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What’s with the new sound fx?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by canaglia777, 13 Dec 2018.

  1. canaglia777

    canaglia777 New Member

    30 May 2017
    Dear players,
    I find the new and *improved* sounds fx offensive.
    I like a good ol’ diesel like the next guy, but since the last update, whenever I play, i’m Feeling like riding a rusty tractor 100 mhp towards the infinity and beyond.
    Never mind all the silly bugs like explo not hitting or hit zones the size of Arizona.. these bugs are for sissies who don’t like a good fight
    Rise with me. Let fight together this battle!
  2. Verkinketr

    Verkinketr Member

    1 Jul 2018
    Have you tried rebooting your device?

    TOBBOM Member

    4 Sep 2018
    I think now the Shooter sounds more like a muscle V8. Rough and loud.

    I do like the electric buzz of the Enforcer, though. Green power.
    HAPPY SITHSHA and TheAntiSnipe like this.

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