some perks are more likely to appear in guild raffle than others but in shop shipments they all probably have the same chance.

    Over the years I have came across enough epic duplicates for most items to get them to tier 5 if only I had kept all the items. But it's been my own stupid decisions, especially in the early times, that has held me back. I have even scrapped several highly important epic items like shields and turbos, thinking I wouldn't ever use those or that I would build a rare version of it instead. And as you may have guessed, I later noticed rare really wasn't enough :rolleyes:
  16. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    I agree that RNG is against you, as you said, you only use 20% of items in the game. But I think it's not rigged.

    I bet Rovio would get a lot more customers if they got rid of RNG in crates.
    Sewah likes this.
  17. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    ...or that you would now need all those extra epic shields and turbos to populate multiple boats for HTDM. Pay up! :D

    Most of the manipulation comes in the form of item availability. Guild Raffles are famous for pimping Fixer items every single week, and now it's Teal. It's been 8-9 weeks since I've seen a Raffle that offers any sense of proportional offerings to the number of Red items available. Event perks are the same... ever notice how many Green perks, Gatling Gun, and now Teal perks there are? Again, not in proportion to the number of items available per color, it's what the Devs want to push on us to speed up progression for certain boats and items, and thus slow progression for anything else.
  18. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Interesting fact: We asked the devs for a progression boost. They gave us one, while at the same time adding another inhibitor to progression... I'm not going to judge the update until it comes, but overall, this is exactly what it looks like to me.
    Rhummy and Sewah like this.
  19. capphil11

    capphil11 Member

    19 Nov 2017
    Fairly certain that there is no secret manipulation of the RNG odds. I'm almost positive that some of the markets in which Rovio operates the game have specific regulation around 'loot boxes', which is what pretty much all probabilistic boxes and item drawings are in BB, where the odds need to be known and be true odds. The issue that folks are experiencing is that because of the very large number of items available, the variance around how long it takes to get a certain duplicate is quite high. Does not make it any less frustrating ...
  20. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Increasing rewards by 20% and increasing the # of boats+loadouts required tor a match by 200% is a progression slowdown.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.

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