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joke of a game at moment

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by mark gibb, 28 Oct 2018.

  1. mark gibb

    mark gibb New Member

    29 Sep 2018
    fire bombs were getting out of hand but since the new up date it's even worst and match making still not up to scratch see a lot of people leaving guilds coz there losing interest
  2. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    Some ancient joke.
  3. NmE

    NmE Member

    2 Jul 2018
    firebomb is stupid powerful. Here’s why:

    Flare gun does the same or less damage to 1 target.

    Fire bomb does the same time/damage but to multiple targets. And has a bullshit AOE formula. IE if you are on the very outer circle you get 8-10 seconds applied a lot of the time.

    Same mortar does way less damage at the same area, which is why mortars aren’t as prevalent as fire bomb.

    Simple fix: decrease fire bomb damage by 50% until the AoE big is fixed. Than bring it to approx negative 25% of current damage. IE 100 damage now does 50 damage every second and time applied is based on the AoE.

    After bug is fixed increase to 75 damaGe a second.

    Flare gun should be comparable of 50% more damage since it is only to 1 target not a possibility of 5 targets.

    Or: fire bomb does same damage but if you hit 1 target full damage applied. If you hit 2 targets half damage to each ship applied.

    1 target 2000 damage.
    2 targets 1000 damage each.
    5 targets 400 damage each.

    You could increase the AOE damage by a each target to do extra per target but not full damage.
    2000 very center than spread to other boats for -20% reduction with every ship it jumps too.

    Now i know you won’t like that because you can argue torps are the same and should have the same damage applied so won’t work.

    Also I get there is zero chances to even get a fix for it since it’s been a long time with this problem. Look for all the firebomb threads and see nothing’s changed.
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Flare gun is guaranteed to stay the full duration, Fire Bomb rarely gets full duration due to AoE calcualations.

    How so? Default is 20s, if it's hitting for 8 seconds that's much less than half. In my observation I've seen it tick for 2-4 seconds quite frequently.

    False. Big Berta Epic Max at 2471 and Fire Bomb at 20x114=2280HP.

    Is that how Mortars work? I'm ok with the AoE formula being the same as mortars, and in my observation it's pretty much there.

    By that rationale you should be asking for 5x more damage.. regardless it makes no sense because you can pretty much never count on hitting 5 at once... it's usually 1, sometimes 2. You are forgetting that Flare reload time is about 2 seconds less than Fire Bomb. Ex Canon can hit multiple targets, but it's not half the damage of a BC, it's more.

    That's not how mortars work though. You also forget that mortars deal all their damage instantaneously... Fire Bomb deals it over time, and if the player gets killed before then Fire Bomb damage is frequently drastically reduced.

    As a Fire Bomb user I have noticed the AoE issue has been fixed for a couple weeks now. If I don't hit someone dead center it doesn't tick for very long.
  5. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    Flare is not a good weapon to compare with firebomb to prove your point because

    Flare always ticks for maximum duration, but firebomb doesn't

    Flare is worth one slot less

    Flare has faster cooldown

    Flare reduces healing

    Flare is op too
  6. MGEV

    MGEV Member

    22 Oct 2018
    Do people get firebomb spam that often? I see people complain a lot about it recently but I rarely get a fight in which firebomb is the most used weapon. Losing badly by firebomb once in a while is not enough to conclude it is OP or anything.
  7. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    The original post is trying to fix the symptoms rather than the issue.

    One FB isn't an issue.

    It has a ton of limitations.
    • Worthless in covered areas
    • Extremely difficult to hit anything other than an enemy shooter or defender with it
    • Unless it's perfectly aimed, any ship moving at full speed can dodge the majority of the damage
    • Moving yellow or green ships have the speed and agility to avoid even perfectly aimed FBs.
    • Even at a dead stop, nitro users have ability to completely avoid any single FB - and the vast majority of the damage if they're waiting on a global cooldown.

    With all these limitations, why are their so many FBs in the bay right now?

    Weapons are much stronger now (especially fire combos) while Shooters are far more fragile now (after losing 40 defense) .. and received less than 500 HPs as compensation.

    If you try to play a brawler-type shooter right now, you'll be tagged with more effective longer range weapons (e.g., sniper hits crit for more due to a loss of defense) then get instantly sunk by more powerful enforcers and speeders (that are extremely difficult to hit with a fire combo).

    Since shooters have become more one-dimensional, the best strategy now is to use longer range weapons (e.g., FBs) against the ultra-deadly enforcers and mines against speeders.

    With multiple FBs and long-range shooters in matches, the damage can quickly add up. Even quicker and more agile ships will start taking damage when open areas are blanketed with multiple FBs.

    All this can make it seem like the FB is overpowered - even if they're worthless on maps with good overhead coverage.

    What would happen if you single out the FB for a nerf?

    It will not make shooters more willing to engage at closer ranges.

    Rather, shooters will switch to more snipers, missiles and ballpark mortars. And ballpark mortars, contrary to popular belief, do more damage than FBs per shot (with their splash radius) .. the splash radius is also much harder to avoid.

    Side note: There are a lot of fixers in NML right now.. and FB is the one true counter to the pulse. If there are more FBs than pulses, it makes it difficult to play fixer .. but if there are more pulses than FBs (because of a nerf), pulse fixers would become too powerful.

    What balance changes should be made?

    The best solution would probably be several small changes with future tweaking as we see the effect of those changes.

    For instance:
    • Weapons (and TSs) could be nerfed 10% or reverted to their former levels,
    • Significant increases HPs to make up for lost defense, and/or
    • Fire/frost damage could be calculated like other damage multipliers (rather than multiplying the extra 73% separately)

    Otherwise, you'll have to keep nerfing every long range weapon into the ground .. FB is only the most popular right now because shooters already had them built to combo with cannons, but ballparks would be equally annoying if you're being spammed with several at a time.
    Last edited: 28 Oct 2018
    Evilchicken235, Lendren and Epicular like this.
  8. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business
    FB no match for de tritapeTM

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