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Business Logic

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by TVNPryde, 15 Dec 2018.

  1. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    I just want to state my 2 cents on how this Rovio team handle Battle Bay.

    When the update that introduces the Interceptor with ship pieces and the redesign training tree, I thought they’re going to make a lot of money for that. They went all wrong on that as they didn’t give the players a taste of the new ship immediately. Asking players to spend tens of thousands of dollars or grind to death for it was not the way to go.

    What this team should’ve done was to allow the first 30 levels to be attainable by golds, pearls, and ship pieces at a reasonable prices so the players can get that at least. Levels 31-40 should be by pearls and pieces at a moderate prices. Levels 41-50 can be attained by pieces that worth about 4-5 months of grinding. Of course, the rich can always buy the pieces by pearls or real money. The Interceptor should have been a bit overpowering too. Should be what it is now with HPs closer to a shooter.

    The Reaper was unnecessary. The Reaper should brings in a ton of money too a few months from now. Without the Reaper, the Guardian was introduced at the right time for Christmas money.

    What this Rovio team did hurts the game more than it already was. Making new contents unreasonably unattainable only push players away, both old and new. I am guessing there are not that many players having the interceptor at level 50 if any at all.

    With the state of Battle Bay now, the devs should make the first 2/3 of all items trainings to be completed in about 3 months to keep new players interested. Extend the last few trainings a bit but still keep the time frame for all the trainings to be about 15 months or so with VIP. This is just something I thought of now to help new players but not part of the original thread - which is about the Interceptor business aspect.
  2. GrizzlyMoose

    GrizzlyMoose Active Member

    19 Dec 2017

    Yes, I agree. Ships should have been given, or bought like the guardian was.

    I didn't get much of a chance to play in the interceptor event, so it took weeks to gather up enough parts to buy ship. Not that I play it, because I will never get enough parts to upgrade it to what I consider a playable lvl.

    I did manage to acquire it eventually and find it, and he other new ships a perfect place to store duplicates and avoid having to spend pearls for item slots.

    Too bad for new and future players. It would definitely have turned me from the game when I started.
  3. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    They should have offered the ships for 5 or 10 dollars. That is reasonable for a virtual item and I think lots and lots of people would have bought one. I would have for sure, but 50 dollars for a level 1 ships is so far from being reasonable, that only a handful of people bought one. The others grinded and grinded and the people who don't have that much time on their hands or just aren't physically able to play enough to get these ships, just ignored them. Which is sad, because I like the Interceptor.

    They really should listen to the community and look at their prices. Greed is never a good advicer for anything. And if they just don't have good marketeers, they should hire some.

    I still think this game has great potential, but it all comes down to listening to the community and hire to some good marketeers. They should stop with these lootboxes and prices for virtual items which surpasses the price of many phones a lot of the kids use to play Battle Bay. If you spend 100 dollars on chests and crates and didn't find anything useful, then the chance is BIG you stop spending. Whereas if you can buy a duplicate for 5 dollars, even a lot of kids can afford that. And many, many kids play this game as well. So, they leave a large part of their potential customer base untouched, because they overprize their items and have made it in to a lotery for almost everything.

    Happy customers will spend money, unhappy customer hardly spend anything if anything at all.

    But I have said it all before and I get a feeling I am talking to a wall as we say in Dutch. I really would like to see changes, so this game will last several years from now and as well Rovio earns a good profit with it.
  4. Undead fixer

    Undead fixer Active Member

    5 Nov 2018
    For reaper event i almost miss all of my school week because of it..
    And yeah same with the Interceptor..
    With gold yeah could have MADE things more easy but rovio always take it too far
    Always wanting cash rovio right.
    HappyUnicorn789 and Sidd gamer like this.
  5. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I agree with this... it is the right price point for virtual items, but let's face it, there's never been anything of value in Battle Bay that can be purchased for $5-10.
  6. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    Reasonable prices will bring in money from the whole fan base and attract more players. Servicing the 1% will make the fan base frustrated. The will stop spending and/or leaving the game, which is what has been happening. Rovio customer support is also horrible but that’s another topic.
  7. GrizzlyMoose

    GrizzlyMoose Active Member

    19 Dec 2017
    It's just a different sales strategy.

    They seem to cater to the people who have spent a lot of money.

    The can't seem to get the idea that they can get a little from a lot of players. They want a lot from a few.

    Their loss......I stopped spending.
    Sidd gamer and TVNPryde like this.
  8. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Or the simple fact that whales will also stop spending if the overall player base diminishes. Catering solely to the 1% ensures the game will shutter prematurely.
  9. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    This makes too much sense ..the devs have proved time and again there real short on that.
    TVNPryde likes this.

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