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NEWS: Balance changes & NEW ship: Meet your REAPER!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by The Grim Repair, 30 Oct 2018.

  1. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    nope .
  2. Geo Capt Tbag tactical

    Geo Capt Tbag tactical New Member

    8 Sep 2018
    I agree
    Kurd1stan. likes this.
  3. SaintofSin

    SaintofSin New Member

    4 Nov 2018
    The directions you have do not fix the issue. I have 1400 ship pieces that will not show up, and have clicked on every menu item gone out of the menu and clicked on stuff and even restarted the game, and still doesn't add the pieces.
  4. Tinman

    Tinman New Member

    19 Dec 2017
    Same here. Ship pieces are not showing up, regardless of what i do
  5. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Member

    30 Jun 2017
    Different pieces for different ships that can’t be bought with gold or even pearls, how many currencies are they planning on having? Also not being able to save the coins for the next event as we used to do before is a mayor setback since not everybody has the time to get to the bonus chest on 1 shot, some people can do it in multiple events, they directly affecting the F2P players, I must admit, this used to be my main game, now I’m spending a lot more time in others.
    I understand Rovio is trying to monetize the game but their approach is just focus on the few and not thinking about the many.
    Reorge, Sidd gamer, Jamel H. and 5 others like this.
  6. sumofeel

    sumofeel New Member

    7 Apr 2017
    I totally agree. Ship pieces should only be used to acquire the ship. After that it should be gold that levels up the ship just like every other ship.
  7. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    "Balance changes"
  8. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    even the total gold to upgrade the new ships are way way out of whack. We got the MK7 (now level 50) for a mere 16mil gold, now how much does it cost? You can choose between an eternity of grinding or your Credit Card.
    Reorge, Nikkie!, SWAT0013 and 3 others like this.
  9. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    Update feels like a money grab than a balancing to me. Seperate ship pieces and high costs, the amount of gold you need to upgrade from level 1-50, deals of $80 for a epic mine, no thanks.

    I understand you need money but there is a better way than doing it and scaring people off the game.
    Reorge, Sidd gamer, SWAT0013 and 8 others like this.
  10. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    True. The way I see it though is if one person buys an $80 deal, that means you don’t have to appeal to 79 other people for a $1 deal.
  11. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    All changes require getting used to but here are my biggest issues after the update:
    -Sugar balance is WAY off now. I would use 2M sugar to train for 5 days for lv28+. Now I have 1.5M and its done in 2 days. Plus I now have 2 levels of training for 4 mortars! What would have been 4M and 10 days for lv28 to 30 for mortimer is now 12M sugar and 16 days. Why is this so broken? And above all I have to choose between leveling my weapons or training.
    -Same comment for gold and ship leveling. Old system seemed better for the player from a resource point. I agree new system has more customization though.
    -The grind for new ships, only to not be able to use them until the next piece offering which is when???? If a 3rd ship is introduced next week it will be months before any are used by regular players.
    -Ships are nice, but bring back legendary perks again. It will soon be a month without any sign of them.
    -With all the focus on new and exciting, please do something meaningful with frost.
    -You dropped defense off on the side of the road with no next steps. Make defense perks a % instead of damage perhaps? Don't just bail like that.
  12. Geo Capt Tbag tactical

    Geo Capt Tbag tactical New Member

    8 Sep 2018
    Instead of focusing on new ships and guns you should focus more on your server and your gameplay system and making sure that it does not lack people out in the middle of match and register shots and their inventory and their sugar and their talents if you specialize and get one thing done first then you should work on the other what if you're not able to patch and fix that one thing you're just adding more problems in the long run so focus on fixing your game first and the server and the lagging of people out perfect example out of 5 Games I play I like out three out of five and I'm lucky if I win or not but it's not possible it's like you're holding people back cuz of that so you should get your stuff fixed first before adding new ships perks and Etc
    Sidd gamer and Flint like this.
  13. Piticuzu

    Piticuzu New Member

    6 Nov 2018

    I hit 700 and 2000pice, and i don't reciseive nothing, game id piticuzu
  14. Skirra08

    Skirra08 Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2018
    For those of us who have ground out new ships there should be at least some balancing in the event matches. Lvl2 reaper and I get dropped into matches with lvl50 ships. I know I'm in ace 1 but this thing has no health even with the 1k bonus for the event. At least give us a fighting chance and pair us with a bit lower ship class say lvl 35-40. Same thing with my interceptor but at least with that I can run a big shield and not die in 2 hits.
    Jamel H. likes this.
  15. Ldsk60517

    Ldsk60517 New Member

    9 Oct 2018
    Why so irate bro?
  16. Geo Capt Tbag tactical

    Geo Capt Tbag tactical New Member

    8 Sep 2018
    I use mic
  17. Bill Miller

    Bill Miller New Member

    23 Sep 2017
    I have been here since the game started, pre-ordered as many of you did. I've watched the game grow from the perspective of a 63 yr old who didn't grow up with the gaming world as most of you did. Just being able to get the damn boats to go where I want them to is a hell of a job at times! The changing of the steering set up screwed me ùp big time ! Because my skills aren't that great I've pretty much become a straight Defender player and anything affecting Defender rocks my world! The change in having rudder and turret built in made all other boats a bitch for me to control and yes I know that's my old ass not having the skills, Lol! I accept that and go on, however I've invested a lot of time and money in this game and have to say at times I'm so frustrated I think about quitting, if it wasn't for the my guild and my attachment to my members I would have long ago. I say all this to let you know that some of your if not all your changes can drastically affect the game in ways that could ruin the enjoyment and fun to the point of losing players forever. On another note I made the mistake for buying Reaper without really knowing what it's function was because it looked so damn kool! Lol! Now I wish I'd bought Interceptor, is there anyway I can trade the two, can you help an old fart out here, Lol!
  18. Jamel H.

    Jamel H. Active Member

    29 Oct 2017
    This game is becoming a pain for everyone that does not have deep pockets. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm not paying hundreds of dollars to upgrade a ship. That is so stupid in my opinion. I can go out and buy an entire gaming system or a few games for my gaming console for what it cost to upgrade these new ships to level 50. Battle Bay is an awesome concept, but you screw that up by trying to become billionaires through in-game purchases. It's simply ridiculous. If I spent $500 on this game, I still wouldn't have both of the new ships upgraded to level 50, which is just mind blowing. Not to mention the fact that I would still need to purchase pearls, because you've made it impossible to find legendary pieces, or epic powercells for that matter. For me this was supposed to something fun and relaxing to do. I wasn't expecting another financial obligation just to enjoy a corny mobile app. Good luck reaching billionaire status through Battle Bay, cause you're going to need it.
  19. Geo Capt Tbag tactical

    Geo Capt Tbag tactical New Member

    8 Sep 2018
    All the bad parts I hear I agree with all of them
  20. ZeroNegativo

    ZeroNegativo Member

    1 Jul 2017
    Be aware that enforcer gained something around 200 hp, shooter with firebomb something around 4000 hp.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.

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