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Become a pro event

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by NeptuneGaming, 23 Oct 2018.

  1. NeptuneGaming

    NeptuneGaming Well-Known Member

    23 May 2018
    So have thought that you were really good at a certain type of playstyle?
    Or do you want to get better at a certain playstyle?
    Then look no more!
    Introducing the support a pro event(dramatic clapping)
    In this event YOU can prove your skills by coaching others!
    Or you can get better at a certain weapon/boat
    So how do you get started?
    First you need to give these details if want to become a contestant for a pro
    1-Your ign
    2-What you claim to be good at
    3-A couple of replays proving that you specialize in that area
    And thats all!
    I will pick 5 pros for every ship and 10 more for particular items
    So you have a decent chance of being picked
    Now if you want to learn something
    1- Pick a topic which the pro is offering to teach
    2- If the pro agrees to teach you then fix a time which you both can come online and teach(and learn)
    So the ideal way is that you communicate to each other using voice chat and do some customs
    But I understand that not everyone is a native english speaker or is comfortable speaking with a stranger
    So you can make a short video explaining for to get better at that loadout
    Now i urge you all to participate in this event
    Not only will it be a great experience for you
    But it will also be amazing for the community if it goes successfully
    So please at least try to become a pro
    I really want this to not to die as i think this program has great potential and can have a really positive impact on the bay
    I for instance want to become good at railgun so help will be appreciated:p
    I just want to make this last thing clear-
    I am just starting this program
    It is up to YOU to make sure that it is a success
    So all coordination will be done between the pro and the learner
    And there 40 slots for pros so dont be afraid that you wont be selected
    This can really become the next big thing
    So lets see how it goes...
  2. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Hi, I am @Help I Cant Swim.

    I am somewhat of a prodigy at Flip Cup.

    Here is a short clip of me as a child.
    kid flip.gif

    And here is a clip of me in the heat of battle.
    flip cup2.gif

    I've unfortunately found that winning too much Flip Cup has led to quite a weight gain.
    flip cup.gif

    I'm willing to teach others the ways of the Flip, as long as they supply the beverages.
  3. ChickenSurprise

    ChickenSurprise Active Member

    13 May 2017
    Healing you up
    Give details in this thread or...?
  4. NeptuneGaming

    NeptuneGaming Well-Known Member

    23 May 2018
    What more details are needed?
  5. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    I want to learn about speedforcer, maybe also use carro or grenade
  6. NeptuneGaming

    NeptuneGaming Well-Known Member

    23 May 2018
    nobody is even interested tho:(:(
  7. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    I'm going to just be honest with you. It's a nice idea, just not executed well enough to gain considerable interest.

    The OP is a wall of text that most people won't read.

    Additionally, I think this is an idea that would have much more interest if it came from a so-called "pro", and they started by actually doing a "pro" video in their OP to give an example.

    In my mind, you've done the easy part of writing this idea down, but then ask others to do the leg work to actually make it work. Is it really surprising to not gain interest when you are asking others to basically do all of the work?
    NeptuneGaming likes this.
  8. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    Maybe thats the case, it will be easier to read if the text is shorter, but basicly the idea itself is good. He may not a very good player to teach other himself but still if there is any interrst this will be good to learn better play.

    Maybe if he can invite some experience player to give some live explanation of how to play, it will be better
  9. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    One potential problem is that in this game there aren't so many "secrets" or tricks that you could easily learn from a pro. Even a player with relatively little experience can understand how to ideally use their weapons, it's not rocket science. What makes the difference between a pro and "noob" is that pro has more experience about the overall gameplay, reads the game better and makes smarter decisions during the battle. He doesn't miss so many shots and he always chooses the best target.

    Now how do you learn all these things? Nobody can teach you how to play smarter (unless they are standing behind your back telling you what to do), that's something that comes with experience. Some people learn these things faster and can become a "pro" in just few thousand battles but for some people it takes longer - and that's perfectly fine.
    NeptuneGaming likes this.
  10. NeptuneGaming

    NeptuneGaming Well-Known Member

    23 May 2018
    your reasoning is brilliant
    i didnt think about that
    but....my original motive was to just teach people weapons which they sucked at and were interested to play in the future
    but i mean if nobody will volunteer then i have to single handedly explain every ship and weapon which will not even be impractical because at the end of the day how can anyone master all weapons?

    and i need people who are specifically are good in a particular playstyle so that everyone can just become better players:)
  11. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Here's what I would recommend to get you started... go find somebody high up on the leaderboards that has a certain playstyle/combo that they use the majority of the time. I would look for players that have a very high infamy, but don't have all the maxed legendaries. A couple suggestions could be Orpheus, WarHawk, BlackTail, or Eternity (my personal choice). Ask for several (like 100) replay links of them using that style in different gamemodes. Then go watch and record these videos, point out the decisions and plays they make that aren't obvious, and edit the videos to be as short as possible.

    That is a "pro" series that would be worth watching. Going through the top 50ish doing this exercise would be amazing.
  12. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    This is a very daunting task that I think would be to much for one person to do alone.
    (To the OP) If you go this route I suggest you get a team together to help you with editing.
    Just recording, cutting and piecing together something watchable can take a solid couple of hours for a handful of games let alone hundreds. That isn't even including voice-overs or text to breakdown the strategic elements you are looking to draw attention to.
    You also have available storage to consider and unless you are running an emulator (such as BlueStacks) on a PC you will run out of storage fairly quickly.
    Another note, there are near endless possibilities for loadout combinations for each playstyle that work well together and depicting all of them would take forever.
    There are also builds that are really good early game but not feasible late game and vice versa.
    NeptuneGaming likes this.
  13. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    I know it is a daunting task.. That is exactly why I stated originally that the OP is asking others to do all of the legwork for his idea. If he wants his idea to succeed, then it is on him.
    NeptuneGaming and JoshW like this.
  14. ScrapKing

    ScrapKing Active Member

    7 Jul 2018
    Im pro at scrapping
    NeptuneGaming likes this.
  15. Uerguy

    Uerguy Well-Known Member

    23 Jul 2017
    Shooting torps and cannons.
    nowhere in particular
    I'm decent with torpedoes, and I like teaching people how to torp, but time wise... Eh, not so good.
    NeptuneGaming likes this.

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