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NEWS: Balance changes & NEW ship: Meet your REAPER!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by The Grim Repair, 30 Oct 2018.

  1. VincentP

    VincentP Member

    15 Nov 2017
    Looks like migration to new servers has been expensive to the team, maybe that´s why they keep doing things p2w for 2 weeks in a row.
    Last 2 events were really for people to spend a lot of money to save grinding time and get the ship as fast as they could push the "buy" button.
    On the bright side, since it lasts 7 days, my guild will kill it with 80+ quests :D
    Special perk events were the real deal, gosh I miss them.
  2. Stig

    Stig Member

    13 Feb 2018
    The unregistered hits are not always connection related. The replay shows the hit but it's not registering. That has nothing to do with the device.

    Fwiw, I don't think fb has a bug either. The splash damage has always been insanely high at the edges. As for being just outside of the circle, that happened before too sometimes. Fb always had crazy splash damage and that's why I've always liked it.

    Now should that be changed or "fixed?" Probably. The fb splash and area characteristics really should have been changed a year ago. I think everyone is just noticing now that the campers are packing two or three of them and you can't go anywhere without being on fire. Maybe the device related lag issues contribute too. Not sure because I don't really have lag problems.
  3. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Just out of c
    I'll keep it short.

    The firebomb DID NOT need a dmg nerf. It does have some issues with igniting players outside of its blast radius and this needs a review.

    The dmg from the centre scaling is also something that could be adjusted. A mortar rewards players for landing shots closer to the centre. The fire bomb works differently however and that's why people are taking multiple fire bombs as the damage to skill ratio is warped.

    Dude, stop with that you're excused crap or you can talk to yourself. If you think your outcome will stop fb spammers you're in for a treat.
  4. BoatBlaster

    BoatBlaster Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Interceptor ship pieces and reaper ship pieces are not combine...bummer!!
    to check, go to ship upgrade and ship pieces will show up.
    RACK STAR and Aether_Zero like this.
  5. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    Very nice nerfs thank you soo much :)
    A little afraid of them Bertas now hehe

    Hmm gather ship parts? Sorry for being pedantic but they are called ship pieces I believe, parts and pieces are 2 very different things in this game, and I’ve never seen ship parts hehe. Sorry I just had to say it.
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  6. Kirk

    Kirk New Member

    18 Oct 2018
    I HATE that teacups. The whole definition of LOCK is to LOCK on the target....no clue what they don't understand about that concept.
    What's Up Player likes this.
  7. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    I completely agree. This game had potential become an esport quality game. It seems like they gave up long ago and confirmed it with this short-term cash sinker before the game sinks itself. Fire the team and hire a new team that can bring it to esport tournament quality before it’s absolutely too late. Or is it already too late?

  8. Geo Capt Tbag tactical

    Geo Capt Tbag tactical New Member

    8 Sep 2018
    U should invest the money fix her one out 3 out of ten match's I been in and in event I been laying hard or I get kick out and it wonlw let me back in u should fix that cuz of that I can't help it's 4 vs 5 that's not fair for the other team to hate on me an be reporting me lift and right i blame u cuz fix your game Imnsick and tired of saying it's not my fault blame the dev and server and people of the game one I'm lagging hard second my shots don't regersting and 3 it cools down time for all my items take year and after I get kick out most the time I try to get back I. But it won't let me saying server crash and these suck cuz it's your fault I. A low dog and it's your fault I can't pass high player and I'm not get a sorry or not getting penalties for try to get back and hope I can clutch it then I try again ease and reopen but by that time it to lake serving crash in the beginning of the match before it start and say that stuff and the match is over then I go in but it show I take a lose for your buttons fix your carrots u dam lag bags onions me off sorry word of battle bay blame rovio or the server no me I'm a really try my hardest not to lose but I do quest hard sorry if that affect game but it's the same turnips so fix your pumpkins dam lag bag come from the most hated and block player Tbag=sucdeeznuts
    VincentP likes this.
  9. VincentP

