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[Feedback & suggestions] - Guilds

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by *Rubber Duck*, 30 Sep 2017.

  1. GigaBeard

    GigaBeard Member

    11 Feb 2018
    As many have stated so well, the rivalry matchmaking is still broken. Maybe if enough of us keep bringing it up the devs will listen. "Hello, is anyone in there?"
    I'm part of a pretty active guild, but interest is waning across the board, as competing against guilds that obviously outmatch us in sheer firepower/infamy and rank feels fruitless. Guild and rivalry battles were such an awesome addition to the game, but I'm growing weary of grinding away when there's no chance for even a top 3 finish. I had hoped by now, any statistical issues with the matchmaking algorithms would be worked out, but no.

    I've really enjoyed this game and am more than willing to spend some money in a reasonable way to support the game devs, but the greed is leaving a sour taste (excessive boosting/pearl spending or being a VIP seem like a requirement for winning now - it's become Pay to Win). Not to mention the outrageous prices for store purchases - $50 for an epic item!!

    Also, ditto on more guild roles and info for officers and owners (see post above).

    Again, please provide more post-battle info/stats on damage per weapon, etc

    Better iPad pro support - game controls are unusable at that size screen.


    PATRICK BRADY New Member

    3 May 2018
    Please developers fix this very broken matchmaking. Currently we are in a rivalry with 3 teams global ranked in 100s, 2 teams in 300s, and then us with global rank of 1396. Last week all these rivals completed 48,47,48,46 ,etc. And we completed 33 quests. I really do not understand. The new rivalry option was a great addition to this game and makes it much more fun continually. But its tearing guilds apart cause their members go searching greener pastures cause we afe getting absolutely killed making it not fun at all. Oh forgot to mention they avg abiut 3000 infamy while we have 1 guy that is 2000 amd a few more in the 1000s amd majority under 1000. This is just killing the morale of the guild and taking all the fun out of a great idea. Please please fix this broken matchmaking. Our guild is "the dirty dozens" if you want to look into further please do so. Or what other info do you need from me to help check on this. If you need to contact me i would love to offer ideas, help, or whatever I can do. Any help in fixing this and developers are hopefully reading this as well
    Last edited: 3 May 2018
    Marekg71 likes this.
  3. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    People still moaning about being matched up against guilds with equal quest potential? :) Oh no, we dont win every week, the system must be broken!

    Do like these cheaters here;

    Ill even post the recipe for cheating the matchmaking system (Lets hope that leads devs to actually fixing a loophole that was obvious from day 1). Its widespread enough that I see this atleast every 2nd rivalry by now.

    Cheaters guide to winning most rivalries (using a guild with our questing ability as example, your # of quests may vary. We do 48 with low boosting, and around 55 if pushing hard).
    First you need to create some empty shell guilds with alternate accounts and make sure these guilds quest so little that you get matched against guilds you can easily beat (i.e. 0-12 or w/e). Afterwards here is the cycle you follow:

    Week 0 = Move to first Empty Shell guild just before rivalry resets.
    Week 1 = Complete 48 quests for #1 (48 to pick up 12000 Board clear bonus). No boosts required.
    Week 2 = Now you’ll be matched against guilds peaking with 48q. Moderate boosting and around 50 required for easy #1.
    Week 3 = Harder opponents. Use the builds you’ve gathered over the last 3 weeks to go as high as required for #1.
    Week 4 = Clear first three boards with low boosting, after that consider if #1 or #2 is reachable. If so then push and get a final 21/42k token reward. If the rivalry is too difficult then casually play to 48, and leave for next shell guild just before rivalry resets.

    And repeat.
    @The Grim Repair Isnt it time to close the door? Id suggest positive incentives to guild loyalty (/guild lifespan). The idea behind guilds cant be to have everyone leave on a monthly basis.
    Last edited: 3 May 2018
    Aether_Zero, Elyport and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  4. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Hey, I'd like for 1 more guild position to be added, "Recruiters", members who can invite members to the guild. I have my guild set to open as we aren't as active currently, and every once in a while someone joins and just spams invites to everybody they encounter. So the order would be:
    Member (default)
    Recruiter (can invite)
    Officer (can invite/kick)

    Also, when can we have guild announcements? Normal messages get buried wayyyy too quick under replays and invites.
    Rainbow Warrior and Fluid Bait like this.
  5. Ser Tomaz

    Ser Tomaz Active Member

    24 Dec 2017
    Alert when quests are done between matches
  6. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    The Battle Area (after you press the battle button) andthe Bay (where you start from or go back to after pressing Return to Bay) are two distinct programming zones with different things loaded up into memory.
    Chat and notifications are only in The Bay.
  7. Jehosephat

    Jehosephat New Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Guild Bulletin Board.
    Intra guild communication is limited by the lack of stickies or a bulletin board.
    Being able to stick messages at the top of guild chat would actually allow for in game rivalry organization.
    A bulletin board on the home screen with a big message would serve the same purpose from a different angle.
    I haven't read the whole thread, so not sure if this has already been suggested.
  8. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    A nice addition would be for the guild leader to be able to set a min trophy requirement during rivalries. If there was also an option (for the leader to use at his/her discretion) to auto kick players who dont meet the min. I imagine it can be a bit overwhelming to try and keep track of 24 other players contributions. If the leader decides not to use this option it could "flag" the player in some way so the leader knows which players aren't contributing and could chat with them to find out why. They could even set an x amout of times a player is flagged before they are auto kicked.
    It would also be nice to see individual trophy stays for players such as an average trophies, past 3 weeks, and lifetime trophies. This would help a leader determine if they should accept a guild application or not.

