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NEWS: Balance changes & NEW ship: Meet your REAPER!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by The Grim Repair, 30 Oct 2018.

  1. BottomsUp!!!

    BottomsUp!!! New Member

    30 Jan 2018
    What happened to my ship pieces from last
  2. Boeggla

    Boeggla Member

    3 Jun 2017
    I understand that event perks can not be put in the normal market. There are so many event perks that it is literrally months ago since I last saw the ones I‘d like to have. So it will take enough time to rotate them all through the weekly events. Two different ship currencies will make the cycle too long I think. Why dont add the normal market?
  3. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    Premium ship piece is not a piece of cake but the concept is a piece of dirt

    Also: Give back everyone’s original base defense. Some weapons need to be immuned due to its high dps.
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I was hoping that by now there would be a way to build premium ships without cash. Unfortunately it sounds like Battle Bay is definitely moving toward cash-only content... which could be OK if they were obtainable by most people, but $1000 For a L50 ship is not that. I really do want to see more Interceptors and Reapers in the bay, but I don't see it happening.

    Events no longer give anything but Ship Pieces, ship upgrades are massively more expensive, and Progression has slowed back to a crawl, by design.
    Sidd gamer, Jamel H., Reorge and 8 others like this.
  5. aloha75

    aloha75 New Member

    31 Oct 2018
    I played, I got 60 coins, I spent my coin by open 3 boxes of 20 coins, I got 5130 ship pieces but why no earn in my ship pieces, I had 6430 ship pieces from last week, now correct 10000 ship pieces, I need a interceptor. what’s a bug?
  6. guykakin

    guykakin Member

    14 Apr 2017
    I stopped complaining about invisible ships (AKA ghost ships who see you and can hit you but you can't see them) about a year ago as the devs insist its not an issue. maybe its a figment of all our imaginations...
    Ol' Rusty likes this.
  7. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    This week's pieces are for Reaper only... As far as I can tell anyway.. only way to get interceptor pieces now is the almighty Credit Card perk.
    ShipCrusherCz and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  8. guykakin

    guykakin Member

    14 Apr 2017
    +1 for silliness of introducing a ship that can only be obtained during a limited time event and can't be upgraded once the event is over
    Jamel H., Fish, ShipCrusherCz and 9 others like this.
  9. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    We: Frost and Tesla Bolt is dead and unusable.

    Devs: We have the data, frost and Tesla Bolt is still the most reliable items in the bay.

    We: :confused:o_O:rolleyes::oops::eek::(
  10. Epicular

    Epicular Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Creator of BayStats
    Wait- is this serious? Like, for real? You’re not joking at all?

    Wow. I don’t even know how to respond to that. My worst fears about this game are slowly being realized.
    Jamel H., Reorge, Fish and 6 others like this.
  11. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Will the hybrid perks show up again in the future or has that ship sailed?
  12. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    Good game makers need to actually Play the game they make. Not just reading data and their bank account. Reading data is good BUT it’s not enough to make a good game. Playing the game for long hours and grind it out with the comminity will give the game a human-centric design. Not appreciating the lack of game immersion the decision makers are at. At the peak of the enjoyment of the game, they were highly involved it seemed (could be wrong).
    What's Up Player likes this.
  13. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I know I’m in the minority here, but I actually don’t care if the new ships are p2w only, and I never get one (despite me being a paying subscribed VIP :rolleyes:).

    There are still 5 other ships, four of which aren’t a cancer to the game. I just want the rest of the game to be good, and not that boring 5v5 Shooter game that they keep trying to push on us.
    Nikkie! and Zxyqu like this.
  14. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    I don't have a problem with it locking randomly, but it certainly unlocks all by itself way too frequently.
  15. aloha75

    aloha75 New Member

    31 Oct 2018
    I don’t think so that, because sometime my ship pieces show 5130 ship piece, and I out from ship shop and do something in my menu, and back to ship shop again and I’ve seen 6430 ship pieces, I think is bug, I need an reply from the Dev, please.
  16. Fiorell

    Fiorell Active Member

    24 May 2017
    Adding to this: I would also like to see a way to obtain ship pieces without the necessity to spent 4 hours a day in event matches. I don't have the time to do this (I'm working) and others quite frankly should not waste that much time for grinding in a game. We already have some in-game currency (e.g. pearls) which can be earned by standard matches and bought with money. I really don't understand why we need yet another in-game currency. I propose you offer a way to spend pearls for buying ship pieces.