    VincentP Member

    15 Nov 2017
    You sound like a crazy ukranian girlfriend.
    Love it.
  10. Geo Capt Tbag tactical

    Geo Capt Tbag tactical New Member

    8 Sep 2018
    I sorry battle bay player blame rovio if I lag and flour I try my best to come back in but it's to late the use the excuse saying the server has crashed or failed please wait a moment and I'm constantly setting we setting or refreshing to get back inand when it does it's already too late we already lost a match and it just shows my primary page so I do give my apologies and I'm serious about this it's not my fault trick or treats me off that I have to do this constantly I blame them and their server fix your server and stop kick me out before a match starts and the u wait until it's over just to let me back in FIX YOUR SERVER :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::confused::confused:o_O:(
    Last edited: 31 Oct 2018
  11. Wainwright

    Wainwright Member

    31 Jul 2017

    Wow. Just wow.

    What a cruddy thing to do to the community.
    Jamel H., Fish, ShipCrusherCz and 9 others like this.
  12. c3n3

    c3n3 Well-Known Member

    1 Aug 2017
    If you are so sure, please test in a custom match, and yes people will still use firebomb because it is easy and it has cannon boosting properties. A nerf was necessary, I think they should have slowed the projectile more like the big Berta but oh well.

    And Dang, the level of anger rose considerably at the almightily sarcastic you are excused remark.
  13. KenZer

    KenZer Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Nice to see another ship and the new changes. :)
    The Firebomb needs more nerf, too many people using it and just spamming it from across the map and dealing so much chaos.
  14. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    A simple modification to it would have nerfed it in a way that wouldn't ruin it for all players. Spammers were overpowered because they could fire shots with their eyes closed and still deal incredible damage. For those who use a single fb and have the skill to lead shots, we were punished unnecessarily.

    Nope not angry. You're just being a rude smart ass.
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  15. c3n3

    c3n3 Well-Known Member

    1 Aug 2017
  16. Smag

    Smag Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Carp I’ve been leveling up the fire bomb and started using in every battle.. my infamy has hit its highest level ever. I do agree that mortars needed a boost though.. big berta is probably still useless though used to be one of my mains before update.
  17. d0dih

    d0dih Member

    10 Oct 2018

    Ok, this was def not the answer i/we wanted to hear. Meaning if you need to consider giving us grind option to get pieces again.
  18. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    Probably just how they are saying it now to encourage buying them. They will also have to take into account p2w players that will get lvl 50 ships and then getting the pieces later would be useless for them. I’m sure (despite her saying otherwise) that they will come up with a carefully thought out method for us to get them later.
  19. =Fee_KlocheTTe=

    =Fee_KlocheTTe= Member

    18 Aug 2017
    Sorry but there is no need to have players feedback to see that they will need 2 years to "maybe" upgrade a lvl50 ship, hardly playing ... !

    @The Grim Repair
    We need
    - 4800 puzzle parts to upgrade lvl 36 to 37
    - 5300 puzzle parts to upgrade lvl 37 to 38,
    => just tell everybody how much is needed to upgrade 49 to 50 so everybody can applause ..................
    Last edited: 31 Oct 2018
    Jamel H., ShipCrusherCz and Yakima like this.
  20. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    This reflects my thoughts as well. The complaints about FB are just as you state: Inaccurate rings are "issues" in ALL AoE weapons, because of the timing of launch and landing. I've never had an issue with FB spamming in matches personally, it's always been the general spamming of all arial weapons that players seem to be complaining about. Now that we get a FB nerf, it comes with 4x mortar buffs... so arial spamming will overall increase. Specifically I'm seeing at T5E Big Berta hitting at 2700 and FB 2000 now, but even prior to the nerf/buff Big Berta hit harder than FB.

    In other words I'm fairly certain all the FB nerfers didn't get what they asked for.

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