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BB back in 2017

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Undead fixer, 21 Nov 2018.

  1. Undead fixer

    Undead fixer Active Member

    5 Nov 2018
    How good BB last year?

    Back last year 2017 a very good year for battle bay it was so flesh no lag no bad teams everything it was just the bomb when I was new I didn't even know what I was doing lol I even tried to put pieces on my ships xD
    Chats were always so friendly and as usual in chats people make jokes and stuff :)
    Everyone was pretty happy with the game and everyone was just so think full what the devs doing at the time...
    But... It actually all started with new matchmaking and yes I used to play defender mk3 back then I ranked so high about up to 900 infamy.
    People been upset how bad it was doing but I didn't believe them I was like what you talking about the game is fine well a day later...
    When I hopped on and start doing quests for gold sugar and plus guild quests I have lost almost of my infamy so I have taken a few day break.
    When I come back into the game with almost all my infamy gone I have thinked of something like speed and that's when a speeder user was born!
    But my speeder was only mk 1 at the time I take it slow get the items and get enough gold to upgrade and got it to mk4 good weapons gained my infamy back but it only lasted for so long 2 updates later
    devs nerfed ex cannon plus speeder once more and I just think that speeder is just a no way to go anymore so I went to play fixer
    The way how good my heals are I was born to be fixer yep a fixer "Months later" I have changed my name to TheFriendlyFixer*

    More will come if you guys read it but no chance xD
    Djradnad, This Is Me and Flint like this.
  2. Undead fixer

    Undead fixer Active Member

    5 Nov 2018
    Just to be honest my hands kind of hurts lol
  3. AntiHero

    AntiHero Active Member

    10 Apr 2018
    Okay, very cool.
  4. DerrickRose

    DerrickRose Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    More will come if you guys read it but no chance xD[/QUOTE]
    Lol Serious?
    Fixer is worse than the speeder.
  5. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    Lol Serious?
    Fixer is worse than the speeder.[/QUOTE]
    Depends on how you think of the ships. They are unique, and all are game-changing.
    Djradnad likes this.
  6. DerrickRose

    DerrickRose Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Depends on how you think of the ships. They are unique, and all are game-changing.[/QUOTE]
    Bro I wouldn’t say you are wrong if it’s what you think about fixer. Imao fixer is game changer in one condition that you are not the last remained fixer on the team. I definitely not saying it’s not unique. But not favorable for many many reasons
    Djradnad likes this.
  7. Nikkie!

    Nikkie! Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2018
    Baaa, I’m a pig (I am out there!)
    Check my information out! “About you”
    I’m since I can remember fixer, so I’d like to hear some of this many many reasons
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    So let's talk about fixer and speeder.

    Since this thread is about BB from 2017-2018, I'd like to point out that I watched the movie "Hacksaw Ridge" in June 2017 and was inspired to play fixer. I did it to disastrous effects. See, the fixer is a good ship, WHEN YOUR TEAM IS NOT a bunch of bleedin' idiots who run around like headless chickens more than half the time. To play fixer in basically any league of the game, you need overpoweringly strong gear... And guess what? The reason for this is not your teams, not your items, it's your fellow fixers. I've never in my BB career seen a more paltry strat guide than when I saw what passed for fixer threads here. However, one thing I saw in the best light was HOW GOOD your team can be. You see the best of you in those teammates that actually value you. I saw defenders stay back, choosing to sacrifice themselves while engaging three enemies at once, just so the fixer could survive. I've seen speeders charge through hell to kill the enemy speeder who dared touch the fixer. I've seen enforcers hold back a berzerk enemy team just so the fixer could heal the recovering defender capable of stopping the berzerkers.

    Look at speeder. The ship gets nerfed constantly and consistently. The walk is lonely because, as a speeder, you have to really look at the dark side of who your team is. You thus really know the exact answer to the question, "What could possibly go wrong?", and that understanding shakes people off the speeder faster than anything else. You dance on a thin line between death and immortality, and most of the time, it's the former that ends up happening. But the speeder comes with a community that actually shares. It comes with people willing to bear the load with you. It comes with people who take an outsider into the fold with open arms. As a speeder, you learn to respect every single class as both predator and prey. That is RARE, and it gives speeder mains a level of understanding of the game that allows them to make themselves at home in any ship's cockpit.

    So do you choose the ship with a lackluster team that it has to depend upon most of the time, with paltry support from fellow pilots, but a truly morally rewarding experience?

    Or do you choose the beast who cannot trust anybody but his fellow pilots, usually ends up dying, but for a precious few seconds, feels the rush of raw power surging through his hull as he ruthlessly charges down a target twice his size, twice his health, and probably twice his support?

    I did make my choice, but not a day goes by that I don't question it.
    Nikkie!, V__ and NeptuneGaming like this.
  9. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    2018 version is pretty garbage compared to 2017. It's like they took all battle bay revenue and used it on Angry birds xyz and when that didn't work, hired some entry level Devs to keep this game fresh. Sure we didn't have cashgrab events but at least actual software was of good quality.

    I've lost most of my friends who started with me in 2017 because they didn't have patience to put up with this and I feel like a fool for sticking around. Chats are dead. F2P grinders are gone and game's still a buggy mess. Dev team failed UX101 class and placed that annoying chat button in most awkward position and made it immovable to top that just in case it wasn't bad enough.

    Targeting's gone from annoying to absolutely horrid, snipers are 100% miss at point blank because fkn Yolo code, same way Ex cannon can't aim low enough to hit a boat at lower wave but railgun can because fkn Yolo again and target lock is so bad that it's the definition of Yolo.
    Idk who's done or doing user acceptance testing for them of if they ever do any acceptance testing at all because this current version is dumpster fire riddled with bugs.
  10. V__

    V__ Well-Known Member

    23 Jan 2018
    Very nice written, 10/10, love it
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  11. DerrickRose

    DerrickRose Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    I agree except this part. It's not just more than half... 'Most' of the time.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  12. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    Well to be fair, it’s actually; half the time they run around like idiots, and the other half of the time they are already dead lmao
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  13. Undead fixer

    Undead fixer Active Member

    5 Nov 2018
  14. Undead fixer

    Undead fixer Active Member

    5 Nov 2018
    Lol Serious?
    Fixer is worse than the speeder.[/QUOTE]
    Fixer had more hp then speeder plus yet speeder had more but speeder wasn't as powerful.
  15. Undead fixer

    Undead fixer Active Member

    5 Nov 2018
    Because of repair pulses back then healed you for 100% instead of 50%. Yes speeder is better in some ways but if you had no bandages are very good shields you are done for.
  16. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    Screenshot_20181128-113834_Photos.jpg Screenshot_20181128-113704_Photos.jpg
    No Duct Force during early stage of BB on 2017.

    Fixer can be a multi role ship if you know how and what to use.

    Attached Files:

    Djradnad and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  17. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    I remember in the tutorial you have to scrap a common duct tape. Traumatising for tri tape users lol
    Nikkie!, Sewah and TheAntiSnipe like this.

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