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Cyber Monday deals

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by BattleRascal, 26 Nov 2018.

  1. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    So not only has the game been changed to drastically slow down progress (reduced event rewards, increased cost of sugar to train and increase cost of gold to upgrade boats).
    It now appears the deals are also reflecting the increased cost of progress. 7 epic contains for $99, instead of the usual 8 containers. I've purchased several of those deals in the past, but I won't be buying this one.

    Who makes these decisions for BattleBay? Are they really trying to nickel and dime us to death by reducing the value of the deals?
  2. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    It is unfortunate... but then again I've never been one to pay $99 for a handful of RNG Epic item copies based on my results. My first 7 Epic Containers contained exactly 3 usable items, so I'm not throwing that much money if the odds of something useful has proven to be near nothing.
    Beau likes this.
  3. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I believe I've bought 3 of those deals in the past(I tend to get a lot of iTunes gift cards). The last deal I purchased gave me dupes to take a few of my epics to TIER 5(just lacking PARTS now).
    They help with powercells, parts from scrapping rares and the legendary pieces too. I'm sure the value wasn't worth the expense, but I still enjoy spending a little bit of money to support a game I love to play. I would probably spend more if the deals were cheaper and had a bigger impact on my game progress. The fact that the game is making progress more EXPENSIVE, means I just won't be buying anything.
  4. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    That is what I said, these prices are so high, that kids won't buy anything anymore. But even adults are thinking twice if it is worthwhile to spend so much money for some vritual gear.

    I don't know who comes up with these prices, but greed is never a good adviser for a company, it blinds people. I know plenty of other games with items starting from 50 cent upwards, who make soooo much more money of their games. Maybe they should hire some of these people.

    A happy customer, who feels like he or she is taking seriously and the goods are good value for the money, will spend more. Simple as that....
    Last edited: 26 Nov 2018

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