Diary of a Disgruntled Mortarman
Day 443
Uh, hello diary. This is, um, Mortimer here. The mortarman? The one who usually writes to you, except for one time where Isak and Burnice stole you as a joke? Yeah, that, um, Mortimer. Me again. We've been scouting in the, um, Damage Depot for three, um, days now. Sgt. Swift thinks that the infamous bandit king Redneck Messiah and his posse of Speeders and Interceptors are nearby, but all I've seen is, um, a pufferfish. No, it was a catfish. No, that's what Blastian called me when I said I wanted to ask Dr. Buzzkill out. It was, um, a pufferfish. Yeah, pufferfish. I, um, like pufferfishes. Anyways, Blastian, um, pranked me today. This is Mortimer speaking, um, writing, by the way. That's M-O-R-T-I-M-E-R, in case you weren't sure. So, uh, Blastian put some spare nitroglycerine on the rug of our Shooter's lounge, where I usually land when I, um, roll off my bunk in the mornings. Turns out Bhurt and Sinklair, who were driving and manning the, uh, what do you call it, the turret, thought we were under attack after the, um, big boom boom went off. So now we're about, um, half an hour behind our, um, what's that thing with the colorful boxes? Our schedule? Well, we're behind it. I looked over Bhurt's shoulder out the pilot's viewscreen and didn't see anything, but Sgt. Swift says we're behind it. Maybe it's invisible? I hope it's friendly. Oh, and Sinklair got trigger-happy and wasted half our sniper shells and pretty much all our big torpedoes. And everyone blames me for not, um, being (Sgt. Swift used a big word here... Orange? Obstinate? Observant?) enough. It's not my fault I can barely see out of this cement brick on my head! Although... hang on. Maybe THAT'S why Brock and Sinklair never let me man the, um, turret these days!
This is Mortimer by the way. The, um, mortarman?
Uh, bye.
P.S. Ask Sgt. Swift if we can do some shopping to get me a new hat.
P.P.S. Ask Sgt. Swift if we can throw Blastian, uh, overboard? Even though we have no boards?
P.P.P.S. Ask Sgt. Swift what a schedule is, and why it's so bad that we're behind it. I'm, um, a bit puzzled with that one.