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NEWS: Balance changes & NEW ship: Meet your REAPER!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by The Grim Repair, 30 Oct 2018.

  1. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Crits and Fire perks don’t count against TS.
    Nikkie! likes this.
  2. =Fee_KlocheTTe=

    =Fee_KlocheTTe= Member

    18 Aug 2017
    My L30 explosive canon does 2092 with 4 +8%dmg on it (I'm maxed trained everywhere)
    My E50 tesla shield with 4 +75 hp on it has 2080 hp (NOW, WITH NERF)
    enough said ;)

    My thought on tshield is that the ship should receive extra damages above the ones needed to break the shield
  3. Geo Capt Tbag tactical

    Geo Capt Tbag tactical New Member

    8 Sep 2018
    My bad
  4. Mervin

    Mervin Active Member

    8 Aug 2017
    On point claim!

  5. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    To correct some information here ...

    • A max epic Explosive Cannon - with all damage perks - hits Tesla Shields for 2013.75.
    • A max epic Tesla Shield - with all HP perks - has 2080 HP.

    Even if you use all damage perks (making your EC less powerful than a fire perk BC or grenade), you're still not popping a similar level TS with HP perks.

    What happens if you drive your shooter or defender out in front of 2-5 enemies? You're going to lose most if not all of your HP .. So, I'm not sure why some think that (quicker and more agile) yellow boats should have the right to face similar odds without taking any damage.

    Otherwise, the balance changes are targeted at the symptoms of the issue rather than the cause of the issue.

    Shooters and defenders lost 40+ defense for very little (or any) HP compensation, while all weapons became significantly stronger. They're also far easier to hit than smaller boats and have no ability to escape situations where two yellows start chunking your health around a corner.

    So ..

    Spamming isn't going anywhere - FB spamming will simply transition to other mortar style weapons.

    If that's not the type of game you wanted, perhaps they should compensate for the loss of defense .. or, at the very least, reduce the power of all weapons .. so that larger ships can last more than a few seconds in the trenches.
    XQT, SlayerofSergeants and EyeOfDoom like this.
  6. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Probably because most can’t do any damage while camped back with the Shooters.

    And in fairness Shooters and Defenders would be doing that stuff all the time if they had the ability to escape when things got hairy, and they’d be awesome at it.

    No one expects to camp in front of a whole team, and not take damage. We just want a few brief seconds, so we can take our shots, without it meaning suicide.
    Nikkie!, VincentP, SWAT0013 and 3 others like this.
  7. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    It's fine. Just fix it
  8. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    They could bring back ship defense and make it increase with level, and make it ship specific ( like defender sometimes increases by 2 or speeder and enforcer barely get anything)

    Also make carronade ignore defense
  9. d0dih

    d0dih Member

    10 Oct 2018
    They could make the game great again but sadly only thing thats on mind is money and it shows. 6 months of this and bb startup shows ignificant funds cause 100€ per minute for gaming.
  10. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    Just make the Pieces Generic to buy any ship available.

    Everybody Happy.
    SlayerofSergeants and LimeOnMars like this.
  11. Battler

    Battler New Member

    1 Nov 2018
    This whole pay to get a new boat is a bunch of crap. It is just another way that big companies like Rovio try to make as much money off a game as possible. Just like their big Halloween event. It’s not an event for the players. The event is about selling more creates. This game is just about making money. If it was for the players Rovio would be excited to have everyone try out the new boats, instead of creating this crap pay to play atmosphere.
  12. Battler

    Battler New Member

    1 Nov 2018
    Yeah this is crap. Too bad if you want to buy the interceptor the new ship pieces can only be used to buy the useless reaper boat. Glad they gave it a good name cause the boat features suck.
  13. Blitz

    Blitz Member

    15 Sep 2018
    The problem with yellow ships is that no matter how agile and fast (speeder is only fast but not agile as it deserves to be), we lack red slots and we are just a bull's eye. We are hard to hit but we are easy to die because only a few shots can sink us down.
    No matter how much we upgrade our ship, our HP is not as much as shooters or defenders. My lv39 speeder has 200 less HP than my lv20 shooter.... Yet shooters have the same amount of blue slots.
    I play at infamy 1400~1600s(I used to play at infamy 1900s before 4.0 update), so I never experienced the double bubble. But I think TS, TB and frost + torpedo combos are the only advantages we have got.
    Some say that we are whining but we will do just fine without it. Okay, maybe. But did we deserve the recent nerfs that we had?
    These are the least perks we deserve but they are being taken away from us. We have to cling onto these narrow edges that we have.
    For example, I am a TB user. The problem with the TB is that no matter how long the duration is, once one gets a hit the stun goes away. I rarely had witnessed a stun that survives through its whole duration.
    It is not like the cooldown is short... If the TB gets nerfed as other suggest so, yellow ships lose its few advantages that it have.
    Why don't you just delete yellow ships from the game?
    Reorge, SWAT0013 and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  14. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Are you flipping hamburgers at McDonald's for free so my meals are cheaper ... ?

    Servers cost real money. Development costs real money. Game maintenance (fixing bugs) and new content creation costs real money. As do the assistants, office space, computers, software, licenses, utilities, taxes and fees ...

    You can unlock and level the boat for free by playing the event ...

    What more do you want?

    Everything maxed out instantly and for free ...?
    Last edited: 1 Nov 2018
  15. Bay Bison

    Bay Bison New Member

    23 Jun 2018
    Actually all weapons in bb available for using that if you're speaking guts then try to use that firebomb why you're so afraid to use it...Lol
  16. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Delete yellow ships from the game?

    No more unregistered hits. Defenders would be playable. The could properly balance weapons without making them useless on all the faster ships in the game. And, 90% of the the forum complaining gone ...

    What an interesting thought ...

    As far as HPs go ... My maxed speeder HP vs my maxed shooter HP is the difference of one heavy shot .. and one is a little bit easier to hit.

    As far as nerfs go ... the shooter lost 40 defense last update. How much did the speeder lose?
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  17. Bay Bison

    Bay Bison New Member

    23 Jun 2018
    If you calculating this so right about firebomb then why you're not take and use are you afraid to use or you don't know how to use...Lol
  18. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    One sad thing I would like to add, there is no bonus ship coins for watching ads so I don’t watch ads in these events. If they allowed for bonus ship coins, I would watch ads which makes them some small money, and I would be happy with my extra coins.
    Sidd gamer and SlayerofSergeants like this.
  19. Rishi6793

    Rishi6793 New Member

    4 Oct 2018
    Pieces are there don't worry
  20. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    Any dumbass knows it costs money to run a game company. There are more ways to make money than to make the game into a piece of sh*t. A well designed system would be more fun and thus profitable than a sh*t money sinker that’s so bluntly desperate for money. They need to hire new game designers who actually play the game and grind it out like the rest of the community.

    ●H€ll-Blad€● likes this.

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