Since I've played about 75% of my battles over the last 6 months as a double-mine speeder, I can agree with you somewhat. I reached 3700 infamy in a MK5 speeder(prior to 4.0) with the double-mine setup.
- 1 out of every 10 battles, I would do zero damage. Sorry guys, sometimes it happens. I don't accept friend requests after those battles

- Win rate is approximately 50/50 with any weapon setup. When your rate goes up to 55/45 is when you gain infamy.
- Yes, sometimes I cannot finish off low health enemies because of my setup. On the other hand I have won my fair share of 1v1 by placing mines in my path while being followed. My mine setup is not intended to end up in 1v1 situations at the end.
-Every 15 battles, when going on my mine run, I run into the other team of 5 ships. This is not common for me, since I follow typically the same runs on every map. Usually I will take more risk when I have a fixer on my team.
- I LOVE PLAYING against teams with enemy fixers. As a double-mine speeder, I did a thread one time posting my win rate against teams with a fixer and it was like 70% win rate. When I see a fixer, I know exactly where my mines are getting laid, right next to him.
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