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Shop idea suggestion (Feedback)

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Memorize, 11 Apr 2017.

  1. Memorize

    Memorize Member

    5 Apr 2017
    1. Separate Crates sell completed items -Red -Yellow -Green and -Blue for gold and pearls, that will help player access to items they really want instead of all items random, Limit purchase a day.
    2. Rerolls items from 10 pieces costing pearls or Gold. (Choice for Same type or random cost more)

    Red items is the most hardest items to evolve because it's random from 18 items, that's difficult to obtain the one you really want,
    Rerolls would be best for Red items.

    Let's share shop idea and Feedback to Devs. What do you think?
    Last edited: 11 Apr 2017
  2. k406k

    k406k Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Rerolling will definately go a long way to reducing the frustration of never finding that duplicate weapon that you need, also 10 pieces to make a weapon seems a little high, maybe drop the number of pieces needed?

    As for item crates, sounds pretty good to me, I'd love a way to get a little more choice in what I'm getting from the store
    Jason morin and Memorize like this.
  3. Opa9000

    Opa9000 New Member

    23 Apr 2017
    If I get one more rare frost canon I'm going to scream.
  4. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Oh don't you worry @Opa9000, I got 5 epic frost blasters after the update, which is one less away from T5. However, I would not suggest rerolling as people would abuse it. (People who buy pearls, you know)
    ViAdventurer likes this.
  5. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Kind of off topic, but in terms of the item pieces being sold in the shop, as well as what you get from scrap/boxes, i find it harder to get green ones. It seems like the green item pieces have a smaller chance? Is it just my luck or does it happen to all of you as well?
  6. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Yeah @BEN! I tend to get less green item pieces from boxes and others. However, I still get green items consistently from common and uncommon boxes.
    BEN likes this.
  7. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Same here Cap Perry, I think the common/uncommon green items we get hasnt changed. So it is just the low chance for green item pieces (rare/epic/leg) then? I hope this does not mean that there will be a shortage of new fixer players.
  8. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    On the other hand, if you do get lucky and farm a lot of green pieces then each combine gives you a 33% chance to get the item you want. But I wish the chance of green piece respawn on the item shop is a little higher. The red blue and yellows seem to come out more frequently.
  9. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Farming Fixer items was hard before and it feels alot harder now.

    4/10 towards a random epic item since 2.0 - Not gonna do the math on how long it would take to make a t5 item, yet alone 3 :)

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