    I guess you want a differentiation between the perks gained by event matches and standard matches. But this, in my opinion, is too much. Such basic things like different ship types should be obtainable with every play style (event & standard) and with every grind rate (for me it is OK if I need months to obtain the ship pieces).
    ShipCrusherCz and Ghost Sniper26 like this.
  17. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom

    Will there be consideration to roll the event rewards into a selection opposed to staggering them across events?

    To elaborate, you should be allowed to spend coins any way you want and on a selection of chests. Each event should have on sale a chest for Interceptor parts, reaper parts, weapon parts, weapon pieces and perks.

    You could split the chest selection into 3 tabs. Interceptor and Reaper will have their own 2000 coin chest reward and on a tab of their own. The parts, perks and pieces will work to the legendary perk box and on a tab together as per before.

    My immediate goal is to continue to develop my fixer to a more playable standard which to do so, would need the opportunity to get perks and parts which haven't been on sale for awhile.
    Ghost Sniper26 and LimeOnMars like this.
  18. Sunny Jose-Deopersaud

    Sunny Jose-Deopersaud Member

    4 Sep 2018
    I take it Rovio had no real plan to market this game as an esport, and instead treat it as a now short term cash cow. The developers in charge of microtransaction implementation probably should be fired. You want money? Let us actually play the ships and have the ability to upgrade them with gold. Then once we like seeing our sick AF new rides, charge us for skins, you'll make metric tonnes. As a rank 47 I can't play the new ships I unlock as I am not willing to pay the 1000$ needed to be able to make it relevant to my infamy. You've punished the long term players.

    Also, the Reaper slots are trash. Jack of all trades, master of none. Cut the yellow slots and divy them to red/blue as you see fit. Adding utility to every new ship devalues the use of your pre existing utility ships as well. It looks SO cool but it's a waste of effort for the devs who created it.

    Update 4.0 signaled the end of life for this game to me. Obviously there is not anyone with a mind for revenue overseeing the development of this game. Honestly EA could do better
  19. Stig

    Stig Member

    13 Feb 2018
    I didn't interpr
    I did not interpret this like everyone else. Yeah we can't grind for parts after the event but she didn't say there wouldn't be more events for a ship.

    If more events are coming that offer ship pieces, then I have no problem with how it is. Took me forever to get my other boats high so not expecting to get a new ship to 50 in a week.

    Grim, can you please clarify? Will there be more ship events after the event when the ship is released?
    Sidd gamer and SlayerofSergeants like this.
  20. c3n3

    c3n3 Well-Known Member

    1 Aug 2017
    I have listened to this community, and I think the "consensus" that firebomb is bugged is wrong. Sorry majority does not imply right or wrong. The firebomb suffers from human thought process. First, the circle generated is not an accurate depiction of aoe when the firebomb lands. It would be perfect if it had a travel time of zero since the waves wouldn't move. Second, so all mortars suffer from the same problem, why is firebomb the one called out as bugged. Simply, I believe that the way in which the firebomb affects you in game is the reason. Let's say you get hit outside the mortar ring from an actual mortar, you get 900 damage, your screen will turn red and the numbers will leave your screen shortly after. Now if you get hit by a firebomb outside it's ring for 10 seconds, your screen will be red for the entire time, that number on the bottom of the screen keeps increasing, and on top of those you now have to worry about cannon damage for another ten seconds.

    I will ask which is a more noticeable occuranocc? The physics on the waves and the characteristics of a firebomb is what makes people angry, not the firebombs "glitched" aoe.

    Also I highly doubt lag is a problem from the game and not from internet connections. Because that implies that the device cannot process the information the internet is giving it, and put it into display fast enough. It could be the case, but I doubt it.

    Edit: Oh, and I escuse you.

    Almost forgot

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