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NEWS: Balance changes & NEW ship: Meet your REAPER!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by The Grim Repair, 30 Oct 2018.

  1. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    I did not come up with the idea! That was our designer team :) It may or may not have been inspired by the name ;)
  2. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    @Zeus I thought you were cool man :(
  3. Diego go

    Diego go New Member

    21 Oct 2018
    Todavía el juego sigue sacandome del juegy no es el internet es el juego calienta mucho el celu ayuda con eso reparen los q estamos indignados
  4. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Have you ever made a mistake and the more you try to fix it the worse it gets? That's what's happening here.

    I'm not trying to be a duck. Just facts. The fire bomb needed to be fixed rather than nerfed. People were complaining about the exploitation of the fire bombs radius damage bug/thing. To come along and nerf it like that was you putting a picture over the hole in the wall.

    The tesla shield nerf was strategic. It will make all the new ships more viable/attractive. Problem is no one is happy about the nerf because it simply didn't need it. This was a move made out of your own interests rather than the interests of your user. That sort of stuff leaves a sour taste.

    The REAL problems are the bugs and lag which appeared after the last update. Please fix what needs to be fixed.
    ShipCrusherCz, Reorge, Yakima and 5 others like this.
  5. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Also why do Missiles even display red circles? That thing comes in so fast now, if you see the circles then you’ve already been hit. May as well just make it like EC.
  6. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    Not a fan that parts are ship specific. Surely it's better for the player experience to make them generic so you can spend them as you need. I'm not interested in the interceptor yet have over 10k pieces which I'd much rather invest in the reaper.. for anyone who wants to upgrade the 2, it's a very fractured way of upgrading ships. It's in fact quite limiting where for periods of time, you're barred from upgrading them until Rovio brings the parts into circulation.
  7. Winter Chicken

    Winter Chicken Active Member

    4 May 2018
    I don't think the firebomb radius thing is a bug, and im also ok with the Tesla shield nerf even tho I'm an enforcer, because doubble bubble was kinda op
    Jamel H. likes this.
  8. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Member

    30 Jun 2017
    After the fiery events, FB nerf was necessary since the spamming was just too much, but the real reason people abuse this weapon is cause of the base range (30) is too much, no need to Burn a perk slot on a range perk, also the buff on all mortar will increase this spamming issue, it takes away skills from the game, just sit back and shoot, feel really bad for the Non yellow slots ships, the cowardliness is what really blows it when you get spammed, by the time you close the gap, you have almost no health to do anything.
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.
  9. Sreg

    Sreg Active Member

    17 Nov 2017
    I also wonder why nerf tesla shield? Now any weapon will break the shield with 1 strike, even if you have pumped the shield to the maximum! And there is also an imperceptible nerf of talent for a time at the Tesla shield, before the maximum talent was 45% of the time, now it is already 30%!
  10. Blitz

    Blitz Member

    15 Sep 2018
    I wasn't that much wrong after all. Devs hate speeders and we, speeders SUFFER.

    Plus, what's with the ship pieces? Some are complaining about their going missing. Not the coins but the pieces.
    And the lag! Ever since the 4.0, for 1 out 10 battles, I am already dead when I enter or the battle is already over.
    Now, the ships teleport.
  11. T rx

    T rx New Member

    15 May 2018
    Do interceptor event will come again
  12. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    MEME2018-10-31-09-41-27.jpg MEME2018-10-31-09-42-44.jpg
  13. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Being on the outside of a firebomb and still being hit for five seconds isn't a bug?

    Oh, okay. Lol
    Jamel H. likes this.
  14. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    I beg to differ, I think u all took it from my idea.
    Remember the Premium Ship Thread?

    I am so happy that there will be another type of boat to utilize the duct force capabilities.

