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Rail gun !

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Ekdal, 13 Nov 2018.

  1. Ekdal

    Ekdal New Member

    2 Jul 2017
    Hello battle bay !
    I need a little bit advice. Anyone is playing with 2 or more rail guns on the shooter ? And if it does, are any good ?
    Thinking to craft second one or scrap’em .

    See ya on the bay ! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  2. Fixer Wiseman

    Fixer Wiseman Member

    23 Jun 2017
    I play with 2 rail guns on my shooter. It has a lot of burst damage potential, I find them so useful in events when everyone charges from the start. Kind of depends on what map you're playing to be fully able to take advantage. If you're in mid-fight movies, the waves are low and I blast my opponents into oblivion, there's always a target in sight. If you're in crash and burn then forget it, use your other three slots lol.

    My biggest issue with dual railguns is long range battles. Once you get caught in a cross map battle where neither side advances you're almost certain to be near the bottom on damage. Your shots mostly hit waves or go flying into the air, target locking becomes an issue as you'll have someone in your sights then all of a sudden the ship disappears out of range as you fire, or the target switches and you miss, then you've got 20 or so seconds to wait before you try again.
  3. AntiHero

    AntiHero Active Member

    10 Apr 2018
    17.8 seconds
  4. DrLuigiPhd

    DrLuigiPhd Active Member

    23 May 2017
    That’s a significant buff from the old low of 20 sec.
    I didn’t see the point until I got a leg from combining and then a second from achievements. At lvl 20 it will still be slightly weaker than my epic, but someday when I find the third, I’ll finally be able to break 3k dmg
  5. Fixer Wiseman

    Fixer Wiseman Member

    23 Jun 2017
    Maybe if it was a firebomb I'd level up a duplicate weapon to level 20 legendary. But it takes 280 legendary parts to level a legen weapon to level 20 (someone correct me if I'm wrong) . Just to obtain something that'll be weaker than a level 50 epic. If you're a F2P player you should save the parts for something new.
  6. Zusay

    Zusay Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    2 rgs are op on a shooter, i am not a fan of easy hit - low damage weapon, it's much more effective to eliminate an enemy ship early in the game with heavy hitting weapons, plus rg is so easy to hit (still make sure u dont waste a shot)
  7. F.QTR

    F.QTR Active Member

    8 Aug 2017
    I do work unfortunately
    I do 2 railgun now trying to do 3 it’s a great way of playing but you will not be affective on close range you need to control the battle bay staying far and aiming best setup is to mix it with a mine to make sure people don’t rush. Also have close range thing is you get rushed then a carrod or ec will help.

    I do 2x railgun
    1x mine
    1x gr8 or sniper
    1x ec
  8. DrLuigiPhd

    DrLuigiPhd Active Member

    23 May 2017
    To each their own, but I have like 600 legendary parts and legendary is the only way I’ll wver be able to pass my epic. Sure at lvl 20 it’s a little behind, but someday when I get it to lvl 21 it will be better and at lvl 30 it’ll be scary.
    Aether_Zero likes this.
  9. Fixer Wiseman

    Fixer Wiseman Member

    23 Jun 2017
    I'm so jealous right now
  10. V__

    V__ Well-Known Member

    23 Jan 2018

    He almost did the most damage, the more RG the better...
    Djradnad likes this.
  11. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    Haha yep I hate those quad rail guns, I believe zetton is one of the other guys, he must have stun perks on all of them cause I get stuck taking hit after hit without getting a shot off sometimes.
    Fixer Wiseman and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Zetton also controls the magnitude of the attack from what I've seen. I saw him in a battle at WayPains with those quad rails, against a fixer team. So he shoots this shooter with his high tier gun, and has two rails ready and a clear angle. But he doesn't take the shot. He waits until the shooter tries to crawl over to their fixer, then empties two rails into the fixer, killing it, followed by one to the shooter, killing it as well. It was a brilliant tactic, and one I use even without railguns these days.
    Jimbot and Djradnad like this.
  13. V__

    V__ Well-Known Member

    23 Jan 2018
    GS only missed once through out that game but this setup will be alot more difficult in stronger wave map like Sub Zero
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.

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