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Events perks suck, expiring coins suck...WTF?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by SpatulaOfLove, 25 Nov 2018.

  1. SpatulaOfLove

    SpatulaOfLove Member

    2 Nov 2018
    I've been grinding my butt off in these recent events to get...green crap. So I figure maybe the intention is to have people go for ships pieces (crap), and you guessed it, a whopping 65 pieces per 20 coins. Even grinding for hours on end, it seems impossible to achieve the required 900 battle coins to get something that may or may not be useful.

    Has anyone achieved the 900 coins before expiration?

    The expiring coins thing is serious crap. I should get SOMETHING for the coins leftover (gold?) that I cannot use before they disappear, but better yet, LET ME BANK THEM so I can occasionally get a decent perk.

    Rovio, this has to be fixed. The reward system is seriously broken now and kills the incentive to play, let alone spend any real money on.

    RACK STAR Member

    17 Oct 2018
    I am done spending over this issue. Expiring coins. Lame prizes that can not be achieved in 1 events time. Go back to how events used to be. Rollover coins. Give prizes worthy of playing. Like legendary weapons pieces. 100 for a uncommon perk is a travesty. And unworthy of grinding for. And some of us could Care less about grinding for reaper or interceptor pieces when trying to level it up is pure pay to play.

    Like said events system and coins. Big joke now.

    Go back to how events used to be.
  3. Wymtime

    Wymtime Active Member

    25 Aug 2017
    Mr. safranek did it in 157 matches in 2 days. I will not disagree with anything else mention but people have complete the 900 coins in 2 days. I had someone in my alliance do it too and it took him like 4-5 hours of play time per day.
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Here's what you get when you grind out 900 coins in 2 days:
    • Worthless Uncommon perks
    • A paltry amount of ship pieces, divided between two ships
    • A Legendary perk you don't want.
    • No life
    One event I had a couple days off one event and grinded out a Legendary Perk... got a Gatling Gun perk, which is something I've never used, so it was pointless. In no other event have I even achieved 300 coins. There is no value in grinding out 900 coins in these events.
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    So... Um... Zeus said something along the lines of, "No F2P should feel helpless..."

    Seems legit

    Sarcasm aside, when do they intend to fix this? I don't think there's a single person in the GAME that likes the reward system for the events. It's too much effort for too little reward.
  6. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    I’ve gotten 900 every event, this 2v2 I could get multiple leggy perks, but I am just sticking to one per event. These 3minute matches are much better though, maybe I’ll actually get some sleep after this event lmao.

    Anyways, it’s definitely tough to get 900 if you don’t have the free time, but the amount of playing to get 900 is about what you need to afford the parts in your shipments anyways. The game has always been an Uber grind. And I’m the weeks leading up to the events I was playing very little and didn’t have the gold to buy my shipments, so I think this did a good job of getting me to play, but it still feels more burdensome than fun.

    I’ll probably be looking for another way to spend my time soon, but not soon enough since I can’t seem to quit bb
  7. Hammer Furrrrryyyyyy

    Hammer Furrrrryyyyyy New Member

    19 Apr 2018
    u know I for once can say I stopped treating this game competitively... and it became a bit more fun lol
  8. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Yea I was thinking about this lately... v4.0 introduced an imbalance in Sugar and Gold... Training costs me 650k Sugar/day to train, making it impossible for any sort of casual player to keep on on both training and item leveling. Gold requirements have been drastically increased for boat leveling, many times more than before... yet there is no corresponding increase in battle rewards. As I mentioned above the League system is currently broken, so rewards for many players were actually nerfed on top of the requirements for extra Sugar and Gold. It's yet another post 4.0 design flaw, the bulk of which are now affecting my play time in this game. I'm really liking what I see in Brawl Stars, with global launch being a little over 2 weeks away the clock is ticking.
  9. skv1256

    skv1256 New Member

    31 Jul 2018
    I'm that person, I really enjoy that new reward system. I've finally started reading again, running in the morning several days a week, finished some long lasting task at work and this is all thankfully to the new reward system which makes me start Battle Bay not that often anymore :) That's the best change in Battle Bay ever, I even think that I can finally uninstall it from my smartphone (not that I really going to do right now, but at least I allow such thoughts exist in my head - that's the first stop to freedom :D)
  10. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    The coins won't be carried over in the future. Said by one of the devs itself. :(

    But, the pieces box might be back. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: 27 Nov 2018
  11. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    "The coins won't carry over, that's not something we did in the past"
    I seem to recall coins carrying over from the start of the coins reward system all the way to the end when we got these new "rewards".
  12. Swaf

    Swaf Member

    29 Sep 2017
    Lol did grimrepair really write that? If so what she smoking? Have devs lost all touch of reality and what players want?
  13. Fixer Wiseman

    Fixer Wiseman Member

    23 Jun 2017
    Hahaha .... I'm exactly the same. I really went for it 2 events ago and after getting that legendary perk and a few ship pieces. I was like, my time is worth more than this and I've hardly been back on the game since
  14. Fixer Wiseman

    Fixer Wiseman Member

    23 Jun 2017
    Most of my guild has gone inactive too. Went from completing 48+ quests a rivalry to struggling to get to 36. In a 25 person crew we only have like 6/7 active members now
  15. Mimmel

    Mimmel Member

    15 Aug 2017
    I have to agree that it's a wrong strategy. It's really a shame. It's a great game and I don't find any other game more interesting. I might admit the old rewards are too good and caused unbalance in lower level. But 900 coins in 2 days is hard if you have a full time job. I managed twice on weekends, but otherwise I played less when I found it impossible. It effects in other way round.
    I also don't like the way this events without any break. When should we play ranked? I am lower nightmare and get affected a lot from the nightmare reset. With this current way, I can't get balanced matchmaking coz there is no time that high nightmare players go up. Pls reconsider the current way.
  16. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    To me it's not even about whether 900 coins is unreasonably tough to get... there isn't even a reward at the end. Ship Pieces and Perks do nothing for me.
    Fixer Wiseman and Scourge Argaen like this.
  17. SWAT0013

    SWAT0013 Member

    23 Nov 2017
    Really do not know what to think of these responses... Really starting to seriously consider that unless something major will happen before I will need to buy new phone (6 months at most), BB will not be installed on new one :(
    RACK STAR likes this.

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