    I deserve a gift dear Dev.
  15. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    A suggestion for the devs: keep the nerf to tesla shield but lower the stun duration by half.
  16. Zxyqu

    Zxyqu Member

    20 Nov 2017
    Overall I think I like the changes for now. Firebomb nerf was needed, as the spam was just too good to not use. The tesla shield is a lot but the effective HP of a TS user was pretty OP with any decent boat user. I always like the idea of instead of nerfing it, to just allow the any damage over the pierce value to actually hit the boat, then just remove the stun. That way you actually want to break it more for the damage, and not the stun. We'll have to see how it plays out though, as I do worry about incoming mortar spam once again (we all remember what the 1K - 2K bracket was like right?).

    As for the new boat... meh. It's basically a healer. Not sure what else it brings other than a money grab. I guess you can get some more duct tape users, and with the new update tape is pretty good again. But in the end, you are unlikely to reap anything more than a healer, but with less heal. At least we wont have to suffer the CTF cancer for ship pieces, but the grind will be real.
  17. =Fee_KlocheTTe=

    =Fee_KlocheTTe= Member

    18 Aug 2017
    @The Grim Repair
    Ship Puzzle Parts should be generic and able to be stocked ...
    I know ROVIO woukd like to make money with this, but :
    "upgrading Interceptor from lvl 36 to 37 did cost me 4800 puzzles
    upgrading Interceptor from lvl 37 to 38 costs 5300 puzzles !
    It's just IMPOSSIBLE* to get lvl 50 with this curve, while it was with gold and xp mechanics !"
    *even with money !!!
  18. Clarsach

    Clarsach Member

    13 Feb 2018
    Really not happy with a second nerf on Tesla Shield. I’m a single TS user, Ace 1 league— TS is already a “one hit, you’re stunned” item (I’ve got a T4 epic shield). It hardly grants invulnerability, just a way to cover yourself as you close range.
  19. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    the heck is with this update. my game just keep restarting
    Reorge and BasedCarpen like this.
  20. Stig

    Stig Member

    13 Feb 2018
    I usually have some choice words about some decisions made so it's only fair that I do the same when I agree with them (mostly). As usual, the negative comments come storming in with negative predictions that rarely come true.

    Firebomb nerf - I like firebomb and although I have two good ones, only use 1 because I'd have to despise myself for using 2. I'd like to thank all the talentless campers for using 2 or 3 and making it necessary to nerf one of my favorite weapons. In reality though, the change in the talent system gave it a big boost and here's why: before you had to choose between fb perks and shield perks. Most people chose shield vs FB or had a balance. I always chose shield over fb cooldown. Now, I get all the cooldown perks and immediately noticed how quickly it cools and it really was OP. To all talentless campers: put your double and triple firebombs away before they need to nerf it again.

    Mortars needed the boost because of agility but would you campers quit with the spamming! You should have a balance of weapons, not an arsenal of camping equipment.

    Triple torp boost. Hmmmmm. Are you sure you didn't mean to nerf it? I thought it already became a bit too powerful with the last update.

    Tesla shield nerf. This was needed to be honest. Some shields wouldn't break with very powerful weapons. That becomes a massive problem for defenders who only have 3 weapons.

    People are right though. Double bubble is the real problem. Frankly, a lot of double items are a problem. That includes fb, ec, ts, tb, mines, and more. By themselves, ok... But doubled up and they can be a bit much. Some more than others of course. Maybe something to consider in the future devs.

    There is one problem though. The double nitrous is a problem and it shouldn't be. It's a problem because the unregistered hit issue has not been fixed. That can happen with slow ships too but happens all the time when shooting fast ships. I'm talking about direct hits that even show as hits on the replays as hits but don't register damage. Its not a connection problem in the cases I'm talking about. It's eomsometh else and it needs to be fixed. It is extremely frustrating to make some awesome shots on speeders and have only having a few hits actually register. You guys really have to fix that. A response on how you plan to fix it would be appreciated by most of us. Please dont say connection problem because that's only the case sometimes. The issue is something else and keeps getting worse. Please let us know when this will be corrected.

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