Hey, everyone! As some of you may know, I enjoy teaching newbies how to play. I write quite a lot of strat guides, LONG ones(rip slow readers

)... But I have never really publicly announced this. So anyway.
If you're a speeder or an enforcer, I can take you all the way to Nightmare level in terms of skill(I may not be a Nightmare, but these days, I'm the only non-Nightmare on my team, so...

) If you're a shooter or a defender, I can bring you to a level that will get you to about Ace 2. Reapers, I can walk you through the basics of your ship, and make it easier for you to find your role. We're all explorers with this ship. Interceptors and fixers I cannot teach, because I don't have my own lol

Aight, so. I also want pro shooter, defender, fixer and interceptor players with a teaching spirit to join me and help me with all this.
And again. One more thing I never do. I never advertise my threads. However, for the benefit of the community, it would be great if everyone reading this spread the word about this plan of mine!
Now, here's the link to the newly created Discord server(logos welcome) for the BB Training School(sounds tacky, I know

It never expires, so feel free to share it with everyone who wants in!
Edit: Progress report: We now have THREE instructors(myself included),
@Nicolas and
@Gnu have joined me!
Anti out!
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