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Problems with lagging, glitching and others issues

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Flint, 21 Oct 2018.

  1. S2C

    S2C Member

    15 Dec 2017
    Well at least I learned that the game works perfectly fine on my friends Samsung note9. Guess my lg v20 just isn't good enough anymore?
  2. Friscomachine

    Friscomachine New Member

    30 Sep 2018
    could be possible...

    meanwhile i found out that cpu usage spikes (over 90%), then bb crashes. looks like bb has become resource intensive that maybe we need state of the art hardware? i dont know...
  3. S2C

    S2C Member

    15 Dec 2017
    Well if that's the case than it's GG for me since I definitely won't be getting a new phone any time soon lol.

    Especially not one of those $1000+ phones coming out these days...
  4. Crybto

    Crybto New Member

    23 Jun 2017
    I have same chipset as you on LG G5 phone. this chipset should work on this game. its just not so old.

    havent heard Devs for long time about answering our questions here about that fps lag. seems that they just dont care. i think they should give us old game back which worked just fine.
    S2C likes this.
  5. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Please Rovio, look at this problem. Also in the game chat people talk about it!

    It is really frustrating that we are being told it is our internet connection, while they dont even know or can see this is the problem.

    If it has become too heavy to run for loads of people, please just admit it.

    It becomes unplayable like this!

    Last edited: 27 Oct 2018
    SeaFlapFlap and JediKnight1968 like this.
  6. DWDR ^ weksels

    DWDR ^ weksels New Member

    4 Jul 2018
    I got the same problems.... but i got one more after every 3 to 4 battles game crushes and shut down
  7. MiracleMax

    MiracleMax Member

    24 Mar 2018
    Same thing here. Game crashed in the matching screen. Tried to reconnect, got back to game it became lagging, gliyching, and then frozen up. Ship won't turn, camera won't turn anymore. Usually when I reconnect it connects me to the server with the unlocked maps, kind of like a spared server? Not playable anymore
  8. Stig

    Stig Member

    13 Feb 2018

    my big issue has always been unregistered hits. It's always been a problem and getting worse. It's not my phone. It's not my internet. It's not the bad guys internet. The REPLAY SHOWS THE HIT.... But no damage. Usually happens with my rail gun but will happen with others too.
    When I'm home my ping is always steady under 25ms. One time an unregistered hit was on someone I knew and confirmed their ping was always under 40 ms. No visible lagging... Just dead on hits not dealing damage. Again, replay shows the hit but no damage.

    To comment on the other issues, my quad core Galaxy S7 doesn't have the problems others are complaining about. I keep my phone pretty clean and wipe cache partition occasionally. I only have the standard limit on background processes but always kill tasks besides game. Not sure that matters.

    I use a Galaxy S5 for my smaller account and remarkably, no lag on it either. However, since the update the game crashes at least once per hour.

    Devs..... This is pathetic. No excuse for the unregistered hit problem. I'm going to have to switch to splash weapons that take far less talent. Youve already made this a problem for other reasons, fire bombs everywhere. The most fundamental thing in this game is shooting so fix it!

    Quit making excuses. It's not our internet. Replays show the hit. Fix it before even more people leave the game
    SeaFlapFlap likes this.
  9. zipperface714

    zipperface714 New Member

    14 Aug 2017
    You said it all. 2 years playing nearly every day, VIP subscription, and since the update I can barely get through a match. Sometimes starting me a minute after the match has begun. Using the same tablet, same high speed internet connection, the only thing that has changed is the game.
    Gilligans Island likes this.
  10. Riddlerpaji

