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NEWS: Balance changes & NEW ship: Meet your REAPER!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by The Grim Repair, 30 Oct 2018.

  1. Silverchris

    Silverchris Active Member

    7 Oct 2017
    Notice how once we all started complaining about once the event finished for interceptor it’s buy the pieces only and same with this event, that the moderators gone very quiet indeed... strange that
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  2. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    Very run-on sentence. Divide this into sentences and add periods or commas so I can read.

    Illiterates these days
  3. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    @Paulo Post translated ( Portuguese was the language)

    Unfortunately tesla Shield now only and functional if you are epic or higher lvl 50, 4 life perks, Full training
  4. Yakima

    Yakima New Member

    18 Oct 2018
    Congratulations! Now you have definitely killed the game for old players.
  5. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    Hi there, I’m a MVP/moderator. Though I’m not sure what you expect me (or other moderators) to say.
    Moderators are just players, not Rovio employees. I’m not here to say you can’t complain. So.... not strange at all.
    Nikkie! and Ash KOT like this.
  6. Manzanares

    Manzanares New Member

    31 Oct 2018
    Les he comprado varias veces y me dan puro mugrero y me han puesto con puros difíciles y mi lado puro no hay una pesadilla puedo llegar
  7. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Here's one, the crazy long loading times.
    Spending 15-20 minutes on loading screens to play a 4 minute match is just insane.

    A few points:
    - Internet is not the cause. I played on a different device on the same internet and did not experience this issue. Also during the actual gameplay everything is smooth with no lag.

    - My device is not the problem. Battle Bay ran perfectly fine on this device before the update. That other device I mentioned is also much older and slower than my new one.
    The only difference between my two devices is the OS (besides the ram and my new device has much more available).

    I'm not the only one experiencing this problem and I'm sure we would all like to see it resolved so we can get back to playing the game we enjoy so much.
    Reorge likes this.
  8. Yakima

    Yakima New Member

    18 Oct 2018
    they tell you about the problems in the game and you give us new unused ships and mini gun
  9. Wymtime

    Wymtime Active Member

    25 Aug 2017
    With his new ship and with the feedback that the devs have not come up with a plan to allow players to level the new ships after the release is going to drive down the amount of time players strive for the new boats. 1st the reaper does not look as good as the interceptor, 2nd with how much people grinded for the interceptor to not be able to level it further makes it feel like a trophy not a now boat for the bay. Even if the next release looks completely OP the fact that there is no clear way to upgrade the boat to the same levels as our current ships will disengage players from the new release events. Rovio please look into this and come up with a real game plan to allow players to level their ships after the new release outside of giving you thousands of dollars.
  10. Yakima

    Yakima New Member

    18 Oct 2018
    Jowiee likes this.
  11. Amoo

    Amoo New Member

    10 Aug 2018
    I have an epic TS with 3 epic health perks, an epic event perk, and almost full training, and at level 50, it will break to a level 50 EC with maybe 3 dmg perks on it. That pretty much means that if you want duration on your shield, it’s going to break to most EC of the same level, which is a huge nerf. Especially against defenders/speeders with flare EC, they’d use their flare to break the shield, then EC for some dmg, now they can do EC first, and hit you with a flare, which does more dmg than an EC and has its other obvious benefits. This pretty much guarantees your death if you’re near 1 or 2 other enemies. In other words, this nerf sucks big time for TS users.

    An improvement:
    Maybe give some more health back to TS, and add a second or two to the stun time, that way it gives some incentive to other players to spend 2 shots on breaking it, while also making it more dangerous to have your shield get broken. This would mean shields would be more viable, but you’d have to play more tactically if you want to make it out.
  12. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    FB has the same centre scaling as mortars. You hit center it burns longer, you hit an edge it burns for a few seconds only. This was fixed long ago... not sure why people keep repeating false information like this.
  13. Kaletheshavage

    Kaletheshavage Member

    16 May 2017
    Another shield nerf....
    Do u guys really want me to go spam firebombs bc that nerf does nothing
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  14. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    So would you settle for a flare nerf?
    What's Up Player likes this.
  15. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    I have a theory about the lag. (Not an issue for me personally)
    There have been a lot of server side patches some of them pretty major fixes like the 3.1 agility hot fix.
    The more changes that are made server side requires us to receive and process that data every ms we are in the game. This puts unnecessary strain on both our internet and our devices.
    In order to fix this the changes need to be incorporated in the following update so the data is present on our device making it much easier to access.
    I would also suggest doing one big update that includes all previous server side fixes to bring us current as soon as possible.

    Like I said this is just a theory and you might already do things this way but since I don't know I figured I'd throw the suggestion out there.
    Ol' Rusty likes this.
  16. Stig

    Stig Member

    13 Feb 2018
    I was actually thinking the same thing. Flare became stupidly powerful and although I dislike TS, I don't see why it serves all damage at once to the shield and not timed out like normal damage. I'm surprised you yellows aren't complaining more about flare. And maxed ec epic does not always break equivalent ts. Unless critical hit I guess. Not sure if the fire/cannon bonus damage applies to the shield or not. I'm sure someone knows.
    What's Up Player likes this.
  17. d0dih

    d0dih Member

    10 Oct 2018

    This..! I spent money to get the interceptor Yes but efter that 1 buy i grinded myself to lvl 35 and now i cant do sheat without pulling out my Visa and it just makes me cringe that i cant upgrade this ship without using approx a months salary which im not gonna do. There are plenty of games out there if this is the new direction things are taking.
    ShipCrusherCz and envylife like this.
  18. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    Fire bonus and crits (including grenade) don’t count on TS.. it makes perfect sense to me that the 2slot EC would break the 2lot TS assuming equivalent dmg perks and hp perks. This is damage they are completely blocking so aside from the tiny stun they get, using their TS was a good move to block this or anything smaller that may have been fired at them. Flare should be considered smaller as it is 1slot.
    TS has been OP so it got nerfed, play with the nerf and figure out where the rest of the balance is before just crying that your OP item isn’t OP anymore lol. not saying anyone is crying, but if they are, then man up and take the balance at face value, and figure out what needs done next.
  19. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    With all the changes. We might as well delete all of our items and start over or just quit.
  20. Reorge

    Reorge Well-Known Member

    13 Feb 2018
    I laughed too hard at this

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