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Cancelled my VIP

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by ViscountSniffit, 17 Nov 2018.

  1. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I don’t want this to sound salty, but I and many others have posted, repeatedly, about the poor value of VIP, but (as usual) that feedback has fallen on deaf ears.

    Now, it seems everyone is up in arms about the new ships being ‘pay to win only’... Well let me tell you something, I pay for this game every month with my subscription, have done for about a year, and I don’t have either of the new ships either.

    I didn’t get any special promotion, I didn’t get any bonus ship pieces, no excluve access for VIP subscribers: nothing!

    That’s what VIP actually gets you: forgotten.

    So I guess I’ll just take my money elsewhere, to someone who actually cares about it. It might not be a lot, but it was consistent and dependable, and it adds up.

    Shame on you Rovio, for doing absolutely nothing to support your most loyal customers.
  2. Terry Morgan

    Terry Morgan Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017

  3. ScrapKing

    ScrapKing Active Member

    7 Jul 2018
    Yes,stupid game
  4. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017

    Well you can always brag you’re on VIP on VIP CHAT..

    oh wait..

    HOT • PAndesal
    Last edited: 17 Nov 2018
  5. DrLuigiPhd

    DrLuigiPhd Active Member

    23 May 2017
    Same here. It's reached the end of its useful life. Lvl 50, got all the training done for the weapons I use, only use gold and sugar to keep leveling leg gear which takes forever anyway, what's a little longer. It doesn't help in events, no other uses except the 3 guild quests but even those feel forgotten. I still enjoy the gameplay but started to feel squeezed for time/money by Rovio with not much return for either.
    Aywasa, Earel, This Is Me and 5 others like this.
  6. Elyport

    Elyport Member

    26 Sep 2017
    I cancelled mine as well. I'm not a regular vip subscriber, I only buy it when rivalries are tough. Individual item trainings take way too long(and sugar) overall now, vip advantage doesn't really make any sense. This slightly longer training duration might give me enough time to earn some sugar lol. Paying that much money for just an additional quest isn't worth it. Chat is practically useless. Until they reduce the amount or improve the overall value of vip, I'm done with it.
    •ABT• likes this.
  7. Swaf

    Swaf Member

    29 Sep 2017
    Yup did the same. Can't support their current models of events and ships
  8. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    This is the last month of my year-old VIP sub as well.

    It was mostly a cost benefit decision for me --

    Access to VIP chat:
    It was once a helpful place to get tips, but it's now full of trolling, guild solicitations, and players (namely Chuck) complaining about their matches. So, it's exactly like every other chat. Zero value.

    Free Daily Shop Refresh:
    The ability to forgo watching a quick ad for the same benefit doesn't create any material value for me.

    One Additional Active Guild Quest:
    Because of how Rivalry matching is set up --
    • The better you do, the tougher competition you'll match against next week;
    • Tokens are distributed by quest completion, rather than individual contribution, so the #25 contributor gets virtually the same number of tokens as the #1 contributor; and
    • Your extra quest might help the guild complete 1-2 extra quests, but the prizes are so insignificant that this equates to at most one extra 8% chance to get a legendary item piece every three months.
    So, there's no value here imo.

    20% Faster Talent Training:
    My talents are maxed so there's no value for me here.

    For everyone else --
    Rewards and item progression are not scaled based on player level (as they should be) .. so you are better off keeping your captain level as low as possible for as long as possible.

    The VIP's 20% faster training will progress your captain level at a faster rate and match you with tougher competition at this same rate. Despite your captain level increases, you are still collecting epic items at the same rate as everyone else. Thus, the VIP sub is actually putting you at a disadvantage against players with the same captain level (that are not VIPs) since they will likely have spent more time playing and spent more time collecting better items. In other words, you will earn less coins per match (or less ship parts) than you would if you never paid for the VIP subscription.

    50% Battle Rewards Without Ads:
    For me, all progression has ended --

    Events stopped rewarding legendary item pieces, so it will take decades to get enough through RNG drops to level a legendary item high enough to be an upgrade over an epic item.

    I have no use for gold anymore. The ships I play are maxed out. And, I can't build up the other epic duplicates I have saved as I am out of epic powercells (despite collecting rares to level and scrap).

    The 2-day events for legendary perks and ship pieces are far too unrealistic to complete. I cannot dedicate 20% of the time in a 48-hour period to get to 900 coins.

    [SN: The epic and legendary event perks make a huge difference in item power - and greatly affect proper balancing - so they should be far more available for the average player. For example, the grenade range perk is a massive advantage over grenadiers that don't have it.]

    And, at this rate, it'll take 2 years to collect enough ship pieces to max out the new ships - not that I have the epic power cells to outfit them properly even if I could max them now.

    So, there's zero value here.

    One Free Pearl per Match:
    This is not listed as a VIP perk, but it should be.

    Although, this alone is not worth $10 a month - even compared to other offers.

    The pearl diver, for instance, would give me 2000 pearls a month for the same price. And, since I'm no where close to doing 2000 matches per month, this is a much better value than the VIP sub.

    However, 2k peals a month would allow you to buy 6 epic containers a year. Unfortunately, $120 for 6 legendary item pieces is way too steep a price to pay for "progression" - if you can still call it progression.

    Anywho --

    Mainly due to the decision to keep a moderator that I feel lacks the level of maturity to perform their role (as well as being a horrific representative of the company), I have deciding to not go forward with a series of FAQ threads that explain why things are as they are (e.g., MM, the infamy system, balancing, unregistered hits, guild rivalries, game progression, match and loadout strategies), tips for dealing with these issues, and how they might be improved -- as I did with my skill tree threads.

    But, I also share the opinions of many here that there is no possible explanation for why certain decisions have been made and why this direction for the game has been chosen other than as a way to squeeze every dollar out of the existing players before the game dies. So, I see little point contributing anything further.
    Last edited: 17 Nov 2018
    Rhummy, benguin8, Aywasa and 8 others like this.
  9. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I value your posts always, you have inspired me not to complain too much and just go for it. Always willing to help out and not afraid to speak your mind and if you don't agree or someone does not get it right awat you try again. So, I am sorry you have decided to stop FAQ threads, they were very helpful and I speak for many of us here.

    I am somewhat on the sideline now, because of health issues. But I have heard many people say the same about the way BB is going, with the prices have increased big time to make some money before the game dies. Is it really that bad? I agree the new prices are way too high, instead of people willing to spend money, they don't because a level 1 ship for 50 bucks is too much. Like I said for 10 dollars most of us had bought one right away. But do you really think this game is dying, because I hope it will last a long time. But then some things needs to change, so people are willing to spend money again. Better to sell lots of items for a few bucks, than a handful for 50. Most kids cannot afford these prices, most adults same thing.

    But I hope you are wrong that the game is dying and I hope that you still want to share your opinions and help us with your invaluable advice.

    Last edited: 18 Nov 2018
  10. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    IMO, yes it is bad. I'd rather see one of two things happen:
    1. The game prepped for years of future growth, with better progression and an infusion of new players.
    2. The game shut down, today.
    Gouging current players right before it dies is the worst thing Rovio can do as a company.
  11. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    If the game is all about spending money it’s not a game anymore. games should be fun and exciting not a tidous chore.

    shame on you rovio. you turned greedy.

    let’s see how many whales can survive your #redtide

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