    Riddlerpaji Active Member

    5 May 2017
    Ping fluctuate every after 4-5 matches. This make unregistered shots. Internet is so stable. No apps running background or downling anything. Even I am seeing people are teleporting. Some peopl are posting on fb.
  11. zipperface714

    zipperface714 New Member

    14 Aug 2017
    While I appreciate all the hard work the dev's do to make this game a fresh and fun game for everyone I feel like they lost sight of what kept people loyal to their game and coming back for more. I have been playing almost daily for nearly 2 years , I like to feel like I'm contributing so I am a VIP subscriber and also purchase pearl diver every 10 days. For me the build of my boats was a huge part of the fun. Grinding for days or weeks to accomplish a goal of upgrading my ships and gear. I remember how excited I would be to upgrade a boat and EARN the ability to carry more weopons and gear. To now give that away is crazy in my opinion. Even removing rudder and turret agility was a bad move as it took away 2 variables that players had to make their boat unique. I could go on for hours but you must realize that gamers will quickly tire of a game that everything comes to easily. Adding a few hit points will not keep people around. The boats are cookie cutter now. A level 22 epic turbo maxes the speed on every boat, so why level up to 23? I already feel the drag of having very little areas to improve on my boats. Bungee learned this lesson the hard way with Destiny 2. You guys had it , players stayed with you for years. Now you have done away with one of the most important components that kept your game exciting.
    This Is Me, Reorge and Flint like this.
  12. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Although I do appreciate your response and agree in most parts, this thread is about lagging and other problems. Please post it in another thread or start a new one, then I will join the discussion there about this topic.

    Is that okay?

    Last edited: 31 Oct 2018
    Gilligans Island likes this.
  13. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I have tested my tablet in someone elses house. Also Fiber optic highspeed internet and 5Ghz Wifi and again 100 ms ping stable.

    The first 3 battles were not bad, although still lagging a bit. Now 1 hour later I played 2 battles and again BB is lagging big time and much worse than an hour ago. Normal battles are bad, but event battles are even worse when there are lots of player in a small area and it is full to the brim with Napalm spammers.

    So, I now doubt the problem is my tablet, I think it is also the amount of people playing Battle Bay. Because it is now vey busy since the event started and the guild rilvary ends. And right away the lagging gets sooo much worse.

    It might be a combination of many people playing BB and my Android version, but I am not so sure it is my tablet anymore. Otherwise I would of have had the same problems always, but when it is busier on BB the problems become much worse.

  14. ShortFlyer

    ShortFlyer Active Member

    30 Sep 2018
    Same here.
    It's not about our internet connections.
    The game now also heats up the phone really bad. And battery... And lags... Only in BB.
    Fix it already!
    Believe me, people will not buy new phone/tablet only for this game, lol.
  15. AAZ7

    AAZ7 Active Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Yes. 3-4 direct hits from cannons in close combat... Not a single hp taken. Ridiculous.
    Flint likes this.
  16. Gilligans Island

    Gilligans Island New Member

    3 Sep 2017
    So i tried the same thing i used my sons ipad air 2 on the same wifi i use with my galaxy s7. The ipad air 2 smooth as silk. My s7 was as usual laggy broken bs. I can hardly turn my turret. Leading a shot with a cannon is next to impossible. The 64 gb air maybe 1 gb of memory, completely full from my sons games. While my s7 ive deleted every game, app, cache and anything i can find to hope it helps. Thanks for your concern Rovio.
  17. Darth Reaper

    Darth Reaper Active Member

    25 May 2018
    Same here, I hit many target and nothing happened then all the sudden I died from mine I don’t see it anywhere till I check replay that not I played & shoot like nothing. So I check my ping 55ms still strong. I knew update 4.0 is biggest mistakes Developers should have testing more!!
  18. Elex11

    Elex11 New Member

    30 Oct 2018
    Flint i just got through deleting and reinstalling the game no luck ive been playing almost two years now this may be the end for me i have a low end device and simply cannot afford better the game is awful at the moment it kind of breaks my heart
    Gilligans Island likes this.
  19. Floatzille

    Floatzille New Member

    5 Nov 2018
    Try removing the Google search engine widget.
  20. JediKnight1968

    JediKnight1968 Active Member

    23 Jul 2018
    Is this tested?

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