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A buff to a forgottten aeriel weapon?

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Ol' Rusty, 31 Oct 2018.

  1. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Ask ZETTON :D:D
  2. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    I'll be right back:cool:
  3. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    I take it from your pointless comment you a, don't use missiles and b, don't care for them.

    I always find it funny how the one's who oppose idea's are the ones scared of the outcome. As it stands missiles are in a shitty position. With help from people like you it will stay there.
  4. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Yes this is part of the point I'm trying to get along. They're an extremely rewarding weapon as far as damage goes but because of certain weaknesses they're literally useless. I only ask for a simple buff.

    Maybe the rest of these fools can't visualize the actual impact that this update had on missiles, but I can. I'm not going to stop pushing it.
  5. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Oh wow 4500 oh man so cause you got hit with a lucky max hit from a tier 5 legendary you don't think they need a buff?

    Just shut up and move on. Read my post before commenting. Don't waste my time.
  6. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Alright may have gone too far there. But I ask you all, go and compare every weapon in Battle Bay. For each weapon I would like you to think of the update and the affects that it may have had on each individual weapon. Tell me what you learn.
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  7. skv1256

    skv1256 New Member

    31 Jul 2018
    I understand your points, and they are probably very close to reasons why I don't use missiles for a long-long time (despite I don't have enough duplicates to get T4E or T5E). However there is such thing like statistics (bb-stats.com). And missile launcher is 8-th with 13.9% of nightmare players using it, which is not a bad result at all. And if you take a look at the bottom of the list you will find there:
    15. Triple Torpedo 3.4%
    16. Long Range Mortar 3.2%
    17. Big Berta 1.8%
    18. Standard Mortar 1.6%
    19. Ballpark Mortar 1.6%
    20. Gatling Gun 0%

    Which correlates with buffed items quite well. Not sure whether it is a correct way to solve the problem, rather straightforward one (and I would prefer to have something closer to fire item + fire perks on EC, forcing you to use fire items), but why not to try it.
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Yeah, you ask him.

    Dude has goddarn leggy t5 missiles with all raw damage if I remember correctly. Oneshot sank my defender for 3.7k HP. Plus he's accurate as hecc
  9. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Prove now why missiles should receive a buff
    TheAntiSnipe and FirnenAhead like this.
  10. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Yes a max hit. Very impressive. Has nothing to do with what I'm getting at
  11. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    As was said already your post is very misleading... that particular shot requires the following:
    • A L50 Legendary
    • 4 Epic missile perks
    • A perfect convergence of all 5 projectiles, a 1% chance
    • All 5 projectiles on target - even a perfect convergence isn't always on target
    • mid range shot

    Missiles on average hit with only half their projectiles, most on the edge of the AoE, so let's say 2250 with a good player firing it only when the perfect mid range opportunity presents itself, which is half the opportunity of Canons that work both short and mid range, or even long range as well with the Sniper... same with Mortars, each of which work in 2 of the 3 ranges.

    A L50 Legendary Ex Canon with Fire boost and crit will hit for 6500. Consistently you can hit an Ex canon for 3500, every shot, both short and medium range, not just medium.

    You can add crit perks, damage perks, fire perks, range perks to a canon. Missiles only have damage and range. The original Missile nerf made sense, but it the RNG spread was a little over the top and even the recently added damage perks don't make up for it. The latest Mortar Buff makes Missiles looks even more lackluster and out of date.
  12. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Yeah I'm aware of this website. I do believe, regardless of stats, that this weapons travel is too slow now since the update.

    I loved the weapon NOT because of the damage, but because it was a tricky weapon to use and rewarded you for being good with it. I have lost a lot of love for the weapon since the update due to the fact I land shots half as much. Not because I'm bad with it, only because it ONLY works on a ship who is either STILL or traveling in a STRAIGHT line.

    Every weapon had an increase to damage/difficulty to operate at a relative rate. The exception being missiles. The pattern is impossible to land as long as the unfriend continues to move erratically.

    Maybe you guys don't see my point or simply don't want a buff cause you'd like to stick to your fire + EC combos. The fire BC/EC loadouts are not good for the game and you must know that.
  13. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    As those of us who use missiles know, it's exponentially harder to hit ships coming towards or going away from you. Coupled with the variability of wave height, it is difficult to get the range correct. The problem is that the spread is in plane parallel to the user's east/west axis.

    Perhaps reduce the horizontal spread (east/west) and increase the distance spread (north/south) for a more consistent circular impact zone.

    Add perks:
    Homing perk. Modifies flight trajectory by 5° at apex of flight towards locked target. (Also works in the user's north/south direction)
    Precision perk. -3° initial trajectory spread.
    Last edited: 2 Nov 2018
  14. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Here are my suggestions for Missile improvements
    • Instead of all missiles landing in a line, have them spread back/front as well, ultimately forming a circle. It will be a slight increase in chance to hit with the newly added agility.
    • Crit perk to reduce random chance. I like the ideas of Homing/Precision perks as perhaps a means to that end ... anything to temper the extreme RNG that makes this the most unreliable weapon in the game.
  15. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Great ideas. A spread reduction perk would be great. The idea for it to hit in a circle could also work. Only question I have there would be is it then possible to hit a max hit?
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  16. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Well I think the initial spread is still random, so you could get lucky and have them all hit. If you have the spread also apply to range, there is the possibility that the weapon becomes more effective at Barrage! (when enemies are clustered in a group).
    Ol' Rusty likes this.
  17. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Yeah I get ya. But would you as a player enjoy leading missile shots on solo targets and hitting the max or more of a 'shoot it into the croud and hope' sortve thing, getting the barrage achievement?

    My problem is I will have a player behind a wave. I can't see whether they're moving towards or away from me, only that they're moving left. Now the way I used to do it was I'd look at the name, check the top to tell which ship they are and from that I could tell if their ships horizontal movement was similar to that ships average top speed. Once I knew that I'd guess their range and I could make a good guess as to where their boat will be in half a second.

    Since update that has all gone out of the window. There is no using your brain to calculate movement and range, its just hope for the best. That has ruined the reward factor for me completely.. Many who comment can't see that because they were never missile fanatics.
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  18. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    I want max missiles on 1 target every day.
    But there have been times when the target is sitting in the middle of the group and he gets hit by one missile and nobody else takes damage and I scream WTF!?!
    I think the range spread would help this situation, I mean, the spread is already random in one direction, let's reduce that and increase the other direction. I think you'll have the same chance of missile convergence, but also an overall better chance of striking in the North/South direction.
    Ol' Rusty likes this.
  19. LotharusMaximus

    LotharusMaximus Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    I recently built up epic missiles to lvl 50. I have found them to be useful but entirely Unpredictable. You really only hit half of your shots and the spray is super random. Your only hope with every shot is that they will stay converged together. The chances of that happening is very small but when they do AND you hit the target, they are pretty devastating. This is a small percentage of shots however.
  20. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Come to think of it, you're right. That would definitely help with landing shots on ships moving in a sagittal plane. I'm all for it.

    How about this:
    Spread reduced from 10% to 8% and damage pattern modified to a full horizontal place
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.

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