I like the events idea, it's pretty awesome. How about a new currency, "Badges"?
Random events spawn every month or so, with one event for a bracket of 50 players. Players will be selected based on their gear levels to ensure a level playing field. Events will involve YOUR ship and YOUR setup, so that no speeder gets a fixer quest
They may involve stuff like, "Sniper!" For getting 'x' long shot highlights

or "Dodgy" for dodging shots with a speeder, or "Miracle worker" for fixing up a player from critical HP. What I want is for these events to depend on SKILL, and not gear. It shouldn't be, "Deal x damage", rather "Land x shots", or "Have x accuracy". As a community, we should set a higher bar for mad skillz, and appreciate them more than we do today. However, knowing the challenges of being in higher leagues, we should still keep gear levels equal in the tournament. Infamy won't be a bad idea either.
Edit: Oh, and badges!!! Badges will give you access to WHATEVER YOU WANT(not random) from a badge store, where every type of part and powercell will be available at a set exchange rate. It will also contain weapons, going all the way up to epic, that are relevant to the event.
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