    Sorry for the scattered thoughts but I'm sure you can understand what I'm saying.
    PastelPiku likes this.
  9. Radar O Reilly

    Radar O Reilly Active Member

    28 May 2017
    So many Players, so many stats to try and track for all.

    We want to watch for players doing too many guild quests and we want to watch for players not doing enough. We don’t chase the guild quest as hard as many guilds. We just want to play and have fun. We close just enough to do well without dedicating our game time and pearls to boosts chasing a first place win. We’ve kicked players for pushing too hard and running up the number of completed quests.
  10. Fin-

    Fin- Active Member

    2 Sep 2017
    I'm still waiting the real guild war...
    Devs, pls play World of tanks. The real guild war is like that.
  11. Big steel

    Big steel New Member

    22 Jan 2018
    I searched but I did not find a thread ... my problem is that in my guild our leader is absent for more than 1 month .I am dignitary but I have no possibility to add d other dignitary. could I find a solution here?
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    No, if your leader left, you'll most probably have to start a new guild.
  13. Dez

    Dez New Member

    14 Jan 2019
    How about sort the stupid matchmaking out. This game has to be the most foolish and outright poorly designed matchmaking ever in the history of computer games.
    What makes you think that 4 fixers on 1 team is fun. They have very few weapons to fight withand spend most of their time trying to heal themselves.
    Seriously sack the design team and hire some 6-7 year olds who can do a better job. You really are the poorest design team going for matchmaking. Shame on you all to spoil the people time and efforts.

    Attached Files:

  14. NathanaelK

    NathanaelK Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2018
    Anyone out there…? :(
    There is a BB Subreddit. My in-game tag: #GDHYNGJQ
    It'd be nice to see a re-roll mechanic like we see with personal Quests applied to Guild Quests — like if five members agree to re-roll a Guild Quest, it is replaced with a randomly selected new one, and a Guild can re-roll one Quest per board?
    That would help Guilds with quests for items nobody uses without letting them skip every single tricky Quest they come across.
  15. Dez

    Dez New Member

    14 Jan 2019
    All guilds in the fight have the same set of quests reroll is not an option and can not be for that reason. Develop all weapons or find memders who have them
  16. NathanaelK

    NathanaelK Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2018
    Anyone out there…? :(
    There is a BB Subreddit. My in-game tag: #GDHYNGJQ
    Oh, I had no idea!
    If all the Guilds had a re-roll mechanic, wouldn't things even out? Every Guild could get the same Quest from their re-roll.
  17. GigaBeard

    GigaBeard Member

    11 Feb 2018
    As a guild leader, my biggest frustration is not having better statistics over time for the members of my guild. Even if it could be just the last 4-8 weeks of data on guild contributions. Wouldn't even have to be in game, maybe on a web page that guild leaders and officers could log into with searchable data sets for each player. It's very difficult to keep track of what 24 other players have been contributing to the guild over time. I want to have some better tools to make fair, fact based decisions on who to kick, or keep.
  18. Sreg

    Sreg Active Member

    17 Nov 2017
    I propose to consider the options for the reward for the guild quests, now for the 1st place only 42k coins, regardless of how much effort and money the guild has invested for 1st place!
    To this I propose to do this. The total amount of tasks of all guilds should be multiplied by 200 = the number of tokens for the first place, for the second place is x100, for the third x75, and so on.
    For example, if 3 guilds fought and scored 100 tasks at the end of the season, and the remaining 2 guilds did not try and scored only 48 tasks, then the guild will receive (100 + 100 + 100 + 48 + 48) * 200 = 79200 tokens for the first place!
  19. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    the real problem in guild rivalry is the presence of boosts (2x and 5x), if you're up against well funded guilds then your f***ed hahahaha, for once, i want to see devs be unselfish and remove the money factor in guild rivalries, after all, it's the closest thing we have to an official guild war... rivalries should be determined by guild activity, effort, and teamwork and should not be influenced by money.

    the 2nd major reason, i think, is that the raffle rewards have become stale for many players and no longer worth the effort
  20. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    this could have easily been addressed by suggestions made by the community as far back as the start of guild rivalries...
    1) there should be a rest period between rivalries (probably 1 day), this will be the window where guild leaders recruit or dismiss members and players get to transfer guilds if they choose to.
    2) players MUST be in a guild before rivalry begins to be able to participate in a rivalry, players without guilds cannot participate once rivalry begins, they can still join guilds but will not be able to contribute.
    3) rivalry rating: each player will have a rivalry rating (this will be a new parameter to help leaders assess a player before recruiting them) this rating is a summation of several stats based on a player's (average daily battle time, battles played, battles won, average damage/heals per battle, average stars earned per battle, etc.) we can't use trophies for this rating since trophy accumulation is influenced by boosts thus it is not an accurate representation of a player's activeness
    4) a guild's total rivalry rating will be the basis for rivalry matchmaking
    5) matchmaking is calculated just before rivalry begins and after all rosters have already been locked.

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