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The most rare perks to get

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by GraveDragon, 11 Dec 2018.

  1. GraveDragon

    GraveDragon Active Member

    25 Oct 2018
    So, I have been wondering whether i have been cursed regarding the railgun perks or is it actually rare for them to get hands on. I have been playing this game for more than a year now and i only managed to get 4 uncommon railgun dmg perks. I have never seen them appear in the shop and they are not included in most of the recent events.
    And to add, it was my first epic weapon and so it has been with me from the beginning

    Attached Files:

    AntiHero and Sidd gamer like this.
  2. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    Well thats RNGesus for you! I've had quite a lot of Railgun perks recently... I've been waiting for carronade perks for months too haha
    Sidd gamer and GraveDragon like this.
  3. GraveDragon

    GraveDragon Active Member

    25 Oct 2018
    I wish there was trading available in battle bay XD. Have been getting so many carronades and their perks. I even got a leg carronade which sits at the corner rarely used
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  4. Bunty1111

    Bunty1111 New Member

    4 Jun 2018
    U and other players are in hurry to get those all items they need why? there are lots of players playing from years and they don't have any issue and argue but please make patience and u want all types pieces, perk and cells then join good guild and work hard but players want all item easily and quickly.
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  5. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    Got 3 epic railgun event perks, scrapped one.
    Have had the epic dmg perks too for a while (non-event) and of course am holding onto some railgun cooldowns also.

    My issue is that I haven’t gotten railgun dupes. And I’ve had about 10 epic carronade s :(
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    .... Um, you're not making any sense? Please explain your point.
    GraveDragon and Sidd gamer like this.
  7. GraveDragon

    GraveDragon Active Member

    25 Oct 2018
    Desire is something a human goes through during his life. That means we can wish for something we want. Granted or not. Here I was just wondering if only I am in short of that perk or are they rare in general that's all. I don't know what you assumed from my first comment and I even doubt you would understand what I said just now. No offense buddy.
    And coming to the trading part, many games have a trading system of some sort or similar. Dev could always make a place for it by implementing certain limits. Like making trading limited to once per month.
    Last edited: 19 Dec 2018
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  8. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I've got plenty of epic railgun perks but let me tell you, I have been looking for epic item range perks for almost a year and still haven't got any. It's just rng and sometimes it really kicks you.
    TheAntiSnipe and GraveDragon like this.
  9. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    We've talked about the rarity of range perks many times in the past... I think they may be the most difficult of all to come across.

    OTOH I just got another epic railgun damage perk... For me it's always been the Railgun itself that's been tough to come by
    TheAntiSnipe and GraveDragon like this.

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